Животные и их повадки. 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Theme: Animals: what are they like?

Motto: How many animals, so many habits.


  • Учебная – формирование лексических навыков говорения;
  • Развивающая – развитие способности к догадке, к сравнению и сопоставлению речевых единиц, осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия;
  • Воспитательная – формирование положительного отношения к животным;


  • Развивать умения и навыки устной речи: учить рассказывать о животных (где живут, что едят, как помогают людям)
  • Развивать умения и навыки в чтении: учить читать про себя и полностью понимать текст, построенный на знакомом языковом материале.
  • Ознакомить с новыми словами: to carry, a thing, an eagle, a dolphin, a whale, an ocean, a mountain, a sea


1. Оргмомент

– Hello, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down. Children, what is the date today? And the day? It is an unusual day today. Today we have an unusual lesson. A lot of guests have come today. They want to see what you know and what you can. So, you must work hard. Be attentive and active.  I am fine today. By the way, how are you, Lena?  That’s fine. We can start our work.

(Слайд 1: Nice to meet you)

Презентация темы

(Слайд 2: Theme: Animals what are they like?)

– Children, read  the theme and the motto of our lesson.
– What do you think we are going to speak about today?
– You are right. We are going to speak about different animals and their habits. 

2. Фонетическая зарядка (стихотворение “Pussy cat”)

– But first let’s train our tongues. Do you remember the rhyme “Pussy Cat”?
– Let’s recite it all together.
– Well-done!
– Who can recite it?
– That’s nice!

3. Речевая зарядка

1) Повторение названий животных  2-го и 3-го класса с помощью слайдов  (a cat, a dog, an elephant, a tiger, a crocodile, a lion, a fish, a parrot, a fox, a bear, a monkey, a rabbit, a wolf, a giraffe, a kangaroo, a hen, a cockerel, a pig, a horse, a sheep, a duck, a cow)

– To speak about the animals we have to review them. Look at the slides and name the animals.

(Слайды 3-23:” Animals”)

2) Работа группами и выполнение задания слайда  “Say which animals live: a) on a farm b) in the zoo c) in the forest”

(Слайд 24: Say which animals live: a) on a farm b) in the zoo c) in the forest)

– But, children, different animals live in different places. Let’s divide into teams. The pupils sitting in the first row write the animals which live on the farm, pupils in the second row write the animals which live in the zoo, and you write the animals which live in the forest.

(Класс делится на три команды и составляют списки животных, которые живут на ферме, в зоопарке или в лесу)

– Time is over, let’s check. So, say which animals live on a  farm? In the zoo? In the forest?
– That was Great!

4. Работа с текстом

1) Ознакомление детей со словами carry, thing на слайде  в рамочке “Look and learn”

(Слайд 25: “Complete the text”)

– Now, children, we’ll work with the text. This text is about one of the animals we have spoken before.
– But first we learn new words. Look at the slide. Listen to me and repeat.
– What is the Russian for “to carry”? “thing”?
– You are perfectly right!

2) Рбота со слайдом “Complete the text. Guess what animal it is.”

Чтение текста с картинками самостоятельно и название животного, которое о себе рассказывает (anelephant)

– Read the text and guess what animal it is.
– Children, have you guessed what animal it is?
– Great!

3) Чтение текста вслух (ex.33, p.44)

– Let’s read the text. Who will start?
– You’ve done it right!

5. Тренировка монологической речи

– Children, choose any animal you like and imagine that you are that animal. Tell about yourself according to the plan. Look at the plan. It is on the slide. You may use the words in brackets. Lena, read the first item. 

1) Ознакомление с планом рассказа

(Слайд 26:  Tell about yourself)

– Tell about yourself
– Where are you from? Where do you live?
– What are you like? (strong, big, small, brave, angry, kind; black, brown, red)
– What do you like? (meat/apples)
– What can you do for people? (carry things, give clothes, give food)
– Who is ready? Have you guessed what animal is Lena?  (I think it is …)

2) Рассказ о себе от имени любого животного с использованием «рассказа слона» в качестве образца, не называя его (по их рассказу учащиеся должны догадаться, о каком животном идёт речь)

6. Развитие техники чтения (ex.34, p.45)

– Children, open your books ex. 34, p.45. Listen and repeat.

1) Повторение за диктором слов

2) Самостоятельное чтение строк 

– Read yourselves. (Read the first line…)
– Very good!

7. Работа со слайдом “Help the animals to find their homes”

(Слайд 27:  Help the animals to find their homes)

1) Ознакомление со значением слов eagle, dolphin, whale, camel, snake, ocean, mountain, sea, desert по  картинкам

– Read the names of these animals and places they live in. What is it?

2) Выполнение задания слайда с помощью примера

– Now say, where they live. Look at the example.

Example: The eagle lives in the mountains.

– Where does the dolphin live?
– Nice of you!

8. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

1) Работа над умением восстанавливать диалог, расставляя реплики в нужном порядке

(Слайд 28: Match and read the dialogue)

– Children, look! This is a dialogue. But the questions and the answers are mixed. Match the questions and the answers.

2) Прослушивание аудиозаписи с целью проверить составленный диалог (Listen and check)

– Let’s check if you‘ve done right. Listen and check.

3) Обыгрывание диалога (Act out the dialogue)

– Let’s act out the dialogue.

4) Беседа одноклассников об их питомцах  (Ask your classmate about his/her pet)

– Children, I have got a pet. It is a doggy.  His name is Yasha.  It is very funny. Have you got pets?  Lena, have you got a pet? What is it? Ask each other about your pets. Use the dialogue as a model.

9. Подведение итогов урока

– Children, the lesson is going to an end.
– And what have we done? You may say it in Russian.
– Did you like the lesson?    (Yes, I liked it very much)
– I liked the lesson too because you worked hard. So, Lena has got a 5.