It`s the Way You Tell`em!

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных навыков на основе введенного лексико-грамматического материала.


Обучающая: закрепление навыков употребления лексики по теме в диалогической и монологической речи.

Воспитательная: формирование нравственных критериев в правильном восприятии юмористических ситуаций.

Развивающая: расширение культурного кругозора учащихся.


1. УМК ‘Lazer B1’ издательства ‘Macmilean’.

2. Мультимедийная установка.

3. Карточки слов и выражений.

4. DVD с отрывком из кинофильма “Четыре свадьбы и одни похороны”, видеомагнитофон.

5. Портрет Ч. Чаплина.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

II. Введение темы урока. Звучит музыка. На экране появляются портреты знаменитых на весь мир артистов-комиков (например, Ч. Чаплин, Роуэн Аткинсон, Ю. Никулин, Фернандель).


Who do you see in these pictures?

What countries are they from?

What do you find in common in them?

So these famous comedians introduce the topic of the lesson. What do you think we will speak about?

Yes, you are right. We are going to discuss the problems of cinematography? Particularly of comedies and comedians.

III. Отработка лексических единиц

Учитель: To begin with we’ll revise the words and phrases that can help us in our work.

На экране появляются следующие слова:










have a sense of humour

roar with a laughter

bust into laughter

keep a straight face

tell a joke

Ученики повторяют хором за учителем слова и фразы.

In the course of our work we’ll have some contests so now let’s divide into competing groups. (Ученики делятся на команды)

You know the meaning of these words and phrases. The task to the groups is the following get the card with a word or a phrase and explain what they mean so that another team could guess them. (Учащиеся достают по очереди карточки и дают дефиниции; противоположная команда догадывается, что это за слово).

Учитель: And now as you really know the meaning of the words we’ll have a piece of creative work. Use the words in the poem in the gaps. Mind that they should rhyme with the underlined words.

а. We watched a comedy … (hilarious)

In the nearby cinema of ours.

There were some series with a … (comedian)

Who starred in the role of a funny man.

b. He was so awesome in the joke race.

But told them all with quite a serious … (face)

The viewers couldn’t stop roaring with … (laughter)

Even long the funny moments were far after.

с. I wish I had a great sense of … (humour)

So that my film could become a boomer.

Учащиеся читают свои варианты стихотворения и при помощи стилоса переносят нужные слова в места пропусков.

IV. Развитие речевых навыков

Учитель: Do you like jokes, anecdotes, comedies?

Do you have a sense of humour?

Why do you think so?

What groups of jokes do you know?

Why is it sometimes so difficult to understand jokes in other languages?

So it’s really hard to understand humour if you don’t know the traditions and habits of the country, grammar and spelling on which the joke is based. To illustrate it I’ll tell you a joke:

A customer come to the restaurant and ordered bean soup. But when the waiter brought it, it turned out to be too old and smelly. “What’s this?” the customer asked. “It’s been soup, but what is it now?”

На экране надписи:

It’s bean soup = It is bean soup

It’s been soup = It has been soup

Учитель: Now it’s your turn to tell us your jokes (домашнее задание).

Учащиеся рассказывают шутки.

One of the most popular comedians was Rowan Atkinson. He is famous all over the world for starring in the famous about …? Учащиеся: “Mr. Bean!”

Учитель: He is our guest today. (Один из учащихся заранее подготовил информацию об актере и представляет ее на пресс-конференции) and you are correspondents representing different press agencies, magazines and other periodicals at Mr Atkinson’s press-conference. Before you ask him a question don’t forget to introduce yourselves.

Учащиеся задают вопросы.

Учитель: I think you’ve found out a lot of new about this comedian. And now we’ll watch an episode from the film “Four weddings and a funeral” where R. Arkinson playa the part of a priest who is taking part in wedding ceremony. For the first time and so confuses things while doing that. Watch the episode and after that tell us the confuses things.

Учащиеся смотрят отрывок из кинофильма и затем называют, что молодой священник путал на свадебной церемонии.

V. Развитие навыков знания и контроль понимания прочитанного. Работа проводится на основе текста из Workbook учебного пособия “Lazer B1” на странице 57.

Учитель: Now we are going to read the text about Charlie Chaplin and they discuss the reasons for his popularity.

Учащиеся читают текст вслух и делают упражнение к тексту.

Учитель: I’ll give you the paraphrased sentences. Please find the correspondent sentences in the text you have read and read them out.

  • Charlie Chaplin came from a poor family.
  • Originally the Chaplins did not live in the USA.
  • People were fond of Chaplin’s way of getting into trouble.
  • Sennett, who recognized Chaplin’s talent as a film comedian, had already had the experience of working with famous comedians.
  • Chaplin made up the world-famous image of a little tramp after he had known which costume to put on.
  • Chaplin’s first film in the new image was a box-office boom.
  • Thought Chaplin’s comedies were silent people could easily share his emotions.
  • Chaplin managed to distinguish himself from other numerous comedians.

Учитель: And the final part of our work on the text is the refilling. The groups will take turns in retelling so that each group has 5-6 sentences.

Учащиеся по очереди делают короткий пересказ прочитанного.

VI. Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итога урока

Учитель: The lesson is coming to an end and I can say that was marvelous. Thank you for the lesson and my thanks will be very specific today.

Учитель раздает значки (стикеры) со словами “The best!”, “Great Job”, “Needs Work!”

Дается домашнее заданее.