Достопримечательности Британских островов медаль

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:

Образовательная: Формирование умения монологической и диалогической речи с опорой на фактический материал.

Развивающая: Формирование умения работать индивидуально, фронтально, в группах и парах.

Воспитательная: Воспитание уважительного отношения к чужой стране и культуре.

Задачи урока:

  1. Активизация знаний и знакомство с новыми фактами, связанными с Великобританией, ее культурой и достопримечательностями.
  2. Формирование умения выражать свое мнение и доказывать его на иностранном языке.
  3. Умение составить монологическое высказывание с опорой на фактический материал.
  4. Формирование умения аудирования и просмотрового чтения.
  5. Введение и закрепление лексики через контекст или при помощи толкового словаря.

Дополнительный материалы: интерактивная доска, магнитофон, распечатки опорных карт и рекламныхпроспектов.

Ход урока

1. Hello, children. Today we are going to make an excursion to the British Isles, to learn about the places that we can visit there, talk about your preference(Cлайд 1).

2. Look at the screen (Cлайд 2). Here you can see the map of the British Isles. Tell me, please, what countries we can find there. What are they washed by?

You mentioned The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is one country, but how many parts does it consist of? Yes, it consists of four parts. Let‘s revise their names (Cлайд 3).And tell me, please, where these countries are towards each other. Use the map and the table(Cлайд 3).

In the north (north - west) To the north of(north- east of)
Ex. Northern Ireland is in the west of the UK.

Northern Ireland is to the north –east of the Irish Republic.

As you know each country has its own capital, government, history and traditions. Here you can see the names of the capitals, but the letters are mixed. Our task is to make the words from the letters (Cлайд 4-5)


And now, when you know their names, match them with their country (Cлайд 6).

So, we revised the geographical position of the UK and the capitals of its parts.Today we are not going to talk about the UK as a unique country, we’ll pay our attention to the difference of its parts.

3. You will work in groups and talk about one part of the UK. I will give you a special map with the main facts. Use these facts to present one of the parts (Выбирается по жребию) (слайд 7-10 в распечатке). (Информация известная с прошлого года подается в режиме повторение)

In two minutes you should tell us about it. (При выступлении учащихся на экране появляются опорные карты) (слайд 7-10)

4. Thank you for your reports. So, now we know the difference between the parts, their pecularities. You see that they are so different. But what can we see there? Your task is to look through the tour guides and give us a talk on what we can visit there. (Каждая группа получает рекламные статьи) (Приложение 1). While preparing the advertisement, don’t forget about the phrases that can help you make the report more convincing and vivid(Cлайд 11).

It’s high time. Now we will listen to each other’s presentations (Cлайд12-15).

5. Some more information is given in our Student’s books. Open them, look at the pictures and the names of the castles. Be very attentive. One castle doesn’t belong to the UK. Which one? What country does it belong to? What would you like to know about these castles? Make up the questions, I’ll write them on the board and we’ll see if the articles can give us the answers. (Записать вопросы составленные учащимися на доске. Перед выполнением задания можно повторить порядок слов в вопросительном предложении и вспомогательные глаголы).

6. Before you listen to the short texts and try to find the answers to your questions pay attention to the screen. There you see the words that can be difficult for you. I tried to explain them in English (слайд16).

Audition of the text. (Приложение 2) Let’s read your questions that I wrote on the board and answer them if it is possible.

7. Read the texts in the book and write the most interesting or unusual fact about each castle. Read your answers.

8. It is so interesting, but what castle did you like most? Work in pairs and tell you partner about your preference. Don’t forget to explain your choice. Now, speak about your partner‘s opinion.

9. Today we were talking about the geography and the main sights of the British Isles, you worked with different source of information and tried to express your opinion.

Now, let’s play and see what you know about the British Isles.I ‘ll divide you in two teams and we’ll see who the winner is. Look at the screen, choose the question and answer it (слайд 17).

The legend of the Tower. How people call the lakes in Scotland. What the UK is washed by.
The capital of each part of the UK. Name the parts of the UK. In what country there is a spooky castle.
Where (on what place) Edinburgh castle was built. The symbols of the parts of the UK. What part of the UK is famous for Stonehenge.

10. Подведение итогов.

Thank you for the lesson. I hope that you liked it and get some new information. Next time we’ll be talking about London, its sights and traditions. But now let’s come back to Russia. At home you should advertise the main landmarks of Russia and give a talk to the class about it.

The lesson is over. Good bye.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2
