Британская система образования

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Классы: 10, 11

Презентация к уроку

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Тема урока: Система Образования Великобритании.

Цель урока: Обобщение и систематизация пройденного материала по теме.

Задачи урока:

  1. развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи;
  2. развитие навыков чтения и аудирования;
  3. развитие умения коллективного сотрудничества;
  4. расширение страноведческого кругозора, развитие мышления.

Оснащение: компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация в Power Pointс заданиями к уроку, магнитофон.

Ход урока. (Slide 1).

Before the lessons starts students are divided into two groups.

I. Речевая зарядка в форме brainstorming (с целью настроить учащихся на беседу по теме урока).

Look at the screen and read these quotations aloud. (Slide 2.) What do these quotes have in common? Discuss the possible answer in groups and in 1 minute you are to come up with your ideas.

the possible answers: – school/education plays an important role in our life; the welfare/ the quality of our life/ living standards working conditions depend on the quality of education.

  • school educates, develops us in different ways, teaches to communicate and live in society;
  • the better educated the person is, the more good he will bring to society;
  • society producing well-educated people will function more effectively;
  • the progress of the society depends on the quality of education.

II. Сообщение цели урока.

Great Britain is one of the most powerful countries in the world with high living standards providing its people with lots of benefits and opportunities.

Do you think the progress in the British society can be explained by the good quality of education?

Let’s examine the way schools function in the country. So, the subject of our discussion is education in Great Britain. (Slide 3)

III. Активизация лексических навыков. Типы британских школ.

Let’s start with the types of British schools. What schools do you know? Fill in the word web with the main types of British schools. (Slide 4).

Look at the slide and match the type of school with its description. (Slide 5).

IV. Развитие навыков аудирования. (Supplement 1).

Прослушать высказывания 4 учеников и определить в какой школе каждый из них обучается.

Listen to the students talking about their schools and put down in the chart the type of school each student studies in. Be ready to account for your choice. (Slide 6). What helped you guess the type of school. What problems of their schools are the students talking about.

V. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Составление и воспроизведение диалога на тему “В какую школу отдать ребенка: частную или общеобразовательную?”

In spite of the fact that secondary education in Great Britain is not only compulsory but free as well , still many British families (20%) choose to educate their children private schools.(Slide 7)

Look at the screen. You see an advert of a private school. Would you send your child to this school if you were parents. (Slide 8).

Let’s fancy the situation where on the family council you are deciding whether to send your child to study in private school. Prepare a dialogue where you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such schools and come to some agreement in the end. You have 3 minutes to prepare it. You can delegate either two members of your family or more to act out the dialogue. You can use these scheme. (Slide 9).

VI. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи. Составление высказывания на тему “Система британского образования”.

  1. Now let’s speak about the stages of education British children go through during school years. Completing this chart I made some mistakes. Can you find and correct them? (Slide 10).
  2. Using this chart as an outline tell us about British sсhools.

VII. Развитие навыков устной речи. Обсуждение школьных правил и наказаний.

Speaking about schools it’s impossible not to mention school rules the aim of which is to ensure discipline without which no school will function properly.

Every school has its own code of conduct but in fact the rules don’t differ much from school to school, from country to country.

  1. What rules do British children have to observe? Use these grammar structures to support your answer. (Slide 11).
  2. As you see these rules are practically the same we have in our school. But what happens when students break these rules? They get punished. These are some sanctions (I’d say typically British ones) which are imposed on pupils in case of offence. Put these sanctions in the proper order from less to most strict. (Slide 12).
  3. Match the sanctions with their description. (Slide 13).
  4. On the screen you can see a list of the most common offences. You are to work out behavior policy at school. Decide what sanctions must be imposed on students for the following offences (choose from the list) (Slide 14, Slide 15).

Discuss, write and come with your resolution in 3 minutes.

VIII. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов.

Today we’ve discussed quite a number of things about school education and I hope it helped you to learn more about this side of British life. (Slide 16).

Supplement 1 (Listening Comprehension)

Speaker 1: On the one hand, I’m really grateful to my parents for giving me a chance to study in this school and I have no any doubts that here I’ll get the best education possible.

But there is one thing that makes me envious of my friends who study in ordinary schools and have the opportunity to communicate with teens of the opposite sex. In this respect, I believe that our school doesn’t prepare us for future life in the society made up not only of males but females as well. (Boys’ school)

Speaker 2: I think that my school is neither better nor worse than other schools of the kind. We have quite good facilities: a well-stocked library, a computer room, a gym. Our classes are equipped with TV sets and tape-recorders.

But what really prevents the students of our school from achieving good academic results is classes with students of mixed abilities. Bright students are usually bored at the lessons as they don’t have a chance to excel in class where some of their fellow-students are just unable to master the basics of the subject. (Comprehensive school)

Speaker 3: It’s important that you make your subject choices carefully. At our school everyone can choose subjects that they like/enjoy and that are relevant to their chosen career. And you can be sure that you’ll receive proper guidance and tuition in all of them.

Of course, you have to study hard and spend a lion’s share of your time slaving at books and preparing for exams. But all the months of learning will pay off when you get good grades in your A-levels. (6th form)

Speaker 4: I’m lucky to study at such a school. It is ranked as one of the best in our city due to its high academic standards, efficient staff, excellent facilities and a wide range of extra-school/leisure activities. My school provides me with an opportunity to develop physically, mentally and spiritually and what is more essential – to get prepared for the exams.

But as you understand not everyone can afford to send their child to such school. You must be pretty rich to pay high fees to go there. (Private school)