Урок – ролевая игра "Тебе следует пойти к доктору"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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  • Актуализация изученного материала по теме;
  • Тренировка навыков диалогической и монологической речи;
  • Совершенствование навыков чтения; формирование навыка постановки специальных вопросов. Учить работать с таблицей.
  • Создать атмосферу заинтересованности, активизировать лексику и ввести новую.

Оборудование: таблицы для заполнения по количеству учащихся; карточки с заданием по количеству учащихся, медицинские принадлежности (халат, шапочка, стетоскоп)


Ход урока

T: Dear children,

Nobody likes to go to doctors. Some of us are afraid of them. Today we’ll play a game “A visit to a doctor”. Every pupil will have a card with the name of deices and a table to write during a game. (обратить внимание на взаимную вежливость доктора и пациента)


Фонетическая зарядка.

T: Open your books at page 75 ex.8 (режим работы T-Cl) let’s read together. Let’s repeat new words.

Активизация новой лексики. Предъявление темы урока.

T: Look at the blackboard and answer questions. Imagine pleasure that you are in the hospital. I am a doctor. You have some problems. Let’s discuss them. Who will be the first? Come in. (T-Cl-P1,P2,P3,P4) (Слайд- 4,5,6)

Формирование навыка постановки специальных вопросов.

T: You would like to visit a doctor because you have health problems (a sore throat, a bad cold, etc.). You need the doctor's ad-. The doctor will ask you some questions.(Слайд-7,8)

- Don't forget to ask |the doctor:

- What you should do to be healthy;

- When you will visit the doctor again.

Remember to:

  • be active and polite;
  • get the needed information by asking questions;
  • talk for 1,5-2 minutes.

Let’s ask special questions. (Работа в режиме P1,P2,P3-T)

Развивать умение работать с таблицей.

Заполняют все учащиеся во время визита пациента к доктору.The first patient has come. Write everything to the table. При заполнении таблицы ученик предполагает, чем он болен.


Формирование навыка (Health problems) говорения с использованием фраз.

P: 1. I suffer from a headache (quinsy, a sore throat, a broken leg an earache, a toothache). 2. I have a stomachache (a bad cold, the flu, a pain in heart, a pain in the chest, a pain in the lungs, a backache, high temperature, a pain in the neck).

Совершенствование навыка постановки вопроса. (Questions:)

1 . What shall I take for to recover from my cold?

2. What should I do to get well (to be healthy)?

3. When should I visit you again?

Примерная таблица:

Name Illness Doctor's advice

 Формирование навыка ответа на вопросы учителя. (доктора)

Т: Can you answer my questions? (режим работы T- P1, P2, P3)

- Возможные вопросы учителя (во время разыгрывания диалога):

1.Can I help you? What's the matter?

2. Are you sneezing (coughing)?

3. Do you have a high temperature?

4. Is it difficult for you to swallow (to breathe)?

5. When did you fall ill?

6. Did you take any medicine (aspirin)?

7. Does it hurt to move? 8. Do you take regular exercises?

9. Do you have a pain in the stomach (in the chest)?

10. Do you regularly take your blood pressure?

11. It will be useful for you ... .

12. I hope ... will help you.

13. You will recover soon.

Doctor's advices: после собеседования доктор дает каждому больному необходимую инструкцию, которую он читает вслух и говорит, что он сможет сделать, а что нет. (I can do it. I can’t do it.)

Примерные карточки


— take the medicine three times a day;

— have a walk outdoors;

— never smoke to be healthy;

— take regular exercises;

— get up early and go to bed early;

— take a cool (cold) shower;

— take a good medicine for headache;

— take vitamins;

— have a good rest.

Quinsy, flu, sore throat, high temperature, cough, pain in the chest (lungs)

— stay in bed for 3 days (for a week, till the next day);

— drink warm milk with butter (honey, mineral water);

— take temperature twice a day;

— take (buy) a good medicine for colds;

— take vitamins;

— visit a doctor in three days (on Monday, next week).


— buy the medicine for a toothache;

— go to the dentist (immediately);

- clean your teeth every morning and every evening;

- eat the right (healthy) food;

- too many sweets are bad for your teeth.


- take (buy) a medicine for a stomachache;

- eat the right food (healthy food, dairy products);

- keep to a diet, the wrong food makes you ill;

- have a good rest;

- never smoke to keep fit.

Pain in the heart.

- have a rest;

- call a doctor if you have a strong pain in the heart;

- take the medicine (tablets) regularly;

- take vitamins, eat the healthy food (a lot of fruits and vegetables);

- take regular exercises;

- never smoke to keep fit;

- take blood pressure twice a day;

- stay in bed for two days.

Формирование навыка чтения диалога по ролям. (Слайд-10)

Т: Let’s read the text and answer my questions.

— Good morning! Can I help you?

— Good morning. I have a sore throat.

— Is it difficult to breathe?

— Oh, yes, it is. It is difficult to swallow and breathe.

— Do you have a high temperature?

— No, I don't. Have you taken any medicine?

— Not yet.

— When did you fall ill?

— I fell ill two days ago.

— Will you open your mouth and show me your tongue? You are really ill.

— What should I do to get well?

— You should take warm milk with butter or mineral water and buy a good medicine for cold. You will also take vitamins.

— When should I visit you again?

— You will visit me in a week.

— Thank you very much.

— You are welcome.

Контроль понимания. Ответы на вопросы учителя.

T: Did you understand? I want you to answer some questions.

1. What health problem did Nick has?

2. When did he fall ill?

3. What did the doctor say?

4. When will Kate visit the doctor again?

5. Who had a headache?

6. What should Pete do to get well?

7. Did the doctor help the patient?

Итог урока. Оценки и комментарии, домашнее задание. I wish you to be healthy

(Учащиеся по очереди “посещают доктора” — учителя и беседуют с ним по проблемам своего здоровья. Таким образом, учитель разыгрывает мини-диалоги с каждым учеником. Во время разыгрывания диалога учащиеся фиксируют услышанную информацию в таблице. После окончания игры учитель задает детям вопросы по таблице с целью осуществления контроля навыков аудирования или собирает таблицы для последующей проверки. Учитель во время ведения диалога использует карточку, в которой указаны болезни и возможные рекомендации). (Слайд-11)
