Внеклассная работа по иностранным языкам необходима для развития и поддержания интереса к изучению иностранных языков, для развития творческих способностей учащихся, даёт ребятам возможность на практике применить свои знания, независимо от их уровня, и поэтому поверить в свои силы в изучении иностранного языка.
В Луховицком районе прошёл фестиваль праздников на английском языке. Нашей школе достался праздник пасха. В ходе представления у ребят стояла нелёгкая задача: не только показать владение языком, не только создать красочное шоу, но и помочь осмыслить значение праздника, а также познакомить с традициями и обычаями страны изучаемого языка.
Целями проведения фестиваля являются:
– усилить мотивацию к изучению иностранных
– способствовать практическому владению
речевой деятельностью,
– увеличивать активный языковой запас учащихся,
– стимулировать в целом их интеллектуальную и
языковую активность,
– расширять общий кругозор школьников,
– повышать их культурный уровень,
– развивать творческие способности детей.
Сцена украшена шариками и цветами. На экране
изображение пасхального слайда и слова
пасхальной песни на английском языке. Приложение
1 (пасхальные песни) http://www.trihartenterprises.com/.
Ученики в костюмах зайчиков выбегают и дают
шуточные ответы на вопросы ведущего о пасхальном
Ведущий: Why does the Easter bunny have a shiny nose?
Ученик: His powder puff is on the wrong end.
Ведущий: What is the difference between a crazy bunny and a
counterfeit banknote?
Ученик: One is bad money and the other is a mad bunny!
Ведущий: Why did the Easter egg hide?
Ученик: He was a little chicken!
Ведущий: Why did a fellow rabbit say that the Easter Bunny was
Ученик: Because he was eggo-centric!
Ведущий: Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world?
Ученик: It has four rabbits' feet
Ведущий: What do you get when you cross a bunny with an onion?:
What do you get when you cross a bunny with an onion?
Ученик: A bunion
Ведущий: What did the bunny want to do when he grew up?
Ученик: Join the Hare Force.
Ведущий: What do you call a bunny with a large brain?
Ученик: Egghead!
Ведущий: What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit
Ученик: A hot cross bunny
Ведущий: How do you post a bunny?
Ученик: Hare mail
Ведущий: How does the Easter Bunny say Happy Easter?
Ученики все вместе: Hoppy Easter
Все вместе учащиеся на сцене исполняют шуточные песни под музыку известных композиций.
Jingle Bells
Easter Eggs
Easter eggs, Easter eggs
Hidden all around.
Come my children look about
And see where they are found.
Easter eggs, Easter eggs
They're a sight to see.
One for Tom and one for Ann
And a special one for me!
(Insert names of children in your classroom)
Tune: Did You Ever See a Lassie?
Did You Ever See a Bunny?
Did you ever see a bunny, a bunny, a bunny?
Did you ever see a bunny, a bunny on Easter morn?
He hops around so quietly
And hides all the eggs.
Did you ever see a bunny on Easter morn?
Tune: Ten Little Indians.
Easter Bunny
Where, oh, where is the Easter Bunny?
Where, oh, where is the Easter Bunny?
Where, oh, where is the Easter Bunny?
Early Easter morning?
Ученики уходят, на сцене остаётся ведущий. На экране появляются слайды с библейской историей возникновения прздника. (Приложение 2) http://www.trihartenterprises.com/
Ведущий: Today, we are going to ask the question “ What is
Easter all about? “
But firstly let me introduce you to my panel of guests. The first is Mr Know-it-all!
На сцену выходит Всезнайка.
Всезнайка: . Thank you for inviting me on your show. Just ask
me the question, and I will give you the answer, because I know everything.
Ведущий: The second guest is Mr. Don’t-know-a-lot!
Появляется Незнайка.
Незнайка: Although my name is Mr. Don’t-know-a-lot, I know
heaps and heaps of things, so all you need to do is to ask me the question.
Ведущий: Finally, representing the animal kingdom, is Shaun the
sheep. Say “hello” Shaun.
Овечка: Baa. Baa
Ведущий: Thank you Shaun. If we have time, I will ask Shaun his
opinion, but I don’t really think he will be much help at all. Today’s question is
“What is Easter all about?” and I happen to know the answer myself. Easter is all
about HOLIDAYS. Everybody I know go on holiday at Easter, so that is the answer –
holidays. However, just in case there are any other opinions, I will ask my guests the
question. Mк Know-it-all, do you know what Easter is all about?
Всезнайка: I certainly do. Easter is not about holidays. Easter
is all about BUNNIES. Everyone knows that Easter is the time that all the bunny rabbits
come out.
Ведущий: Thank you Mr Know-it-all. That was certainly a very
“interesting” answer. Now, Mr. Don’t-know-a-lot, do you know what Easter is all
Незнайка: It’s certainly not about Holidays or Bunnies! No,
Easter is all about EGGS. There are ordinary chicken’s eggs, but the ones I like best
are those Cadbury Cream eggs. They are so delicious. I have heaps and heaps of them at
Easter time. So my answer is – Eggs.
Ведущий: Thank you Mr. Don’t-Know-a-lot. You certainly lived up
to your name! Now Shaun, have you any idea at all what Easter is all about?
Овечка: Baa. Baa. Baa.
Ведущий: Come on Shaun. Don’t be shy. Give us your answer.
Овечка: Baa. Baa. I need a volunteer to help me.
Ученик из зала: (Holding up а hand). I will be your
volunteer Shaun. What would you like me to do?
Овечка: Take that piece of paper and fold over the top left corner.
Ученик из зала: (Folding the top left corner so that it meets
the right edge). I have done that Shaun, what next?
Овечка: Take the top right corner and fold it over.
Ученик из зала: (Folding as before so that the top right
corner meets the left edge to produce a “house” shape). Oh I see it now Shaun, Easter
is about spending time at home with your families!
Овечка: Now fold the paper down the middle
Ученик из зала: (Folding as directed, to produce an
“airplane” shape). Oh yes, now I understand. Mr. Host was right all the time. Easter
is all about going off on holiday on an airplane!
Овечка: Now cut a strip off the paper, opposite the longest edge
(not the folded edge).
Ученик из зала: . On no, Shaun, that would spoil my airplane.
Овечка: Just do as you’re told Mr., and cut a strip off the
Ученик из зала: Don’t you talk to me like that you silly
sheep. I will put you back in your sheep pen, if you are not careful.
Овечка: Just cut a strip off the paper.
Ученик из зала: Oh alright - though I am sure this is going
to spoil my airplane. (Cut about a 1 cm. (or 2") strip parallel to the folded edge).
I have done that Shaun, what next?
Овечка: Open the paper up.
Ученик из зала: (Opening up the paper to reveal a cross). I
think Shaun has given us the right answer. Easter is all about a cross. But not a paper
cross. It’s about a wooden cross on which Jesus Christ, God’s Son, died to take away
our sins.
Появляется слайд с изображением распятого Христа.
Голос за кадром: Christ lived only 33 years. During that time he changed many lives. Raised the dead, healed the sick, made the blind to see, and much more. As Christians we celebrate Christ's death, not as an ending, but as a beginning!