Education: the World of Learning. 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Учебник:  English VIII Афанасьева О.В.

Образовательная цель: ознакомить учащихся с системой образования в России и странах  изучаемого языка, овладение новыми языковыми средствами, развивать умения аудирования, монологической и диалогической речи.

Воспитательная цель: включение учащихся в диалог культур, развитие оценочно эмоционального отношения к миру, стремление к взаимопониманию.

Задачи урока: повторение изученных речевых клише по теме, закрепление новой лексики в мини- диалогах, провести презентацию домашнего задания о частных школах Великобритании на примере Harrow School, развитие навыков монологических высказываний на основе видеоматериала.

Оснащение урока: видеофильм “David Copperfield”.


I. Организационный момент

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Цель зарядки: повторить произношение новой лексики.

Extra – curricular activities
Catchment area
Core subjects
Internet access
Teaching and learning tools
An annual Prize Giving
A system of aptitude diagnosis and career counseling
Close links
Based on common sense and reasonably relaxed
Tolerance and mutual respect

III. Речевая зарядка

Цель: повторить Social English путем перевода предложений с русского языка на английский.

1. Я забыл книгу дома – I have left my book at home.
2. Извините, я не был в школе вчера. Я был у врача. – I’m sorry, I couldn’t attend the class yesterday. I had an appointment with the doctor.
3. На каком мы абзаце? – Which paragraph are we on?
4. Не могли бы Вы написать слово на доске? – Could you write the word on the board, please?
5. Нам закончить это дома? – Are we supposed to finish this off at home?
6. Сейчас моя очередь? – Is it my turn now?
7. Мне читать про себя или вслух? – Shall I read silently or aloud?
8. Как Вы скажете это по-английски? – How do you say it in English?
9. В слове  … одна буква лишняя. – There is one letter too many in the word …
10. В слове … буква пропущена. – There is a letter missing in the word …

IV. Развитие навыков монологической речи

Учащиеся просматривают отрывок из видеофильма “David Copperfield” /Charles Dickens/ - сцена в школе и выполняют следующие задания.

  1. Give a touch on schooling in Great Britain in those times
  2. What type of school was it?
  3. What was the discipline like? Was it based on common sense and reasonably relaxed and friendly?
  4. What can you say about the atmosphere in class? Was it built on tolerance and mutual respect?
  5. What were relations between pupils and teachers like?

V. Now come back to our reality. Match the types of school to the descriptions (A – F).

Which are the most common in your country? What type of school do you go to?

1. boarding school
2. single – sex school
3. co – educational school
4. state school
5. private school
6. specialist school

A – a school for boy and girls
B – a school you usually have to pay to go to
C – a school students go to for a particular reason (e.g. to become actors)
D – a school for only boys or only girls
E – a school owned by the government
F – a school which students live in during the school term

(Учащиеся получают раздаточный материал)

– Which schools are most common in your country?
– Which type of school do you go to?

VI. Read the following statements

– Which ones are true for your school?

  1. Students wear a school uniform.
  2. There are lots of rules.
  3. Facilities and equipment are good (e.g. libraries, science labs, sports equipment)
  4. The teachers are strict.
  5. Students are motivated (want to study).
  6. There is a selection of unusual subjects to choose from.
  7. Students sit a lot of exams.
  8. Most students take part in extra-curricular activities (e.g. drama, sports).
  9. Students get a lot of homework.
  10. Most students live nearby.

VII. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

Учащиеся строят в парах мини-диалоги.

– What would you like to change at your school? Why?
e.g. A. I like wearing a school uniform.
B. I don’t. I’d rather wear something more fashionable to school.

VIII. Подготовленная монологическая речь

Проверка домашнего задания.

1. Speak about education in Great Britain.
2. Presentation of  Harrow School (компьютерная презентация материала об элитных  школах Великобритании).

IX. Тренировка умений чтения текстов с последующим обсуждением прочитанного

Класс делится на две группы. Каждая группа получает свой текст для чтения. Группа А
получает текст  о начальной школе США, а группа В получает текст о средней и старшей школе США. Затем, учащиеся в вопросно-ответной форме обмениваются полученной информацией.

Текст для группы А

American children go to elementary school when they are six years old and they stay there for six years. The school years are called grades. The first year is the “first” grade and the last year is the “six” grade. In most parts of the country elementary schools also have kindergartens for five-year-olds.
Pre-schools are for children younger than five. In pre-school children prepare to go to school. They play with other children and learn to listen to the teacher. These are important processes for young children.
American children do not have to go to school until the age of six, so not all children attend pre-school.
Public elementary schools usually have 500 students. Boys and girls attend classes together, and there are between 15 and 30 children in a class. Some students learn fast. Others need help. The teacher may put pupils in small groups where they can learn at different speeds. The most important subjects are English, Maths and Science. The pupils also learn Music, Art, French and Health.

1. What core subjects do students study at high school?
2. What electives do they take?
3. Do teachers use tests at school? Why?
4. Why do you think tests are also for teachers and schools?
5. What are the marks most American schools give the students?
6. Where do teachers list the students’ marks?

Текст для группы В

In junior high school (grades 7 and 8) and in senior high school (grades 9 through 12) core subjects are English, Maths, Social Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, foreign languages. Electives are music, Art, typing, home economics, computer science, Drama.
Students take many tests every year. Teachers use tests to see how well pupils are learning at school. If students pass these tests, they go on to the next grade where the work is harder. There is another special test that pupils take every year in all the schools in America. It is a different test for each grade but the same for all students in the same grade. It shows what they have learnt that year. It also shows which schools teach well.
Most American schools give the following marks:
A = 91 – 100%
B = 81 – 90%
C = 71 – 80%
D = 65 – 70%
E = 50 – 64%
F = bellow 50%
In high school it is possible to take some classes without marks. Then the student gets a “P” for “pass’ and an “f” for “fail”.
Teachers keep lists of students’ test and homework marks. They give students marks for how they work. Then they list the students’ marks on their report card. Students get report cards four times a year. One copy is sent to the parents and the school keeps a copy.

  1. What are the school years called in American schools?
  2. How old are American children when they go to elementary school?
  3. How long do American children stay at elementary school?
  4. What do children do in pre-school and kindergarten?
  5. Are boys and girls together in classes in public elementary school?
  6. What subjects do boys and girls study in public elementary schools

X. Вопросно-ответные упражнения о школах в России

1. At what age do children go to school in Russia?
2. How long do they study in primary school?
3. What subjects do they learn in primary school?
4. What types of secondary schools are there in our country?
5. When do children in Russia have their exams?
6. What exams do pupils in Russia take at the end of the 11th form?

XI. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание

Список литературы:

1. English VIII – Aфанасьева О.В.
2. Spotlight X – Афанасьева О.В.
3. Speak out  №1 2003
4. Иностранные языки в школе №1,6  1996г
5. Rising Star – An Intermediate Course
6. Видеофильм “David Copperfield”. Charles  Dickens.