Методическая разработка. Урок-экскурсия «Прогулка по парку»

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Обучающая: Формировать навыки говорения на английском языке вне школы.
  • Развивающая: Заинтересовать детей в изучении английского языка как средства общения многолюдных общественных местах.
  • Воспитательная: Показать учащимся красоту городского парка, привить им любовь к природе.


  1. Активизировать лексический запас по теме “Окружающий мир”.
  2. Развить навыки использования грамматических времён the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Past Simple в устной речи.
  3. Отработать навыки постановки общих и специальных вопросов.
  4. Отработать навыки кратких и полных ответов на вопросы.

Место проведения урока: класс, городской парк.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, фотоаппараты.

Ход урока

I. Вводный этап

1. орг. момент

(в классе)

The teacher: Good morning, dear children. How are you today?

Children: We are fine, thanks.

The teacher: Today we’re going to have an excursion. Do you like excursions?

Children: Yes, of course we do.

The teacher: What excursions did you have?

Children: We had an excursion to the shop.

The teacher: Did you like it?

Children: Yes, we did.

The teacher: Why did you like it?

Children: Because it was interesting, there were a lot of tasty things and we could speak about them in English. (e.t.c.)

The teacher: Where did you go else?

Children: We went to the museum.

The teacher: What museum did you go?

Children: We went to the Winter Palace.

The teacher: Did you like it?

Children: Yes, of course we did.

The teacher: Why did you like this excursion?

Children: Because we saw a lot of beautiful pictures and sculptures.

The teacher: So try to guess where we are going today. Ask your questions to find out it.

Children: Is it far from our school?

The teacher: No, it isn’t. It’s near the school.

Children: Is it inside or outside?

The teacher: It’s outside.

Children: Are we going to the street?

The teacher: No, we aren’t.

Children: Are we going to the park?

The teacher: Yes, you’re right. We’re going to the nearest park.

2. целеполагание, мотивация учебной деятельности

(в классе)

The teacher: So, we’re going to

  • divide into small groups
  • walk through the park
  • take photos
  • speak about the weather
  • ask different questions to each other
  • answer the questions
  • have a competition

Are you ready to go with me?

Children: Yes, we are.

The teacher: Well, let’s go then!

II. Основной этап

1. Включение учащихся в речевую деятельность, систематизация изученной ранее лексики, развитие навыков постановки вопросов и ответов на них.

(в парке)

2. Подведение итогов. Оценка деятельности мини-групп.

The teacher: Now let’s divide into two teams. You’re the first team, and you’re the second one. Look around, think a little and tell us the name of your team.

(Children say the names of their teams, for example “Birds” and “Dogs”)

The teacher: I’ve got some cards with tasks. The first team, “Birds”, could you take the card, think a little and ask your questions, please. And the task for another team, “Dogs”, is to answer these questions.

(Children look at the card, show cards with pictures and ask questions about the weather).

См. Приложение 1.

Children (“Birds”): What is the weather like today?

Children (“Dogs”): It is windy.


The teacher: And now look around and tell me what the weather is today?

Children (“Birds”): It is windy, but not very cold.

The teacher: Yes, you’re right. All questions are correct and all answers are correct too. Your score is 1:1. I’ll write it on my card.

(The teacher writes the score on the card).

The teacher: Now the turn of the second team, “Dogs”. Could you take the card and ask your questions, please.

(Children look at the card, show cards with pictures and ask questions about the leaves).

См. Приложение 2.

Children (“Dogs”): What colour is this leaf?

Children (“Birds”): It is red.

Children (“Dogs”): What colour is that leaf?

Children (“Birds”): It is green.

Children (“Dogs”): What colour are those leaves?

Children (“Birds”): They are yellow.

Children (“Dogs”): What colour are these leaves?

Children (“Birds”): They are red and yellow.

The teacher: And now look around and tell me what colour leaves you can see.

Children: We can see yellow, red, green and brown leaves.

The teacher: Yes, you’re right. All questions are correct and all answers are correct too. Your score is 2:2. I’ll write it on my card.

(The teacher writes the score on the card).

The teacher: Well done! Now the turn of the first team, “Birds”. Could you take the card, think a little and ask your questions, please.

(Children look at the card, show cards with pictures and ask questions about the flowers).

См. Приложение 3.

Children (“Birds”): Is this flower big or small?

Children (“Dogs”): It is small.

Children (“Birds”): What is this flower?

Children (“Dogs”): It is a dandelion.

Children (“Birds”): Are these flowers big or small?

Children (“Dogs”): They are big.

Children (“Birds”): What are these flowers?

Children (“Dogs”): They are roses .

Children (“Birds”): Is that flower beautiful or not?

Children (“Dogs”): It is beautiful.

Children (“Birds”): What is that flower?

Children (“Dogs”): It is a daisy.

Children (“Birds”): Are those flowers beautiful or not?

Children (“Dogs”): They are beautiful.

Children (“Birds”): What are those flowers?

Children (“Dogs”): They are bell-flowers.

The teacher: And now look around and tell me if you can see any flowers. Who can see flowers?

Children: We can. We can see some flowers.

The teacher: Where are they?

Children: They are under the tree.

The teacher: What colour are they?

Children: They are yellow.

The teacher: Are they big or small?

Children: They are small.

The teacher: Are they beautiful or not?

Children: They are very beautiful.

The teacher: What are those flowers?

Children: They are dandelions.

The teacher: Absolutely right. They are dandelions. Do you like them?

Children: Yes, we do. We like them very much.

The teacher: Well done. All your answers and questions are correct. Your score is 3:3. I’ll write it on my card.

(The teacher writes the score on the card).

The teacher: Now the turn of the second team, “Dogs”. Could you take the card and ask your questions, please.

(Children look at the card, show cards with pictures and ask questions about the birds).

См. Приложение 4.

Children (“Dogs”): What birds can you see?

Children (“Birds”): They are ducks.

Children (“Dogs”): How many ducks can you see?

Children (“Birds”): Two.

Children (“Dogs”): What birds can you see?

Children (“Birds”): They are sparrows.

Children (“Dogs”): How many sparrows can you see?

Children (“Birds”): Four.

Children (“Dogs”): What birds can you see?

Children (“Birds”): They are pigeons.

Children (“Dogs”): How many pigeons can you see?

Children (“Birds”): One.

Children (“Dogs”): What birds can you see?

Children (“Birds”): They are crows.

Children (“Dogs”): How many crows can you see?

Children (“Birds”): One.

The teacher: And now look around and tell me what birds you can see.

Children: We can see pigeons, sparrows and a crow .

The teacher: Where are the pigeons?

Children: They are on the grass next to the pond.

The teacher: How many pigeons are there?

Children: There are five pigeons.

The teacher: Where are the sparrows?

Children: They are in the tree.

The teacher: How many sparrows are there?

Children: There are ten sparrows.

The teacher: Where is the crow?

Children: It is in the tree.

The teacher: Well done. You are very clever pupils Your score is 4:4. I’ll write it on my card.

(The teacher writes the score on the card).

The teacher: Now the turn of the first team, “Birds”. Could you take the card and ask your questions, please.

(Children look at the card, show cards with pictures and ask questions about the people).

См. Приложение 5.

Children (“Birds”): What are the people doing?

Children (“Dogs”): They are skating.

Children (“Birds”): What are the people doing?

Children (“Dogs”): They are skiing.

Children (“Birds”): What is the boy doing?

Children (“Dogs”): He is playing badminton.

Children (“Birds”): What is the man doing?

Children (“Dogs”): He is riding a bike.

Children (“Birds”): What are the people doing?

Children (“Dogs”): They are playing football.

The teacher: And now look around and tell me what people are doing.

Children: The man is walking, five children are playing football, the girl is riding her bike, the women are sitting on the bench and drinking some lemonade.

The teacher: Well done. You’re right. Your score is 5:5. I’ll write it on my card.

(The teacher writes the score on the card).

The teacher: Now the turn of the second team, “Dogs”. Could you take the card and ask your questions, please.

(Children look at the card, show cards with pictures and ask questions about the favourite places).

См. Приложение 6.

Children (“Dogs”): What is it?

Children (“Birds”): It’s a pond.

Children (“Dogs”): Describe the pond, please.

Children (“Birds”): It’s oval, not very big and beautiful.

Children (“Dogs”): What is it?

Children (“Birds”): It’s a playground.

Children (“Dogs”): Describe the playground, please.

Children (“Birds”): It’s not very big, red, yellow and blue. There is a slide and a ladder.

The teacher: And now look around and tell me what your favourite place in the park is.

Children: It’s a playground. And we like the pond too.

The teacher: Describe them, please.

Children: The playground is beautiful and big. It’s red, green, blue and yellow. The pond is oval, not very big but very beautiful.

The teacher: Why do you like them?

Children: Because we can play on the playground and feed the ducks on the pond.

The teacher: Oh, it’s very good. You’re excellent pupils. Your score is 6:6. I’ll write it on my card. So, today in our competition friendship has won. Now let’s take photos of your favourite places. Thank you, children. Let’s go to school now.

III. Завершающий этап (в классе)

1. Подведение итогов, оценка урока учащимися

The teacher: Well, we are at school now. Did you like our excursion?

Children: Yes, we liked it very much. It was very interesting.

The teacher: Now take these peaces of paper, please. Draw the smiling face if you liked the lesson and the sad face if you didn’t like it.

(Children draw sad or happy faces, then put them in the box, the teacher look at the faces and examines them).

The teacher: Are you ready? OK, put your faces here, please. Let’s see. Oh, all faces are happy! Now I can see all of you actually liked the lesson.Now I’m going to give you some cards. Look through them very carefully, please. There are some questions.

(Children read the questions)

См. Приложение 7.

  • What did you do yesterday?
  • What was the weather like?
  • What colour were the leaves?
  • What flowers did you see?
  • What birds did you meet?
  • What did people do?
  • What is your favourite place in the park and why?

The teacher: Did you understand the questions?

Children: Yes, we did.

2. Домашнее задание

The teacher: So, your home task is to make a project. The answers to these questions can help you. Don’t forget to put photos there. Thank you, goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Методическое обеспечение урока.

1. Используемые образовательные технологии

На уроке широко используется деятельностный подход к обучению, согласно которому ученик должен учиться сам, а учитель - создавать для этого необходимые условия. Учитель предлагает повторить слова в вилле заданий на карточках, а учащиеся в процессе работы самостоятельно систематизируют свой лексический запас по определённой теме при совершении активных действий по ходу урока. Это ярко выражено в основной части урока при включении обучаемых в речевую деятельность (работа по командам в парке).

Направленность хода урока на развитие личности в учебном процессе для самостоятельной учебной деятельности, учитывая необходимость дифференцированного, личностно ориентированного подхода в связи с психофизическими особенностями детей младшей ступени обучения прослеживается в разноуровневых заданиях, то есть учащиеся, хорошо владеющие навыками постановки вопросов выражают свою активность в определённом виде работы, а остальные ребята стимулируют свою познавательную деятельность, выбирая необходимый материал и составляя ответы и короткие рассказы на определённую тему. При этом особую ценность представляет групповая организация деятельности.

Особое место занимает диагностическое целеполагание как наиболее важный этап достижения цели урока, когда учащиеся самостоятельно способны прийти к выводам и оценке проделанной работы, согласно первому и заключительному разделам урока. В самом начале мы ставим цель, а в конце занятия дети способны сделать резюме своей деятельности.

Контроль усвоения материала представлен в активном педагогическом приёме наглядности при обсуждении увиденного в парке.

При подведении итогов урока применяется метод самооценки путём заполнения формы оценки в улыбающегося или печального лица.

2. Дидактические материалы и средства обучения.

На уроке широко применяются методы устного изложения знаний учителем и активизации познавательной деятельности учащихся: рассказ, беседа, иллюстрации и демонстрации при устном изложении изучаемого материала (вербальные методы), а также методы закрепления изучаемого материала: беседа.. При этом большое место занимают методы самостоятельной работы учащихся по осмыслению и усвоению нового материала: работа с раздаточным материалом, с реальными предметами в парке.

3. Оформление урока

Демонстрационный материал представлен в виде раздаточного материала (иллюстрации, карточки с заданиями, образцы ответов на вопросы). См.Приложения 1-7.

4. Рекомендации по подготовке и проведению урока

При подготовке к уроку заблаговременно проводится беседа с учащимся по правилам поведения в общественных местах и мерах предосторожности. При проведении урока особое внимание следует обратить на воспитание толерантности у детей младшей ступени обучения и поддержание соответствующего уровня поведения.

5. Итоги урока

На заключительном этапе урока учащимся было предложено оценить свою работу и действия учителя при помощи заполнения особой формы результативности деятельности в виде улыбающихся/печальных лиц, которые при внимательном рассмотрении и подсчёте показывают отклик детей на выполненные задания.

В связи с тем, что все лица, нарисованные детьми, оказались улыбающимися, можно сделать вывод, что урок был воспринят учащимися положительно, оценка деятельности учителя и самооценка ребят была наивысшей

Список литературы:

  1. А.В. Конышева «Организация классных часов на английском языке», КАРО, Санкт-Петербург, «Четыре четверти», Минск, 2008.
  2. О.Н. Подгорская, Е.К. Черничкина, «Предметные недели в школе. Английский язык», Волгоград, 2003.


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