Сказка "Рукавичка" (The Pretty Little Mitten). 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Действующие лица (12 участников):

Автор 1;
Автор 2;
Дети (4 ребенка);

Ход мероприятия

Автор (1): Good afternoon boys and girls, dear teachers, parents and quests. We are glad to see you here. Today you are going to have a great fun!

Автор (2): Look! Winter has already come! The weather is cold. The days are short and the nights are long. There is white snow in the streets, in the fields and in the forests. It looks o nice and beautiful.

Автор (1): Oh look! The children are playing in the street. They are playing snowballs and making a snowman. They are very happy.

1-й ребенок:

A Happy New Year
The day is so clear
The snow is so white
The sky is so bright
We shout with all might
“A Happy New Year”.

2-й ребенок:

Skating, skating
Boys and girls
So gay,
Like to skate together
On a winter day

3-й ребенок:

Skiing, skiing
Boys and girls
So gay,
Like to ski together
On a winter day

4-й ребенок:

Down comes the snow
On a winter day
I make a snowman
When I go to play

3-й ребенок: Oh, look! What is it?

4-й ребенок: It`s a lovely little mitten.

1-й ребенок: I wonder whose mitten is it?

2-й ребенок: I don`t know.

Автор 2: Neither do I. But I know a fairy tale about the mitten. Do you want to listen to it?

Все дети: Yes, of course we do.

Автор 1: Now sit down and listen to me, please. A pretty little mitten lies on the glade. A mouse runs, stops and says.

Mouse: What a pretty little mitten! Does anybody live here? No one. I would like to live here. It is so cosy and warm.

Frog: What a pretty little mitten! does anybody live here

Mouse: I do, Squeak the Mouse. I`m little and grey. My tail is long, my ears are little, my eyes are little too. I can run very well. And who are you?

Frog: I am Frog The Croak. I am not very big. I am green. I am happy. I can swim very well.

Mouse: Come and live with me. (Лягушка вбегает в рукавичку)

Hare: What a pretty little mitten! Does anybody live here?

Mouse: I do, Squeak the Mouse.

Frog: I do, Frog the Croak. And who are you?

Hare: I am Hare Easily Scared. I am not very big. I`m white now but in summer, autumn and spring I`m grey. My ears are long and my tail is short. I can jump very well.

Frog and Mouse: Come and live with us! (Зайчик вбегает в рукавичку.)

Cock: What a pretty little mitten! Does anybody live here?

Mouse: I do Squeak the Mouse.

Frog: I do, Frog the Croak.

Hare: I am Hare Easily Scared. And who are you?

Cock: I am Cock the Sweet Voice. I am not big, but I am very brave. I can sing very well.

All: Come and live with us! (Петушок забегает в рукавичку.)

Cat: What a pretty little mitten! Does anybody live here?

Mouse: I do Squeak the Mouse.

Frog: I do, Frog the Croak.

Hare: I do, Hare Easily Scared.

Cock: I do, Cock the Sweet Voice. And who are you?

Cat: I am Cat the Gentle Trend. I am not big. I am red. I am clever and good. I can climb very well.

All: Come and live with us!

Bear: What a pretty little mitten! Does anybody live here?

Mouse: I do Squeak the Mouse.

Frog: I do, Frog the Croak.

Hare: I do, Hare Easily Scared.

Cock: I do, Cock the Sweet Voice.

Cat: I do, Cat the Gentle Trend. And who are you?

Bear: I am Bear of Shaggy Hair. I am big and strong. I am brown. I like honey very much. Let me live in your mitten.

Mouse: Oh. no, you are too big you can`t live here.

Bear: But I will only try. (Медведь ложится на рукавичку и все звери разбегаются)

Автор (2): Thank you little actors and actresses! You have acted very well and the play was interesting.

Автор (1): And at the end of the story. Let`s sing all together a happy song. If you know this song you can sing with us. (Звучит песня “The more we are together…” из учебника М.З.Биболетовой “Enjoy English” для 3 класса).

Участники выходят на поклон и говорят все вместе: Thank you very much!!!