Урок на тему "Национальные стереотипы"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

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Цель: развитие коммуникативной и социо-культурной компетенции.

Инструменты: мультимедийная установка или интерактивная доска.

1. Речевая разминка.

Teacher: Nice to see you, my dear. Today we’re going to talk to you about such an important international issue like national stereotypes. And to begin with, I’d like you to comment on the following statement “We are so different, but we live on one planet”

Учащиеся высказывают своё мнение относительно предложенного высказывания. Слайд 2

2. Какими мы представляем англичан?

Teacher: Now, please, look at the screen. You can see some adjectives, describing typical traits of a particular nation. What nation do you think they characterize and why? (Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение относительно национального отличия англичан). Слайд 3

3. Какие стереотипы они англичане имеют о нас?

Teacher: I do appreciate your opinion about English people. So, tell me please, what English people think about us. What national stereotypes do they have in respect to us and why? Слайд 4

4. Какие русские на самом деле?

Teacher: So, these were some thoughts foreigners have about our people. You will agree that some of them are not true. Tell me, please, what Russians are in fact? What character traits do we have? What are we proud of? Слайд 5

5. Какие проблемы возникают в о многонациональных государствах?

Teacher: Thank you, guys, for your opinions. It goes without saying that Russia is a multinational country. There are representatives of different nations and cultures living in our country. Some people say, the more nations are mixed together, the richer the culture is. However, other people think that the mixture of different cultures may lead to wars. What is your opinion? While giving your answer, please, follow the plan on the screen: make an introduction, express your opinion and give 2 arguments, give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it. Слайд 6

6. С какими трудностями сталкиваются иммигранты в чужой стране?

Teacher: And now I would like you to role play a dialogue. Let’s do it in pairs. One of you is a Russian living in the UK for a year and the other is from the UK. Please, talk about difficulties that immigrants can have in the foreign country. While discussing mention such points as language, traditions, mentality. I’ll give you some time to prepare and then we’ll listen to you. Слайд 7

7. Подведение итогов и домашнее задание.

Teacher: So, my dear, today we’ve summarized our knowledge about national stereotypes, talked about English people, looked at our culture from the view point of foreigners, talked about Russian people, about the problems of multinational countries and immigrants. I think you did a great job and your home task for a week is to make a project on national stereotypes. You are free to choose any cultures and nations. Thank you for your work.