Спектакль "The Magic Calendar"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Г-н календарь.

Ход мероприятия

Сцена 1

(В спальне Билли. Он разговаривает с бабушкой.)

Billy: Granny!
Gr: Yes? My little dear!
Billy: What day is it today?
Gr: It’s Monday. Why?
B: When is my birthday?
Gr: On Sunday
B (произносит дни недели): OH! It’ s still five days to wait!
Gr: Just five days. But now, it’s time to go to bed.
B: And what about lullaby?
GR: Lullaby?
B: Yes, my favourite.jGr: Ok. Listen.


Good night, mother
Good night, father
Kiss your little son.
Good night, sister,
Good night, brother,
Good night, everyone.

Сцена 2

(Дни недели поют песню “On Monday we play…etc.) Появляется Мr. Calendar.

Mon: Hello, sir!
Fr: How do you do?
Mr. C: Hello, dear friends!
Tue: Excuse me, who are you sir?
Mr. C: Don’t you know me?
All: No
Mr. C: Well, I am a Calendar! I have twelve friends. They are months.
Sat: Oh, we know them! They are our friends, too.
Mr. C: Very well.

Сцена 3

(Билли просыпается. Он смотрит на них с интересом. Он выглядит грустным.)

Th: Look! Little boy!
Wed: Why is he alone?
Fr: Where is his mother,
Mon: Father, grandfather or grand father?
Th: He looks sad
Sun: Let’s talk to him!
Tue: Hi, kid!
B: Hello!
Mon: Have you lost your way?
B: No.
Sun: What’s wrong?
B: I am going to school soon.
Fr: Oh, it is very good news!
B: I don’t think so!
Mon: What’s up?
B: How can I go to school?
Sun: Is anything wrong with your legs?
B: Legs? No! My legs are fine!
Th: What’s the matter then?
B: I know nothing!
( Дни недели улыбаются)
Mr. C: Don’t worry? My dear! We can help you.
B: Really?
All: Yes, we can!
Fr: Don’t you know? We are the best teachers in the world!
Sun: sit in here and listen

Сцена 4

Mr. C: Monday, week starts with you. So, the first lesson is yours.
Mon: It’s OK. Billy where do you live?
B: I live in a flat.
Mon: Friends! Give the names of the rooms you know.
Дни недели: Kitchen, bathroom, dining room, bedroom, children’s room, hall a living room ( Билли повторяет за ними название комнат)
Mon: How many rooms are there in your flat?
B: There are 3 rooms: a living room, a children’s room, my parent’s room a kitchen, and a bathroom, of course.
Mon: Where do you usually watch TV?
B: In my children’s room.
Mon: The first lesson if over. Now you know the names of some rooms.
B: Thank you, Monday! You are a truly good teacher.

Сцена 5

MR. C: Tuesday, it’s your turn now.
Tue: I’m ready. I’m going to tell you about travelling. Do you care for travelling?
B: Yes, very much!
Mr, C: Friends! Give the names of different means of travelling!
(Дни недели): By car, by plane, by train, by coach, by helicopter ,by balloon.
Tue: What’s your favorite way of travelling?
B: By train, because it is very comfortable. (читает стих)

Over the mountains,
Over the plains,
Over the rivers

Here come the trains.

Carrying passengers,
Carrying mail,
Over the country
Here come trains.

Tue: Bravo! Thank you. The second lesson is over. Now you know different means of travelling.
B: Thank you, Tuesday. You are a truly good teacher, too.

Сцена 6

Wed: I am Wednesday. Now my lesson is beginning! I am a theatergoer. I am going to invite Thursday to the theatre. (dialogue p. 62)
Wed: So, we are going to see a ballet. When did you last go to the theatre?
B: It was last month. I saw the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty “ too. I liked it a lot. There was a storm of applause.
Wed: Very well.
Mr.C: Good of you, Billy

Сцена 7

Mr.C: Well Thursday. What are you going to speak about!
Th: It’s time to speak about English Grammar!
Sun: But it isn’t an easy task!
Th: You are right. However in primary school pupils learn Grammar.
Sat: don’t say so.
Sun: It’s simple truth. Start your lesson, Thursday
Th: I’m going to introduce you the Present Perfect tense. Let me show some actions and you, Billy try to guess and say what I have just done.
Th (закрыл книгу): What have I done?
B: You have just closed the book.
Sun (как бы помыл руки)
Th: What has he done?
B: He has washed his/her hands.
TH: Excellent!
Mr. C: I think, you will be a good pupil, Billy!
Sun: So do I.
Tue: I agree.
Wed: That’s true
Fr, Sat: Yes!

Сцена 8

Mr. C: Friday and Saturday would you like to give us your lesson?
Fr: We know a lot about London
Sat: We will show you the photos of the sights of London. Name them

(Пятница и суббота по очереди показывают фотографии Лондонских достопримечательностей)

Mon: Trafalgar Square; Tue: Buckingham Palace with Queen Victoria Memorial; Wed: Nelson’s Colomn
B: Westminster Abbey, I know.
Fr: Who has said “ I know nothing”

B: (зевает. Ложится и засыпает)
Mon: Look! He’s sleeping.
Sat: Poor thing!
Wed: Billy is too little for learning.
Tue: Don’t be silly! He is six on Sunday.
Sun: What a pity. My lesson is just about the breaks at school.
Mr. C My dear Saturday. Don’t worry. He is going to learn it in a flash.
All: Good night, Billy!

(Дни недели и Календарь уходят. Одевают колпачки. Берут растяжку “ Happy birthday”)

Сцена 9

B: What an amazing dream I’ve seen ! Oh, dear! Today is Sunday, my birthday! Granny! Granny! Nobody’s here!

(вбегают дети и бабушка) SURPRISE!!!

B: Granny! Friends!
Children: Happy birthday.( растягивают растяжку)


Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear Billy,
Happy birthday to you!

May your birthday be bright,
May your birthday be bright,
May you birthday be bright
From morning till night!
May our dreams all come true,
May your dreams all come true,
Happy birthday dear Billy,

Happy birthday to you!!! (дудят в дудочки).

Дети дарят Билли школьно-письменные принадлежности (ластики, карандаши и т.д.) Бабушка– портфель.

B: Thank you, Granny! Thank you friends! I’m happy today.

(Окончание и спектакля может быть другим: бабушка дарит Билли щенка, который спрятан в коробке.)