Сценарий внеклассного познавательного мероприятия "How well do you know Great Britain"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

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Игра проводится между двумя командами по 10 человек в каждой. Каждая команда перед игрой выбирает название и капитана.

Вопросы игры поделены на 6 тематических групп: знаменитые британцы, литература, удивительные факты, королевская семья, география и история. Выбор темы для ответа определяется при помощи кубика, на гранях которого написаны названия тем.

Каждая команда перед игрой получает “стартовый капитал” - 500 000

фунтов. Команды торгуются за право отвечать на вопрос по выпавшей теме. Торги происходят в форме аукциона. Выигравшая торги команда выбирает вопрос по данной теме и после тридцатисекундного обсуждения отвечает на него. Если ответ не верный, команда-соперник может попытаться ответить на тот же вопрос.

Игра продолжается даже в том случае, если у одной из команд не осталось денег, пока не будут исчерпаны все 18 вопросов (по 6 в каждом из 3-х туров). После каждого тура жюри объявляет промежуточные результаты, а после последнего тура объявляется команда-победитель и проводится награждение.

Выигрывает команда, потратившая меньше денег и заработавшая больше очков.

Цели мероприятия.

  1. Повторить пройденный учебный материал в неформальной обстановке.
  2. Активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся, дать им возможность применить свои знания и умения в новой ситуации.
  3. Развить интерес учащихся к культурному наследию Великобритании, расширить их кругозор.


- игральный кубик;

- молоточек аукциониста;

- 500 000 “фунтов”;

- карточки с вопросами по темам;

- приз (коробка конфет)

Состав участников:

- игроки двух команд;

- члены жюри;

- ведущий-аукционист.

Ход игры

Ведущий: Good afternoon ! We are glad to greet you at our auction! First of all let me introduce our teams and our jury. There are two teams here today. The first one is called …, and its captain is … . The 2-nd team is called … , and its captain is … . The members of our jury are: …. .

Now listen to the rules of our auction. It consists of stages, each of them includes 6 questions. These questions deal with the English history, geography, literature; there are some questions about famous Britons, Royal Family and amazing facts about Great Britain.

Now we choose the 1-st theme (topic). This dice will help us to do it. (Ведущий бросает кубик и читает тему.) Oh, it is the English history! Do you like the English history? You do! So, if you want to have a question about the English history, you have to buy it.

So, the 1-st lot is the English history and the starting price is 10 thousand pounds. Who wants to buy it for 10.000 pounds? One, two, three – it is sold.

So, you have bought this question and you have bought the right to be the 1-st, to answer it. But if your answer is wrong, the other team could give their variant. Now, please, the captain, come to me and choose one of these cards. So, your question is … And it costs (…) points. You have 30 seconds to discuss it.

  • What is your answer?
  • It is right (wrong……) and you have got your 1-st point today.

The next question will be about literature! Who wants to have a question about literature? … (и т. д.)

So, the final score is ……. We congratulate the winners. Please, come to the jury to get your prize!

Thank you for the game. Thanks to our jury for their work. Good bye!


I. Famous Britons

1) Give the name of one of the greatest leaders, who was the prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II.

- Winston Churchill.

2) Do you know the author of The Lord of the Rings?

- John R.R. Tolkien.

3) Who was the first woman Prime Minister of Britain?

- Margaret Thatcher.

4) Give the name of a film director famous for his horror films.

- Alfred Hitchcock.

5) Who was the creator of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple?

- Agatha Christie

II. Literature

1) Who was the romantic poet died in Greece while fighting against the Turks for Greek independence?

- Lord Byron.

2) Who is called “the father of English prose”?

- Daniel Defoe.

3) How did Dickens begin his literary career?

- As a newspaper reporter.

4) What is the most famous saying of Shakespeare?

- To be or not to be, that is the question.

5) What is Rudyard Kipling most widely known for?

- Jungle Book.

III. Amazing Facts about Great Britain

1) What is the name of the tallest observation wheel in the world?

- The London Eye.

2) What is the youngest capital city in Europe?

- Cardiff (It became the capital of Wales in 1955).

3) When will Britain become home to the tallest building in Europe?

- In 2012.

4) What is the oldest royal residence in the world that is still being used by the royal family?

- Windsor Castle.

5) Who is the first pop star billionaire in the world?

- Paul McCartney.

IV. Royal Family

1) Who is the Queen of the United Kingdom?

- Elizabeth.

2) How many grandchildren has the Queen got?

- Seven.

3) Who are prince Charles’ sons?

- Prince William and Prince Harry.

4) How the Queen’s husband is called?

- Prince Philip.

5) What is the surname of the British Royal Family?

- Windsor.

V. Geography

1) What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?

- England;

- Scotland;

- Wales;

- Northern Ireland.

2) Which two countries does the Channel Tunnel link up?

- France and England.

3) What’s the official name for the main country of the English language?

- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

4) Which river is associated with the name of W. Shakespeare?

- Avon (Stratford-on-Avon).

5) In what British lake is a monster supposed to live?

- In Loch Ness (in Scotland).

VI. History

1) Great Britain’s monarchy is over 1,000 years old. When was the only time when there was no king or Queen in Britain?

The country was a republic between 1649 and 1660.

2) Does Britain have a written constitution?


3) Where and when was the oldest underground railway in the world built?

In London in 1863.

4) Who was the first Englishman in Russia?

Richard Chancellor.

5) Who was the second Queen of England, who wrote letters to the Russian Tsar Ivan IV?

Elizabeth I.


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  3. Столярчук Л.И. Стимулирование индивидуальных возможностей школьников в процессе внеклассной работы. Сб.: Инновационные технологии в учебно-педагогическом процессе школы и вуза: Сб. науч. ст. Волгоград: Перемена, 1993.