Цели урока:
- Обучающая – обучение грамматическим категориям Past Simple и Present Perfect.
- Развивающая:
- развитие навыков оценочного мышления;
- развитие логического мышления;
- развитие навыков письма.
- Воспитание социо-культуры – выражение временных аспектов в иностранных языках.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент, приветствие
:Good afternoon, my dear friends! I`m very glad to see you. I see you are ready. Let`s start!
Today`s lesson is not a usual one. I used to explain everything to you, ask your questions and put you marks.
But today you are going to work out grammar rules yourselves.
I`m sure you clever enough to do it. You look surprised. Could you put in Russian what we are doing at the lesson.
II. Тема и цели урока
.Today we are going to confirm our knowledge or know smth need about two teases: Past Simple and Present Perfect.
You have known smth about them, but you will be surprised that these in smth, you haven`t known yet.
What do you know about Past Simple and Present Perfect?
Brainstorm your ideas (актуализация и обобщение).
I. a) самостоятельное написание уже существующих моментов:
cases of using
words to help
Write you know yourselves according these points.
b) обсуждение в парах.
Now discuss your notes with your partner and compare then, please.
c) составление коллективной таблицы:
Now help me to complete my table (записать все варианты).
What do know about Past Sim.? Pr.Perfect?
III. Индивидуальное чтение текста со значками (см. приложения 1,2 ):
Now read the text and put these marks, please (называю их!).
IV. Выполнение маркированной таблицы (листы А-4)
a) учащиеся выполняют самостоятельно:
Now it`s time for you to fill in your marking tables. Don`t write the sentences! Only short expressions!
b) проверка, сопоставление:
It`s time to share your opinions and compare them with this table.
Домашнее задание:
Invent 3 sentences in Past Simple and 3 sentences in Present Perfect, using new information.
Оценки за урок.
You `ve worked well.