Discussing Personality. Yuri Vizbor

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:


  • повторить употребление ‘would/used to’ в Past Simple;
  • формировать умение устанавливать логическую связь основных фактов текста;
  • закрепить полученные знания.


  • развивать умение выделять основную мысль в тексте;
  • развивать навыки поискового и просмотрового чтения с целью извлечения интересующей информации;
  • развивать ценностную ориентацию на примере биографий великих людей;
  • развивать мыслительные операции (проводить анализ, систематизировать, обобщать);
  • развивать внимание, память, воображение;
  • расширение возможных способов работы с информацией;
  • сформировать новые способы действий, умение решать нестандартные задачи;
  • развить умение самостоятельной работы с учебным материалом.


  • содействовать воспитанию толерантного отношения друг к другу;
  • формировать уважительное отношение к культуре своего народа; стимулировать интерес к ней;
  • пробудить интерес к предмету путем использования посильных заданий, учебных программных средств, позволяющих ученику работать в соответствии с его индивидуальными особенностями;

Тип урока: урок закрепления знаний, умений и навыков с использованием элементов «кейс» метода.

Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный, практический, частично-поисковый, рецептивный, репродуктивный, самостоятельной познавательной деятельности, интерактивный.

Форма организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: коллективная, индивидуальная

Оборудование и оснащение урока:

демонстрационные материалы:

  • презентация, компьютер;
  • CD-диск с записями песен Ю.Визбора, магнитофон;

дидактический раздаточный материал:

  • ситуативные карточки-задания; карточки самооценивания.

Ход урока

I. Вступление, приветствие

Good morning, dear friends! I’m glad to see you at the lesson today. We will read the texts and work with them. Look at your cards. During our lesson you’ll evaluate your answers, work and knowledge. Put your names on them.

First I would like you to remember some expressions of agreeing or disagreeing with speaker’s opinion.

II. Warm-up

Повторение выражений согласия или несогласия с собеседником:


In my opinion; It seems to me; I sometimes think that; I believe that. /.., I suppose. /Especially…

Не согласие:

I can’t agree with you there/I’m not sure I agree with you. /That may be true, but…


I agree entirely. /That’s exactly what I think/what I wanted to say. /That’s true. /

You know different opinion expressions. Agree or disagree with me using them:

  • Loud music is very pleasant.
  • I listen to music only through my earphones.
  • My music is only rock.
  • I never listen to “tourists’ songs”.
  • Guitar is old-fashioned music.

III. Сообщение темы и задач урока

(Переводчик 1)

 Today we are going to speak about Yury Vizbor (20 июня 1934 - 17 сентября 1984), his songs, his time, his popularity or unpopularity.

Do you remember your answers about music on Monday? I’ve read all of them. My questions were not casual. Surfing through the Net I’ve found lots of pages about our Russian song-writers (bards). There are clubs of bards’ songs in America, Germany and many other countries. People are still singing songs by Okudzhava, Galich, Vizbor, Kim, Vysotsky… Why do people sing them? (Ответы учащихся)

IV. It is difficult to find anybody else who was such talented in different spheres as Yuri Vizbor. And he had lived an interesting but short life.

Краткое сообщение о Юрии Визборе, компьютерная презентация.

(Переводчик 2)


Слайд № 1

Yuri Vizbor was born in Moscow where he lived for most of his life. He worked as a teacher, a soldier, a sailor, a radio and press correspondent, a ski instructor, and an actor in many famous Russian films and plays. He took part in and documented expeditions to remote areas of the Soviet Union.

He loved people of unusual professions such as pilots and explorers, sailors and fishers, climbers and cosmonauts because he was attracted by their courage, faithfulness, strength and romantic souls. He sang about these people, their hard victories and everyday life.

Слайд № 2

As a teenager he dreamed to be a pilot but mountains became his longest and true love. He was an alpinist, an instructor and a singer of mountains.

Слайд № 3

His most well known tune was a romantic ballad called "Solnishko Lesnoe" or "Little light in the Forest". A ballad is a story in a song, usually a narrative song or poem. His songs were full of gentle humour, they reflected life but not as mirror. Vizbor and his song-characters were part of this life; they tried to improve it, to form optimistic, moral and aesthetic values. Vizbor’s style is songs as short reports. He considered himself a reporter and it was his main profession.

Слайд № 4

As a journalist he set up a popular musical magazine Krugozor where everyone could read about song-writers, singers and listen to their songs. With his help the song Brigantina («Бригантина») by P.Kogan and G.Lepsky which was written before the war became famous again.

Слайд № 5

His best known role in a film is as the Nazi Martin Bormann in the Soviet film Seventeen Moments of Spring. But his other works in films were good and interesting too, he played his contemporaries, he knew them well.

Слайд № 6

If you look at the map you can find peak VIZBOR in the Pamirs and Caucasus, the pass after Vizbor in the Tien Shan. The climbers remember their friend, their singer.

Слайд № 7

Vizbor was the Voice of his generation; he was A Personality in spite of the time he lived in. But he was not alone. Speaking about Russian bards you should remember such names as…

Слайд № 8

Those who love guitar songs used to gather and sing. This tradition is continuing at Grushinsky song festivals near Samara. In different years Yuri Vizbor, Tatyana and Sergei Nikitin,Yevgeny Klyachkin, Ada Yakusheva and many others came out on the Grushinskaya guitar of the festival. It is very popular up to now.

Слайд № 9

Каждый пишет, как он слышит.
Каждый слышит, как он дышит.
Как он дышит, так и пишет,
Не стараясь угодить.
(Булат Окуджава)

V. Look at this quotation. Do you know who said these words?


«Каждый пишет, как он слышит,
Каждый слышит, как он дышит.
Как он дышит, так и пишет,
Не стараясь угодить».
Булат Окуджава

Try to explain the quotation. Do all song-writers follow these words writing their texts and music? Give your opinion and prove it. (Students’ opinions)

Now we have two questions to answer:

  • Why were many bards outside the establishment in the Soviet Union?
  • Are bards and their songs popular among the youth in our days? Why?

 Read the texts, compare them and answer the main questions.

VI. Reading

a) New Opportunities Intermediate p. 31

b) Additional text

c) Контроль понимания текстов

- New Opportunities, p. 31, ex. 2, Key Words

Manage – (суметь сделать, справиться) to succeed in doing something

Set up – to start something, to organize (business, organization…)

Influence – to affect someone or something

Experience – knowledge and skill that you get by doing a particular job or activity

Attitude – what you think or feel about someone or something

Generation – a group of people of about the same age

Victim – someone who suffers because of a crime or something bad

Contribution – something you give or do to make something successful

- New Opportunities, p. 31, ex. 3

1 T

2 F






- Вопросы к текстам:

  1. Find sentences with “used to” and “would”. What is the main difference between these expressions? (‘would’ can be used with activity verbs only, while ‘used to’ – with both state and activity verbs)
  2. What period of Soviet history did Yuri Vizbor live in?
  3. Why were extreme sports so popular at that time?
  4. When did the term “bard” come to be used in our country?
  5. Find the differences between “bard poetry” and official poetry.
  6. Name some famous bards.

VII. Speaking

(Переводчик 3)

a) Обсуждение в парах/группах ответов на вопросы, принятие общего решения, сообщение мнения своей группы и аргументация своей точки зрения

b) Выполнение ситуативных заданий в парах

Cards №№ 1-4

Card № 1

Think over a short interview. Your friend is fond of guitar music. He/She has just returned from Grushinsky song festival. Ask him/her about his/her impressions, singers, audience.

Remember to:

  • Be polite;
  • Take an active part in the conversation;
  • Give good reasons
  • Give your opinion

Card № 2

Your friend asks you about bards. He/She has found an interesting video in the Net. What will you answer him/her?

Remember to:

  • Be polite;
  • Take an active part in the conversation;
  • Give good reasons
  • Give your opinion

Card № 3

Ex. 6, p. 31 New Opportunities

Remember to:

  • Be polite;
  • Take an active part in the conversation;
  • Give good reasons
  • Give your opinion

Card № 4

Describe Yuri Vizbor as a personality

c) Интервью (переводчик 4)

Dear friends. Today our guest is a popular and famous singer, poet and producer Mr. N. He agreed to answer your questions. In our group there are students who are fond of different kinds of music. But I hope you will answer all of them.

(Учащиеся берут «интервью» у музыканта).

VIII.Заключительный этап урока

Подведение итогов, самооценка учащихся, оценивание работы учащихся учителем.

Карточка самооценивания работы учащихся на уроке


Module 2. Culture Corner:

Yuri Vizbor




1. Reading




2. Monologue




3. Dialogue




4. Work with partner




5. Creative work




Check Your Progress




Which activities did you enjoy most?




Which activities did you have problems with?




My work at the lesson




This topic for me is

very interesting


not interesting

Additional text

Yuri Vizbor is often compared with his contemporaries Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava. The topics of Vizbor's songs were observational, focusing on his love of nature and of travel. Using his experience of extremely varied professions, Vizbor tried to tell about various aspects of "normal life" during Brezhnev's period of stagnation. During this period camping, especially its extreme forms such as alpinism, canoeing, became a form of escaping for young people, who felt that these occupations were the only ways of life in which such values as courage, friendship, risk, trust, cooperation and mutual support were still important. After hard climbing or dangerous expeditions they used to gather at the fire and sing songs about everything. These songs are called “tourists’ or bards’ ” songs. The term “bard” came to be used in the Soviet Union in the early 1960s (and continues to be used in Russia today) for popular poets and singers who wrote songs outside the Soviet establishment. Bard poetry differs from other poetry mainly in the fact that it is sung along with a simple guitar melody as opposed to being spoken. Another difference is that this form of poetry focuses less on style and more on meaning. This means that fewer stylistic devices are used, and the poetry often takes the form of narration.

Bards’ songs sometimes expressed protest against the Soviet way of life. Their genres varied from acute political, "anti-Soviet" ones, to witty satire in best traditions of Aesop. Some of Bulat Okudzhava’s and Vladimir Vysotsky’s songs touch on these themes. Alexander Galich was forced to emigrate, owning a tape with his songs (or he could be imprisoned for it). As well as another bard, Yuliy Kim, who suffered from KGB. Others, like Evgeny Kliachkin and Aleksander Dolsky, balanced between being outright anti-Soviet and plain romantic.

Many of the best tourist songs were composed by Yuri Vizbor

He wrote and sang in relaxed singing style, his texts were often full of humour. Vizbor would record songs with a traditional Russian seven string guitar that was often slightly out of tune.

Word Box:

  • contemporary – современник
  • a period of stagnation - период застоя
  • outside the establishment – выходящий за рамки принятых в обществе правил
  • outright – открыто, полностью