Открытый урок по английскому языку в 3-м классе по теме "Food"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Ввести новые ЛЕ по теме, активизировать их в речи, закрепление пройденного материала.



- ввести новые ЛЕ по теме Food,

- повторение времён: Present Continuous, Present Simple, конструкции I want to…, I would like…,

- совершенствование фонетических навыков,


- знакомство с культурой и традициями Великобритании (обряд чаепития),

- развитие кругозора, лингвистической догадки, внимания,


- воспитание уважения к другим нациям и народам,

- воспитание чувства патриотизма.

Этапы урока (в редакции автора)

Этапы урока Ход урока Примечания
1. Орг. момент, сообщение темы урока. 2 мин.


2. Paзвитие монологической речи (навыка говорения). 4-5 мин.


3. Введение новой лексики. 7 мин.


4. Reading and discussion. 5 мин.


2 мин.


5. Физминутка.
1-2 мин.


6. Работа с учебником по наглядным опорам. 2-3 мин.

7. Аудирование. 2-3 мин.

8. Работа над письмом. 7-8 мин.



9. Игра с родителями*

10. Подведение итогов урока.

Задание дом.

Good morning, boys and girls!

Two weeks ago we celebrated Fedya’s birthday.

Today we can go to the birthday again. Also we’ll learn new words about food and some facts about tea.

Guess, who has a birthday. This animal is in my bag.

He says: I’m big and fat. I’m brown. I can go and climb the trees. I like to take a shower in the river. I eat honey and fish. I live in the forest. What is my name? (A bear)

What is his name?

(Winnie-the Pooh)

Let’s say “Good morning” to Winnie .

- Hello, how are you? (I’m fine, I’m OK, I’m well)

Usually the forest bear is brown. The polar bear…

The panda… But what colour is Winnie? Where is he from? (from America)

He is from Disneyland and Disneyland is in America.

And where is this Winnie-the-Pooh from? (He is from Russia)

No, you are not quite right. He is from the Russian cartoon (film) But who writes a book about him? (Alexander Miln, an English writer)

So, where is Winnie-the-Pooh from? (from Great Britain)

So, today we can go to Great Britain and meet Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends.

Who are his friends? (Piglet, Tiger, Rabbit, Donkey, Owl, Kanga and Roo, Christopher Robin)

We can go to Winnie-the-Pooh’s birthday if you are his friends. Choose any friend you like and give us a description of him or her.

The other pupils will guess who you are.

(Дети описывают животное)

But we can’t go to Winnie’s birthday without presents. What presents can you give him?

I want to give him… (Toys, A balloon, Books, roller-skates, etc.(Winnie likes sweet things) Honey, sweets, chocolate, candy, jam, fruit, vegetables)

Now let’s see what presents each of you wants to give him.

e.g. Piglet wants to give him …

And what present does …. want to give him?

(Дети говорят предложения, используя данную конструкцию)

Every birthday has a big birthday cake and some nice tasty things. Let’s see what we are going to eat.

(Введение слов: роtato, tomato, carrot, cabbage

По схеме:

It’s a…….

(repeat after me,

Is it an apple? Is it big or little? Do you like to eat…?)

( + a jar of jam, a pot of honey, condensed milk)

Why does Winnie like to eat …?

(because it is sweet and tasty)

Does Winnie-the-Pooh like to eat soup?

………………………………….. porridge?


But all these fruit and vegetables are for his friends.

What does Rabbit like to eat for breakfast?

…………. Donkey ………………………?


………….Christopher Robin……………..?


I see that we have a lot of things to eat. But what can we drink? (Tea, coffee, juice, milk)

That’s right. What is Winnie-the-Pooh’s favourite drink? (Tea)

But what kind of tea?

What country is he from?

So, his favourite tea is English tea.

Do you know the difference between English tea and Russian tea?

Then read the text.

Open your textbooks at page 59. ex.7.

Read the text and the words before the text. Can you guess their meaning?

Read the text to yourselves and be ready to answer the question: What is English tea?

Answer some other questions:

  • When do Englishmen have tea?
  • Do they drink tea from cups or from glasses?
  • What is “Russian tea?”
  • What is “English tea”?

The Englishmen call it “white tea”

Do you know when English people drink tea? – At 5 o’clock. They call it “5o’clock tea”.

Now tell me, please what you’ve learnt about tea.

One day Winnie-the-Pooh wants to get honey. He runs to his friend Piglet (now we are running) and takes the balloon. Then he goes (we are going) to the tree where the bees live. He climbs (now we ‘re climbing) the tree and then flies on his balloon up.(now we’re flying) and sings his cloud song. But the bees fly after him and Winnie jumps (now we’re jumping) from branch to branch. Then he runs home (we’re running).

All the animals in the forest are great eaters. And many book heroes like to eat too. One of them is Robin-Bobin

Open your textbooks at page 60 ex. 9. Read the task.

I would like to eat……..

(закончить за Бобина)

Now think what you would like to eat at Pooh’s birthday.

I would like to eat…….

I would like to drink……

Suppose you want something at a birthday table. Let’s see how to ask about it politely.

p. 52 ex.8 (cassette16)

(Работа с диалогом)

All the animals in the forest like to talk. And they tell you funny stories that happen to them. These are the letters from the animals. You can help them to fill in the gaps.

A Letter from Piglet.

One day my friend Winnie and I go to our friend Rabbit.

He puts a pot of __________ (honey) , a jar of ________

(jam) and condensed __________(milk) on the table. When Winnie eats it he can’t go in the door, he is too fat.

A Letter from Eoyer.

My birthday is not a happy day. I haven’t got a tail and I haven’t got presents. But in the evening my friends come. Winnie gives me a ________(pot) where he had _______ (honey) and Piglet gives me a piece of ________(balloon)

A Letter from Owl.

Winnie likes _________(honey), Kanga and her son eat ________(fruit) and __________(vegetables), but I don’t like this food. I eat __________ (meat).

As you remember from the book, on Eoyer’s birthday Piglet is in a hurry. He runs very quickly to his friend, falls down, his balloon cracks and the words from fall down and mix. You must put them into the right order.

Open your copy-books, write down the date. Write down the first sentence. Who is the first?

1) Much, I, bananas, very, love. (I love bananas very much)

2) English, Winnie, drinks, tea. (Winnie drinks English tea)

3) Tasty, are, and, oranges, apples. (Apples and oranges are tasty.

Today we have many guests. Now they will help us to finish our lesson. They must show, what things they are eating and you are to guess.

Мой пример: изображаю, как чищу и ем банан. (Are you eating the banana?)

Что сегодня делали на уроке? Что нового узнали?

Уоur hometask is:

1) cassette 16-to learn by heart

2) read – p.59 ex.7

3) write p.61 ex.12

4) speak p.60 ex.9

The lesson is Over. Сегодня хорошо работали…..

Показываю пакет со зверем


Медвежонок здоровается за руку с детьми


Показываю книжку с русским Вини Пухом


Дети хором повторяют имена


Раздаю картинки животных или их имена


На доске слова по теме подарки


Каждый ребёнок рассказывает по предложению


Вывешиваю на доску заготовленные письма с пропусками, рядом слова для подстановки