Сценарий спектакля "Spring Fairy – Tale Play (Весенняя феерия). 2-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 2

Звучит музыка. В зале темно. Зажигаются боковые прожекторы. С двух сторон выходят рассказчики. Дудят в трубы.

1S: Snip-snup,snurry, purry-bazellury!
2S: Crimbly-crumbly, booms!
1S: Hello, dear guests!
2S: Hello, boys and girls!
1S: We are storytellers!
2S: Today, we will tell you…
1S: What?
2S: Oh, we know many tales.
1S: But I am so tired of telling fairy-tales…
2S: Let’s show it then!
1S: But the thing is that we’ve got only the beginning!
2S: Аnd something in the middle.
1S: Well, let it be what is going to be.
2S: Аnd when we come to the end of it, we will learn more than we know.
1S: By the way, what date is it today?
2S: Today is the thirteenth! Oh, Friday! Snip-snup, snurry, purry-buzzellurry!
1S: Friday, the 13th! Crimbly-crumbly, booms!

Играет зловещая музыка, звуки… Рассказчики трясутся от страха, сходятся, обнимаются.

1S: What is going on?
2S: Spring is coming! Crimbly- crumbly, booms!
1S: No, look! It’s Friday the thirteenth. Look! It’s so dark, creepy! Thrilling! Snip-snup, snurry, purry-buzzellurry!
2S: Don’t be afraid. I’m sure spring will win.
1S: Really? Do you think so? Spring won’t come!
2S: Let’s wait and see!

Открывается занавес. На задней стене проектором слайды. Танец чертей.

Приложение 1 – фильм «Борьба темных и светлых сил»

На задней стене проектором слайды о весне. Свет в зале. Из-за правых кулис выходит 2А и 2Б. Во главе девочки с окаринами. Все выходят с веточками. У девочках на головах венки. У мальчиков цветки на рубашках. Идет песня «Spring has come».


Spring has come and melted ice:
Everything is so nice!
In the sky the sun is bright,
People’s eyes are full of light!

In the forest, in the street
Songs of birds are so sweet.
Soon green buds and then green leaves
Will appear in the trees.

I am glad to meet my spring,
I will walk and dance and sing.
I will walk and dance and sing
For my queen – for fairy spring!

Стих 1 (на 6 человек) ручеек

1: The sun is so bright today!
2: Because it is a holiday!
1: The sky is so blue today!
2: Because it is a holiday!
1: And we are now so gay!
2: Because it is a holiday!

Танец Looby-Loo


Here we dance Looby Loo,
Here we dance Looby-Light!
Here we dance Looby Loo,
All on a Saturday night.

I put my right hand in,
I put my right hand out,
I give my right hand a shake  shake  shake
And turn myself around.


Here we dance Looby Loo,
Here we dance Looby-Light!
Here we dance Looby Loo,
All on a Saturday night.

I put my left hand in,
I put my left hand out,
I give my left hand a shake shake shake
And turn myself around.


Here we dance Looby Loo,
Here we dance Looby-Light!
Here we dance Looby Loo,
All on a Saturday night.

I put my right foot in,
I put my right foot out,
I give my right foot a shake shake shake
And turn myself around.


Here we dance Looby Loo,
Here we dance Looby-Light!
Here we dance Looby Loo,
All on a Saturday night.

I put my left foot in,
I put my left foot out,
I give my left foot a shake shake shake
And turn myself around.


Here we dance Looby Loo,
Here we dance Looby-Light!
Here we dance Looby Loo,
All on a Saturday night.

Стих 2

Spring is dancing without rest
In a beautiful green dress.
Flowers grow under her feet,
Singing birds her coming greet.

Pleasant, sunny month of May,
Hurry quickly, don’t delay,
Grow red flowers and green grass
And make us happy, all of us!

На задней стене – город. На сцену выбегает девочка.

Стих 3

Good morning Good morning
Good morning to you
Good morning Good morning
Good morning I am glad to see you

Выбегает вторая девочка.

Стих 4

Come, my children, come away!
For the sun is bright today.
Little children, come with me!
Birds and toys and flowers see!

Выбегает третья девочка.

Стих 5

Get your hats and come away!
For it is a pleasant day!
Let us make a merry ring!
Talk and laugh and dance and sing!

Три девочки вместе:

Quickly!  Quickly!  
Come away!
For it is a pleasant day!

Три девочки на сцене, остальные в зале поют и танцуют “If you are happy”

If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it
If you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it
Stamp your feet.
If you are happy and you know it
Stamp your feet.
If you are happy and you know it
If you really wont to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Stamp your feet.
If you are happy and you know it
Say “OK”.
If you are happy and you know it
Say “OK”.
If you are happy and you know it
If you really wont to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Say “OK”.
If you are happy and you know it
Do all three
If you are happy and you know it
Do all three
If you are happy and you know it
If you really wont to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Do all three.

Несколько детей бегут на сцену.  Рассаживаются.

Стих 6

I like to skip,
I like to jump,
I like to run about.
I like to play,
I like to sing,
I like to laugh and shout!

Стих 7

I can skip and I can run,
I can play games in the sun.
I can hear and I can see.
Lucky me! Oh, lucky me!

Стих 8

Can you speak English?
Can you spell your name?
Can you play balls?
Can you play a game?
Can you write a letter?
Can you draw a man?

Все хором:

Yes, we can!
Yes, we can!
Yes, we can, can, can!

Стих 9

It’s spring time, it’s spring time!
Cold winter is past!
Warm breezes are blowing
And May’s here at last!

Стих 10

The birds are returning,
Their songs fill the air!
And meadows are smiling,
Flowers blossom everywhere!

Часть детей на сцене, остальные в зале поют песню «Where do you like to go?»

Where do you like to go
On a sunny, sunny day?
If the strong wind doesn’t blow,
In the park I walk and play!

Walk and play, walk and play
On a sunny, sunny day!

On a sunny, sunny day
Boys and girls are always gay!
It is fun to sing a song,
Laugh and play for all day long!

Oh, what fun it is to play
On a sunny, sunny day!

На сцену выходит мальчик. У него в руках большая коробка с игрушками. Говорит свой стих и раскладывает по сцене игрушки.

Стих 11

Do you like to play with toys?
Do you, little girls and boys?
Look! We’ve got a lot of them!
One, two, three, six, seven, twelve!

Фоном звучит музыка, дети по очереди берут игрушки и рассказывают стихи про игрушки.

Стих 12 (c мышкой)

I love little mouse.
Her coat is so soft!
What a nice mouse I’ve got!

She sits near me,
I give her food.
My mouse loves me
Because I am good!

Стих 13 (к предыдущему присоединяется ребенок с кошкой  и они вдвоем )

C: Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?

M: Little cat, little cat,
I have no flat.
I am a poor mouse.
I have no house.

C: Little mouse, little mouse,
Come into my house.

M: Little cat, little cat,
I cannot do that.
You want to eat me.

Стих 14 (с уточкой)

I’ve got a duck.
Her name is Chuck.
She is so funny.
She has got much money!

Стих 15 (с крокодилом)

I’ve got a little crocodile.
He’s green and kind and nice.
He doesn’t like to clean his teeth
But I love him and he loves me.

Стих 16

Our little fox has a nice box.
It has no door
But a brown floor
The walls are white
And the box is bright.

Стих 17

Oh, where is my ball?
Oh, where? Oh, where?
Is it in the box or under the chair?
Oh, here is my pretty ball
Under the table near the wall.

Сценка (сначала 2 человека)

1: Yesterday I built a house.
There lives a little mouse.

2: And who else?

1: A funny hare
And a lazy clumsy bear

2: Welcome, little girls and boys,
With your best and lovely toys!

Те, кто читали до этого стихи про игрушки идут к столику, садятся

2: You will have a lot of cakes,
Which my mummy often bakes.

3: “Is the house very nice?”

4:  “Yes it is” – say little mice

3: “Are there any stools or chairs?”

1: “Yes, there are” – say funny hares.

4: For the lazy clumsy bare
There is a big armchair

1: For the mouse, don’t forget,
You have bought a TV set.

3: Is the house very good?

4: Yes, it has a lot of food.

2: Many friends and dear mom,
They will make it lots of fun.

Наливают друг другу чай

1: Would you like a cup of tea?

2: Thank you, yes, but sugar-free.

3: Would you like a piece of cake,
That my mummy likes to bake?

4: Help yourself, enjoy your food,
Everything is so good!

1: Could I have some coffee, please,
And a little piece of cheese?

2: Could I have some lemonade,
With a cake, that you have made?

3: Water, coffee, tea and milk,
Coke, juice – I like to drink,

4: Fish, potatoes, chicken, meat,
Ice-cream, fruit – I like to eat

1: Help yourself, enjoy your food,
Everything is so good!

2: Do you know what I like?
All day long to ride a bike.

3: Do you know what I wish?
In the see to swim with fish.

4: Do you know what she likes?
To be happy, kind and nice.

1: Do you know what she does?
Everyday she likes to dance.

На сцене девочка с мишкой, начинает свой стих. Дети за столиком уходят в зал.

Стих 18 (с мишкой)

Teddy-bear, Teddy-bear, look around.
Teddy-bear, Teddy-bear, touch the ground.
Teddy-bear, Teddy-bear, switch off the light.
Teddy-bear, Teddy-bear, say “Good night!”

Занавес закрывается. Свет гаснет. На сцену выходит Лия Каратаева с синим воздушным шариком. Садится и засыпает. Включаю пушку. Ей снится сон. Она его поет.

Песня “Goodbye”

My beautiful blue balloon
Is in the starry blue sky.
It’s flying to the yellow moon
And say: “Goodbye…”

Goodbye, my balloon, goodbye,
Fly to the moon and the sky.
You’ll meet many planets and stars,
That whirl in a wonderful dance.

Believe, you will see your dream,
My favourite blue pilgrim.
You’ll get in the fairy tales,
New world with exiting games.

Goodbye, my balloon, goodbye,
I want you to fly and fly.
I wish you to see your dream,
Be happy, my brave pilgrim.

Утро. Пение птиц. Постепенно зажигается свет. Занавес открывается. На сцене цветы и птички.

Стих 18

Flowers here, flowers there
Flowers growing everywhere.

Стих 19

I like flowers that are bright.
I like flowers that are white.
I like flowers with a smell.
I like flowers very well.

Стих 20

Red or rosy
In summer I grow.
I’m a fine flower.
I’m a rose.

Cтих 21

Red or yellow,
White and blue.
The gayest flowers are just for you!

Танец цветов. Плюс пушка.

Сценка с птичками.

Стих 22

There were two blackbirds,
Sitting on a hill,
The one named Jack,
The other named Jill.
Fly away, Jack!
Fly away Jill!
Come again, Jack!
Come again, Jill!

Стих 23

Little Robin Redbreast
Come to visit me.
This is what he whistled:
“Thank you for your tea!”

Стих 24

Cuckoo, cuckoo, what do you do?
In April I open my bill.
In May I sing all day.
In June I change my tune.
In July away I fly!

Стих 25

The cuckoo comes in April.
He sings his song in May.
In the middle of June
He changes his tune.
And then he flies away!

Цветы и птички танцуют и поют на сцене. Остальные в зале. Песня « What a lovely time of year»

What a lovely time of year, time of year, time of year!
What a lovely time of year in our springtime garden.

See the flowers swing and sway, swing and sway, swing and sway/
See the flowers swing and sway in our springtime garden!

This is the way the bunny hops, bunny hops, bunny hops.
This is the way the bunny hops on a springtime morning!

This is the way the robin flies, robin flies, robin flies.
This is the way the robin flies on a springtime morning!

This is the way the cuckoo walks, cuckoo walks, cuckoo walks.
This is the way the cuckoo walks on a springtime morning!

This is the way the children play, children play, children play.
This is the way the children play on a springtime morning!

Стих 26

The days of spring are here.
Warm sunny days are near.
Birds in trees, flowers and bees.
The days of spring are here!

Стих 27

Spring makes the world a happy place!
You see a smile on every face!
Flowers come out and birds arrive,
Oh, isn’t it grand to be alive?

Стих 28

The wind told the grasses,
And the grasses told the trees,
The trees told the bushes,
And the bushes told the bees,
The bees told the robin,
And the robin sang out clear:
Wake up!
Wake up!
Spring is here!

Стих 28

The sky is blue, the day is light!
The sun is yellow and bright.
This rose is red and that one – pink.
You like all roses, I think.

Стих 29

Grass, trees and leaves are green in spring
And even birds begin to sing.
But if the clouds are dark grey,
Please, don’t be afraid, expect the rain!

Гаснет немного свет. Шум дождя.

Стих 30 (под шум дождя)

After the dust and heat,
In a broad and narrow street,
In the shortest lane
How beautiful is the rain!

Танец с зонтиками. Три девочки в красных юбочках в горошек. На сцене.

Стих 32 (Садится за мольберт. Рисует. Показывает в зал рисунки. )

Red and blue and green and white,
I am drawing all the night!
Orange, yellow, brown, grey…
I am drawing all the day.
Green, white –
For my kite.
Brown, grey –
For the rain.
Red and blue –
For me and you!

Все поют песню “Colours”

I see green, I see yellow.
I see that funny fellow!
I see white, I see black,
I see this and that and that!
I see pink, I see brown.
I stand up and I sit down
I see red, I see blue.
I see you and you and you!

Под песню медленно из-за правых кулис выходит мальчик с шариками и встает у края сцены.

Стих 33 (мальчик с шариками одет как клоун)

With my hands I go clap, clap, clap.
With my feet I go tap, tap, tap.
With my eyes I go blink, blink, blink.
With my mouth I can sing, sing, sing.

I can clap, clap, clap.
I can tap, tap, tap.
I can blink, blink, blink.
I can sing, sing, sing!.

I stand here every afternoon,
Waiting for someone to buy a balloon.
Look at the colours bright and gay.
Just one penny is all you pay!
Plenty for all who come, have I,
Come and buy! Come and buy!

Все разбирают шарики. Часть ребят на сцене. Часть под сценой.

Balloon man: And what do you do in spring?

All together: In spring we play, dance and sing!

Все танцуют на месте под финальную музыку, машут шариками, летят мыльные пузыри. Полная феерия!!!

Приложение 2фото спектакля