Открытый урок по теме "Job Interview" кубок

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Level: Intermediate/Upper Intermediate


  • to revise Jobs vocabulary;
  • to revise making up sentences with defining relative clauses;
  • to practice using multi-part verbs and collocations;
  • to watch and comment on interviews;
  • to practice giving advice for interviews;
  • to practice using the language of Job interviews;
  • to practice making and asking polite questions;
  • to roleplay an interview situation;
  • to create advertisements.

Equipment used: a computer, a projector, an interactive board (if available), computer programme Window Media Player (wmv).

Resources used: Приложение 1


Slide 2. Vocabulary. Students use the Word Cloud to find as many jobs as they can. You can create your own Word Cloud using the site Wordle - http://www.wordle.net/.

Slide 3. Defining clause. Students make up sentences with defining clause to describe different people at work. Then they give their own examples. Students can use Worksheet 1. The teacher checks then with pop-up answers in the slide.


Slide 4. Collocations. Students fill in the gaps in the questions which refer to jobs. The teacher then pops up the answers. Then they work in pairs and ask and answer these questions giving their opinions. As a follow-up activity students can report their partner’s preferences. Use Worksheet 2.

Slide 5. Multi-part verbs. Students study multi-part verbs looking them up in the dictionaries, or if possible, the teacher can use an interactive board with an English-English dictionary to study these verbs together. Students match the verbs with their definitions in their Worksheet 3 or do this exercise together and check with pop-up answers.

Slide 6. In Worksheet 4 students fill in the gaps with the multi-part verbs, check with pop-up answers and discuss the pieces of advice for the job interview deciding in pairs which are suitable and which ones they shouldn’t follow. Together students and the teacher cross out the pieces of advice which are not suitable for the interview. They use constructions ‘You should/shouldn’t…; If I were …, I would/wouldn’t…’ The teacher can encourage students to give more advice of what to do and what not to do before and during the interview.

Watching the Cartoon

Slide 7. Vocabulary. Study these words with the students to overcome lexical difficulties of informal language in the video clip Job Interview 1. Worksheet 5 may be used, or students can only write down new words with their definitions in their notebooks. Check with pop-up unswers.

Slide 8. Cartoon – 2 min. 03 sec. This clip is created in Go!Animate and may be found there in http://goanimate.com/movie/0MfF63io44SU?utm_source=linkshare&uid=0v69HbpQKMOg

The clip is based on a real job application of a young man who wanted to get a job at McDonald’s. In a real life he was hired due to his honesty and sense of humour and as the position I think was the lowest one. Though this is a good example for students to discuss what they should and shouldn’t do and say at the interview. After watching the clip the teacher enables students to analyze what mistakes the boy has made and what he should do and say. They use the constructions ‘If I were that boy, I would …; He should/shouldn’t … It would be better if …

Slide 9. Making questions/practicing dialogues.

Students make up Job Interview questions from jumbled sentences, check them with pop-up answers, then ask them and answer choosing different jobs.

Slide 10. Cartoon - 1min.51 sec., you can also find it in http://goanimate.com/movie/03kc5bylTDbY?utm_source=linkshare&uid=0v69HbpQKMOg

Students watch Job Interview 2 with the questions they have practiced and decide if David will get a job at McDonald’s and why. Ask questions ‘What style is the interview conducted in?’ (Formal); ‘How are questions asked?’ (Politely); ‘ How does David express himself?’ (Clearly); ‘What about his personal qualities and experience?’ (He is polite, likes working with people and so on.) The teacher should emphasize that politeness is very important during the interview for asking to repeat or explain something.

Slide 11. Work with the script. Then they watch again and fill in the gaps in the script (Worksheet 7).

Slide 12. Homework. Students’ homework provides the foundation for the following lesson. Students create advertisements of unusual summer, part-time or regular jobs and present them the next lesson. Ads may be presented as a poster, PPT slide, audio or video clip, everything students can use. Then each student acts out as an interviewer, then chooses one of the jobs and acts out as a candidate for the job. Then they vote for the best job, the best interviewer and the best candidates for the jobs.

Literature used: New Opportunities Intermediate, Longman Exam Activator, Longman Exam Dictionary.

Тексты для аудирования (Приложение)