Сценарий урока к УМК Биболетовой "Enjoy English. 4-й класс" по теме "The animals in the country and in the city"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4


“Good morning children! I am glad to see you again at my class. (1 слайд) (см. презентацию)

Today we have (a) guest(s) at our lesson. Please, tern back and say “Hallo” to her (them).

Thank you, be sitted.


I offer you to start our lesson visiting a wonderful place you know very well. (2 cлайд)

Look at the picture and say: “What is it?”As you see there are a lot of exotic animals there. Let’s walk, watch and name them.

Using “There is/There are” in your answers: There are 4 foxes in the Zoo.

Well! I see you know these animals.

But today we go on talking about animals.

The subject of our lesson is: “The animals in the country and in the city”. (3 слайд)

Please translate it.

Animals live with people and help them for a long time. We can see them in the big cities and in the small villages, in the forest and in the rivers. (4, 5, 6, 7 слайды)

So, today we meet new animals, see their habitats, and answer the questions:


Where do they live?

What do they like to eat?

What can they do? (8 cлайд)

And at the end we try to describe one of them.


1.Напиши, где живет каждое из этих животных.

A sheep, a cow, a horse, a cockerel, a hen, a dog, a cat, a fish, a fox, a bear, a parrot, a crocodile.

1.__________ 1._________ 1.__________ 1.___________
2.__________ 2._________ 2.__________ 2.___________
3.__________ 3._________ 3.__________ 3.___________
4.__________     4.___________


1. Please take your card and read the task for the first exercise.

I show you an animal you write down it in a right place. (Учитель показывает картинки животных)

Let’s check up your work. Say “What animals live in the in the forest, in the river, in the house, on the farm?”

Ex. 27 Listen to the boy telling about the animal he would like to have. (Приложение 1)

Answer my questions:

“What animal would he like to have?” (9 слайд)

Where does a dolphin live? (10 слайд)

What can it do?

What does it like to eat?________________________________________________

It’s time to meet new animals. Open your dictionary and write down:

An eagle


орел (11 слайд)

A camel

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верблюд (12 слайд)

A whale


кит (13 слайд)


2.Используя глаголы в рамке, закончи предложения.

See well, dive, fly, swim well, run, walk well

An eagle can _____________

A camel can _____________.)

A whale can _____________.

Answer my questions:

What can an eagle do? What can a camel do? What can a whale do?

An eagle can fly and see well. (14 слайд)

A camel can run and walk well. (15 слайд

A while can dive and swim well. (16 слайд)

Let’s look at their habitats the places where they live.

Who knows:

“What is it?” It’s a desert. (17 слайд)

“What are they?” They are the mountains. (18 слайд)

“What is it?” It’s an ocean. (19 слайд)

Let’s write down new words in the dictionaries. Repeat them after me.

Good for you. It’s time for a phonetic exercise. Today we repeat some English sounds:

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Ex.34, p.45 (Приложение 2)

Now, take your carts and do Ex.3. Read the task.

(Before do it let’s repeat prepositions of place) (Физкульт-минутка)

3.Прочитай вопросы и ответь на них.

Where does an eagle live? An eagle lives ___________________. (20 слайд)

Where does a camel live? A camel lives ___________________. (21 слайд)

Where does a whale live? A whale lives ___________________. (22 слайд)

Let’s play (23 слайд): I read the 1 part of the sentence you finish it (word from ex. 5 help you).

Hi, my name is Sam, I like eating _____________(jam)

Her name is Louise, she likes to eat ___________(cheese)

My big brother Jake is fond of _______________(bread)

And my sister Bunny eats too much ___________(honey)

This girl is Lola, she likes drinking ____________(Cola)

And this boy is Fred, he likes eating ___________(cake)


4. Составь диалог и разыграй его с одноклассником.

  1. Have you got a pet?
  2. What’s its name?
  3. What does it like to eat?
  4. What it is like?
  5. What can it do?
  1. Ashby
  2. Ashby is big, kind and strong.
  3. Yes, I have got a camel.
  4. Ashby helps my father to carry things.
  5. Grass and apples.

Для проверки диалога слайд № 24


Look at the screen (слайд 25) and finish the sentences about the crocodile. My questions help you do it.

Let’ finish our lesson singing a funny song: A circus song”. (26 cлайд) (Приложение 3)

Your homework: describe your animal and tell us about it at the next lesson.


If you understand everything up high in the sky - circle an eagle

If you understand nothing and down under the water – circle a whale

If you understand not at all and feel well on the ground – circle a camel.

Домашнее задание.