Открытый урок в 7-м классе "Климат Земли. Природные катастрофы" медаль

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:


  • совершенствовать навыки говорения, аудирования, чтения с извлечением нужной информации;
  • развивать умения анализировать, сравнивать, выделять главное;
  • развивать грамматические навыки (употребление модальных глаголов и их заменителей have to\ had to; should\ shouldn't\ must\ mustn't).
  • учить устанавливать взаимосвязь между типом климата, образом жизни людей и природными катастрофами;

Развивающие: развивать внимание, логику, творческие способности; развивать интерес к изучению англ. языка.

Воспитательные: воспитывать личностные качества учащихся (уверенность при ответе, умение отстаивать свою точку зрения); умение работать в группах.

Межпредметные связи: с географией.

Оборудование: ТСО: аудиоаппаратура; раздаточный материал: иллюстрации различных типов климата и образа жизни людей; фонетические карточки; карточки для проведения лексико-грамматической игры; рисунки-схемы, выполненные учащимися.

Использование инновационных технологий: Арт-технология+обучение в сотрудничестве. Информационные технологии.

План урока:

1. Приветствие.

2. Ознакомление учащихся с темой и задачами урока.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

4.Типы климата (мозговой штурм, составление опорной схемы).

5. Климатическая карта мира (страны и климат: работа с картой и текстом учебника).

6. Влияние климата на жизнь людей (организация работы учащихся в группах, мотивирующее коммуникативное задание).

* Этап I: логическое сопоставление иллюстраций различных типов климата с образом жизни людей: с жилищем, одеждой, едой. (использование музыки)

* Этап II: говорение.

7. Типы климата и природные катастрофы (просмотр презентации).

8. Аудирование (страны и природные катастрофы)

9. Как начинается ураган ( игра с использованием рисунков-схем и музыки )

10. Что мы можем сделать, чтобы предотвратить природные катастрофы ( разгадывание ребусов: задания для учащихся с разным уровнем подготовки).

11. Подведение итогов урока и оценка работы учащихся. Рефлексия. Запись домашнего задания.

Ход урока

I. Good morning! How are you? I hope you all are OK. Let's start our lesson. Today we are going to continue speaking about climates of the world, how they can affect our life, what problems the climate can cause. I want you to be active, try to do your best.

II. First of all, say it clearly!

/е/- weather, leather, temperate, desert, head.

/^/-hurricane, flood.

/a:/-disaster, a natural disaster, a terrible disaster.

/ :/-storm, rainstorm, snowstorm, raw.

/i:/-heat, extreme heat.

/ /-the Netherlands, clothes, the USA.

/ /-earth, earthquake, thunder, thunderstorm.

III. There are several types of climate in the world. Can you name them? Brainstorm your ideas (Students make up the mind-web on the blackboard).

(Students start doing the mind-web and continue it during the lesson).

Teacher: Well done, children! And now open your books at page 100 and have a look at the climate map of the world. Can you find Great Britain? What climate does it have?

S1: Cool temperate!

T: Right you are. Can you find Russia (Spain, China, the Netherlands, Egypt, and Greenland?) Students show the countries on the map and name the type of climate.

IV. Teacher: Types of climate can affect people's life. How? Any ideas?

S1: Climates, houses, clothes, food go together.

T: That's right! It's time to divide our students into 3(4) groups: A, B, c, D. We have some pictures of different climates, houses, food, clothes. Your task is to take pictures and to match them according to the type of climate. And then say how climate affect people's life. Help each other with vocabulary, grammar and ideas! You have 3 minutes! (Groups find suitable pictures and say how the type of climate influences on people's life).

V. Teacher: Climates can cause a lot of problems. They can cause natural disasters. What natural disasters do you know?

S1: Earthquakes!

S2: I know about tornados! T: Yes, you are right. But there are a lot of others. For more nforimation let's watch a presentation. (Students watch a presentation and make some notes in their exercise-books. Then continue to complete the mind-web on the blackboard)

VI. T: Will you open your students books at page 41. Let's do ex.5. Read the text for the main idea and answer the questions in your books:

- what first natural disaster can you read about?

- what type of climate can cause such a disaster?

- what did people have to do during the disaster?

- which of the three disasters was the worst?

VII. T: You've read about how a hurricane starts and have drawn a picture for each part. So it's a game time! Let's play "How a hurricane starts". In groups take pictures of different parts of a hurricane and put them in order. Then act them out and say. (Students had a task to draw some pictures of starting a hurricane while they were reading the txt about it.)

VIII. T: Let's do some listening!

You will hear a speaker talking about natural disasters. Read the sentences. If a sentence is correct, put a tick in the "True" box. If it isn't correct, put a tick in the"False" box.

    true false
1 There are earthquakes in the Netherlands.    
2 There are often hurricanes in Japan and China.    
3 There are often tornadoes in the USA.    
4 Tornadoes happen in winter.    
5 Natural disasters can destroy cities and towns.    
6 Scientists can predict most of natural disasters.    
7 You can hear about hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, earthquakes and floods.    

IX. T: At the end of our lesson we have the most important question. What should we do to stop disaster happening? Solving the puzzles will help you to answer this question: (on paper of bright colour students find "puzzles"-the words in the sentences are jumbled up. They should put the words in the right order and find out the answer on the main question.)

Some puzzles:* much, we, should, climates, the, about, know, of, world,( We should know much about climates of the world.)

*should, take, we, care, the, about, earth (We should take care about the Earth.)

*weather, we, know, about, much, should (We should know much about the weather.)

* can, scientist, predict, fortunately, natural, most, disasters, nowadays (Fortunately scientists can predict most natural disasters.)

*emergency, know, workers, should, how, during, animals, people, disaster, the, to, help (Emergency workers should know how to help people and animals during the disaster.)

*we, our, learn, should, solar, about, much, system, the universe, and (We should learn much about our solar system and the universe.)

*destroy, may, our, we, environment, shouldn't, the climate, because, cause, changing, it (We shouldn't destroy our environment because it may cause the changing of the climate.)

X. The ending of the lesson.

Thank you very much for working hard today. It was interesting to listen to your ideas and answers. Your marks are ::. Your home task is ::. Have a nice day! See you next lesson, good-bye!