Урок английского языка "Welcome to London"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  • Расширять эрудицию учащихся, их лингвистический, филологический и общий кругозор.
  • Развивать творческую инициативу учащихся, создавать на уроке благоприятную атмосферу для общения.
  • Воспитывать у учащихся потребность в практическом использовании английского языка в различных сферах деятельности.
  • Развивать творческое мышление учащихся, умение самостоятельно планировать свои действия, прогнозировать возможные варианты решения стоящих перед ними задач.
  • Повышать мотивацию обучения.

Ход урока

I. Организация начала урока.

1. Взаимное приветствие, сообщение цели урока.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children and visitors. I am glad to see you at our lesson. Just imagine! Yesterday I read a very emotional poem. I liked it very much and now I want to recite it for you:

Good morning now!
Wake body,
Wake mind!
Work, play,
Seek, find.
Eat breakfast,
Dinner too,
Sing, dance and do.
Good morning now!

Thank you. Sit down, please. Your homework for today’s lesson was to work in groups and to make a project “Welcome to London.” I hope you were friendly and helpful while you were working on this project.

And I hope the results will be excellent. You should be very attentive today and at the end of the lesson you will have to fill in the blanks in the «London Sightseeing» quiz.

2. Речевая подготовка. (Проводится в режиме Т > Р1, Р2, Р3 и т.д.)

Every year a lot of people visit London. This city is fantastic! Imagine that we are a group of Russian tourists and we are in London for the first time. There are many different reasons for travelling to London. Let’s read some of them.

Учащиеся читают появляющуюся на экране «Word Web»:

II. Актуализация.

Teacher: Let’s begin with warming up activity. I’II give you some definitions of the words. Your task is to guess the words and to use them in word combinations you’ve already learnt.

  1. – A place where people can watch films (cinema. Cinema «Odeon»)
  2. – A place which can help you know more about history (museum; British Museum)
  3. – A main city of a country (capital. London is the capital of Great Britain.)
  4. – A flat, not built over place in the centre of a city from which some streets go away (square. Trafalgar Square)
  5. – A special structure which helps people to cross a river (bridge. London Bridge, Westminster Bridge, Tower Bridge)
  6. – A tall and narrow architectural construction (tower. The Tower of London)
  7. – A sculptural or architectural structure in memory of somebody, something (monument. A monument to Admiral Nelson)
  8. – A place where people can enjoy performances (theatre. National Theatre)
  9. – A very beautiful building where a king or a queen lives (palace. Buckingham Palace, St. James’s Palace)

Teacher: Do you remember an English proverb in which the word «castle» is used?

Pupil: Certainly. This is the following proverb: «An Englishman’s home is his castle».

Teacher: Who can give us the Russian equivalent of this proverb?

Pupil: «Мой дом – моя крепость» или «На своей печи – сам себе голова».

Teacher: Can you explain the meaning of this proverb?

Pupil: I think I can. An Englishman can do as he likes in his own home and nobody may enter it without his permission.

(На экране появляется шуточная иллюстрация данной пословицы: см. M. Dubrovin «A Book of English and Russian Proverbs and Sayings», р. 89)

Teacher: This task was done brilliantly. But can you recite poems? I know a very interesting and useful poem which helps us to form and use correctly Present Perfect Tense of regular and irregular verbs. The title of this poem is «The Beaches of Mexico». It was written by Caroline Graham.

Pupil: Shall I recite this poem?

Teacher: Certainly.


The Beaches of Mexico
(After Caroline Graham)

Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico?
Have you ever walked the streets of Paris?
Have you ever been to England?
Have you ever been to Spain?
Have you ever walked barefoot
In a heavy rain?

Have you ever been in trouble?
Have you ever been in pain?
Have you ever been in love?
Would you like to do it again?

Well, I’ve never seen the beaches of Mexico.
I’ve never walked the streets of Paris.
I’ve never been to England.
I’ve never been to Spain.
I’ve never walked barefoot
In a heavy rain.

But I’ve sure been in trouble.
I’ve sure been in pain.
I’ve sure been in love.
I’d do it all again.

Teacher: Thank you very much. You are an excellent reciter. Thanks to this poem we can revise three forms of the verbs. Look at the screen and complete the missing forms of the verbs:

(При назывании учащимся пропущенного слова на экране появляется правильный вариант)

V V2 V3
be was/were …been
… see saw …seen
read … read read
… say said said
learn … learnt learnt
buy bought … bought
…meet met met
keep kept …kept
build …built built
take took …taken

Teacher: How clever of you! I think it’s time to have a rest.


Up, down, up, down
(Поднимаем и опускаем руки).
Which is the way to London Town?
(Шагаем на месте).
Where? Where?
(Повороты в стороны).
Up in the air
(Смотрим вверх).
Close your eyes
(Закрываем глаза руками).
And you are there.
(Разводим руки в стороны).

III. Презентация проектов.

Teacher: Oh, I see you are full of energy again. Let’s continue our work. As you remember we formed 3 groups to work on 3 projects. What are the themes of your projects?

Pupil 1: The theme of our project is “The History of London”.

Pupil 2: The theme of our project is “The Great Fire of London”.

Pupil 3: The theme of our project is “London’s Places of Interest”.

Teacher: How have you worked on your projects?

Pupil: First of all we’ve chosen the title of the projects, then we’ve collected information and illustrations, revised the material and made a project. Today we present our project to our classmates.

Teacher: So, we invite the first group. As you remember, the title of their project is “The History of London”.

Pupil: London, the capital of Great Britain, is a very old city. It is two thousand years old. The Romans built it on the River Thames and called it Londinium. The town got bigger and bigger. The Romans built a bridge over the river Thames and a lot of roads from Londinium to other parts of Britain. By the year 400, there were fifty thousand people in Londinium. Soon after 400, the Romans left Britain and we don’t know very much about Londinium between the years 400 and 1.000

Pupil:At the beginning of the 11-th century England was already a great country and London was a very important city. In 1066 William the Conqueror and his people went to England from Normandy in France and became Kind of England. William was afraid of the English and he built the White Tower to live in it. By 1600 there were more than two hundred thousand people in London.

Pupil: Until 1749, there was only one bridge over the river: London Bridge. (На мониторе появляется рисунок Лондонского моста тех времен).

The old London Bridge looked very strange. There were houses and shops on the bridge. In 1831 a new bridge was built in the place of the old one. But the city grew very quickly and in 1960 the people of London wanted to build a large new bridge at that place. A very rich American bought London Bridge, brought the parts of it on a ship to Arizona in the USA. In 1973 new London Bridge was opened. Now there are 27 bridges over the Thanes in London and 8 tunnels under the river.

Teacher: Excuse me. I’ve got a question. Why did that rich American buy the old London Bridge?

Pupil : He wanted to show it to people for money.

Teacher: Thanks a lot for such interesting and useful information. Now group number 2 will tell us about “The Great Fire of London”.

Pupil: In the 17-th century people usually built houses of wood and they often were near one another (на экране появляется рисунок). Sometimes there were fires in the city, but they were usually very small. Then came 1666, the year of the Great Fire of London. The fire started in the house of the king’s baker, near London Bridge. The fire burnt for four days and destroyed 80 percents of the city. More than 250 thousand people didn’t have home any more.

(Учащиеся поют песню “London’s Burning”)

Pupil: After the Great Fire people built a new city (на экране появляется рисунок). The city became larger and larger. By 1830 there were more that one and half million people in London. The railways came and London became richer and richer.

Teacher: But did London become nicer?

Pupil: No, it didn’t. The city became dark and dirty and people lived in bad houses. But nowadays London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is my dream to visit London and to see its places of interest. I think that the third group will help me to learn more about modern London.

Teacher: I’m sure, they will. Group number 3, it’s your turn.

Pupil: Let’s start our tour from Tower Bridge. (на экране появляется карта, которой учащиеся пользуются во время своего рассказа).

Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge which can be raised. On the right bank of the Thames we can see the Tower of London (иллюстрация на экране). It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. The walls of the Tower are five metres thick.

Teacher: What can we see in this museum?

Pupil: In this museum we can see a lot of old guns. Not far from the Tower of London you can see one of the greatest English churches, St Paul’s Cathedral.

Pupil: The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17-th century after the Great Fire. It took him 35 years.

(На экране появляется изображение здания Собора Святого Павла)

Teacher: Oh, I see that now we are making our way up the Thames to the Houses of Parliament (показывает на карте).

Pupil: You are right. The Houses of Parliament are the seat of the British government. Here we can see the Clock Tower. The clock has four faces and a very big loud bell. The bell weights 13 tons. The man in charge of building was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall and his friends called him Big Ben. So they called the bell Big Ben too.

(На экране появляется изображение двухэтажного автобуса)

Pupil: Now we can take a double-decker bus to get to Trafalgar Square (изображение на экране). It is in the centre of London. Some people say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square a tall column stands. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument.

Teacher: Excuse me. What do the four lions symbolize?

Pupil: They symbolize Nelson’s four victories.

Teacher: Thanks a lot. There are a lot of places of interest in London and it is impossible to tell about each of them during one lesson. I think it is an interesting theme for your future projects.

IV. Применение.

Teacher: And now let’s do the “London Sightseeing” quiz.

(Выполнение теста на персональных компьютерах).

  1. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in …
    1. Piccadilly Circus;
    2. Hyde Park;
    3. Trafalgar Square.
  2. The seat of the British government is …
    1. the Houses of Parliament;
    2. Buckingham Palace;
    3. Piccadilly Circus.
  3. Big Ben is …
    1. a clock;
    2. a horse;
    3. a famous street.
  4. The Tower of London is … now.
    1. a prison;
    2. a museum;
    3. a fortress.
  5. The capital of Great Britain is …
    1. Paris;
    2. London;
    3. Cardiff.
  6. The name of the river in London is …
    1. the Volga;
    2. the Thames;
    3. the Nile.
  7. Sir Christopher Wren built …
    1. St Paul’s Cathedral;
    2. The Tower of London;
    3. Westminster Abbey.

Keys: 1c; 2a; 3a; 4b; 5b; 6b; 7a

Teacher: Check your answers using the keys and write down your marks on your cards. Pass me your cards, please.

Your marks for today’s lesson are … (оценка деятельности каждого ученика).

V. Рефлексия.

Teacher: At the end of our lesson I would like you to answer this question: “What emotions do you feel?” and explain your answers. These supporting notes will help you.

VI. Домашнее задание.

Teacher: Thanks a lot for a good lesson. You have worked very well today.

Your homework for the next lesson is to write your opinion about visiting London. It can be a letter to your friend or an article for a newspaper.