Урок по теме "Nature Pollution" в 7-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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1. Образовательные

  1. Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения по теме “How Do You Treat the Earth?”;
  2. Совершенствование грамматического навыка употребление страдательного залога (“Present Simple Passive”);
  3. Совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования.

2. Развивающая – развитие способности построения логического высказывания.

3. Воспитательная – воспитание уважительного отношения к окружающей среде.

Оборудование – компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал, мяч.

План урока.

  1. Организационный момент. 1 мин.
  2. Фонетическая подготовка. 2 мин.
  3. Вводная беседа. 5 мин.
  4. Активизация грамматического материала.
    а) повторение форм неправильных глаголов. 2 мин.
    б) грамматические упражнения. 9 мин.
  5. Релаксационная пауза. 1 мин.
  6. Групповая работа. Выполнение задания по чтению. 5 мин.
  7. Выполнение задания по аудированию. 3 мин.
  8. Практика неподготовленной речи. 15 мин.
  9. Итоги урока. Домашнее задание. 2 мин.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher. Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. How are you today?
Pupil 1. I am fine.
Pupil 2. Fine, thank you.
Pupil 3. Not bad, thank you.
Teacher. Today we are going to discuss environmental problems of this town.

2. Фонетическая подготовка.
(Слайд 2).

Teacher. To begin with will you read some words that are necessary for your work today?

(При щелчке на ссылку звучит запись слова..)

Учащиеся читают слова за диктором хором, фронтально, индивидуально.

3. Вводная беседа.

(Слайд 3).

Teacher. Well, today I have a surprise for you. But first will you answer my question? Who was Louis Armstrong?
Pupil 1. I don’t know.
Pupil 2. I think Louis Armstrong lived in America.
Pupil 3. To my mind he was a musician.
Teacher. Louis Armstrong was a great American musician and he sang very beautiful songs. Today you will listen to one of his songs. Please, look at the pictures and guess what this song is about.
Pupil 1. I think the song is about travelling.
Pupil 2. The song is about different seasons.
Pupil 3. I think the song is about beautiful flowers.
Pupil 4. The song is about animals.
Teacher. Let’s listen to the song. You may relax, close your eyes and enjoy the song.

(При щелчке на ссылку звучит запись двух куплетов песни в исполнении Л. Армстронга).

Teacher. Well, what is this song really about?
Pupil 1. Louis Armstrong sings about red roses.
Pupil 2. He sings about beautiful nature.
Pupil 3. This song is about green trees and blue sky.
Pupil 4. It is about wonderful world.
Teacher. Right you are.

(Слайд 4).

Teacher. But is this world really wonderful?

(Учитель бросает мяч учащемуся, ответ которого хочет услышать.)

Pupil 1. People cut down trees.
Pupil 2. People kill animals for fun.
Pupil 3. Car and factories pollute the air.
Pupil 4. We throw away litter.
Pupil 5. People spoil the environment.
Pupil 6. People destroy the countryside.
Pupil 7. People disturb wild animals.
Pupil 8. People pollute nature.
Pupil 9.
People leave litter in the parks and forests.

4. Активизация грамматического материала.

Teacher. We see that people destroy the Earth. And let’s see the results of our influence on the environment. What grammar structure should we use?
Pupil 1. Passive Voice.
Teacher. What verb forms must we use for Passive voice?
Pupil 1. The third forms.

а) Повторение форм неправильных глаголов.

Teacher. Let’s see if you remember three forms of the irregular verbs. Will you give me antonyms to my variants?
Pupil 1. Sew, sewed, sewed.
Teacher. Tear.
Pupil 2. Stick, stuck, stuck.
Teacher. Lose.
Pupil 3. Find, found, found
Teacher. Win.
Pupil 4. Lose, lost, lost.
Teacher. Build.
Pupil 5. Break, broke, broken.
Teacher. Take.
Pupil 6. Give, gave, given.
Teacher. Open.
Pupil 7. Shut, shut, shut.
Teacher. Shut.
Pupil 8. Show, showed, shown.
Teacher. Know.
Pupil 9. Forget, forgot, forgotten.
Teacher. Sell.
Pupil 10. Buy, bought, bought.
Teacher. Finish.
Pupil 11. Begin, began, begun.
Teacher. Come.
Pupil 12. Leave, left, left.
Teacher. Steal.
Pupil 13. Lend, lent, lent.
Teacher. Hurt.
Pupil 14. Forgive, forgave, forgiven.
Teacher. Thank you very much, now I know you remember three forms of irregular verbs.

б) Грамматическое упражнение.

(Слайды 5, 6).

Teacher. Now we’ll see the results of our influence on the environment. Please, use the correct form.

(Учащиеся записывают формы глаголов в страдательном залоге на интерактивной доске. Параллельно учитель может попросить учащихся записывать предложения в рабочих тетрадях.)

Pupil 1. When litter is thrown away, nature is polluted.
Pupil 2.When forests are cut down, wild animals are disturbed.
Pupil 3. When nature is not protected, people are hurt. .
Pupil 4. If the air is polluted the environment is spoilt.
Pupil 5. If paper is not recycled trees are cut down.
Pupil 6. If fire is left forests are damaged.
Pupil 7. When the seas are polluted, the sea animals are hurt.
Pupil 8. When the pollution is not reduced, people and animals are hurt.
Pupil 9. When plastic bottles are not reused, nature is damaged.
Pupil 10. When animals are killed, wildlife is changed.
Teacher. We see the awful results our influence the environment.

5. Релаксационная пауза.

Teacher. Now, please, put your pens down, relax, close your eyes. Now, please, winkle, relax, look up, look down, look left, look right, relax.

6. Групповая работа.

Teacher. Do you like to put puzzles together?
Pupil 1. Yes, I do.
Pupil 2. Of course, I do.
Teacher. I have cards with sentences for two groups. You must have three stories. Each group puts the sentences in a logical order.

Учащиеся делятся на три группы и получают набор корточек, на каждой из которых написано по одному предложению. Учитель контролирует работу в группах.

Задания по чтению для 1-й группы.

Our factories pollute the air.
We throw away so much glass, paper, metal and plastic.
We destroy the life of the sea animals.
We mustn’t do that.
We mustn’t pollute the air.
We can also recycle or reuse these things.
We mustn’t pollute water.
In many countries plastic or glass bottles are reused.
More than that, many kinds of birds have nearly disappeared.
Birds are disturbed.
The seas are dirty because we put litter and chemicals into them.
Our drinking water is full of chemicals.

Задания по чтению для 2-й группы.

Animals and people are hurt, the environment is spoilt.
Paper comes from trees.
A lot of animals are disappearing.
If we use a lot of paper many trees are cut down.
And people kill a lot of animals for fun.
And a lot of forests disappear every year.
More than that people don’t plant new trees.
We pollute the atmosphere and disturb wildlife.
When on picnics people leave a lot litter in the parks and on the banks of the rivers.
Animals are in danger.
They don’t put litter in the litter bins.

(Слайд 7).

Teacher. Let’s see what stories you have. Groups will read their stories one by one. Students of the other group listen to the stories carefully and match the story and the picture.

Group 1. We throw away so much glass, paper, metal and plastic.
We mustn’t do that.
In many countries plastic or glass bottles are reused.
We can also recycle or reuse these things.

A pupil (group 2). That is picture 4. It shows that bottles are not recycled.

Group 2. Paper comes from trees.
If we use a lot of paper many trees are cut down.
And a lot of forests disappear every year.
More than that people don’t plant new trees.

A pupil (group 1). That is picture 5. It shows that trees are cut down.

Group 1. Our factories pollute the air.
Birds are disturbed.
More than that, many kinds of birds have nearly disappeared.
We mustn’t pollute the air.

A pupil (group 2). That is picture 3. It shows that air is polluted.

Group 2. We pollute the atmosphere and disturb wildlife.
Animals are in danger.
And people kill a lot of animals for fun.
A lot of animals are disappearing.

A pupil (group 1). That is picture 7. It shows a rare animal.

Group 1. Our drinking water is full of chemicals.
The seas are dirty because we put litter and chemicals into them.
We destroy the life of the sea animals.
We mustn’t pollute water.

A pupil (group 2). That is picture 8, because it shows that water is polluted.

Group 2. When on picnics people leave a lot litter in the parks and on the banks of the rivers.
They don’t put litter in the litter bins.
Animals and people are hurt, the environment is spoilt.

A pupil (group 1). That is picture 2. It shows that the place is not cleaned up.

Teacher. Good. You all work hard.

7. Выполнение задания по аудированию.

(Слайд 8).

Teacher. Now you will tell me what environmental problems we have in this town. But first will you listen to a story of a boy who lives in London? What ecological problem does he speak about? Please read a new word.

(При щелчке мышью на символ в верхнем углу слайда звучит запись слова. Учащиеся читают слово за диктором.)
(При щелчке мышью на символ звучит запись рассказа.)
(Текст для аудирования.)

I live in London. There are so many cars in the streets of the city that the pollution is awful. Air is made dirty and I really think our health is affected. I think it would be a good idea to have a ‘no car’ day. Everybody would have to use other forms of transport – like buses, trains, bikes, of even just your feet – for one day. There wouldn’t be so much pollution and the roads would be much safer. We are only the part of the environment. That’s why we should understand what the important problems are and how we can help.)

Teacher. So, what ecological problem does the boy speak about?
Pupil 1. There are many cars in London streets.
Pupil 2. Air in London is spoilt.
Pupil 3. Air in London is polluted because of cars.
Teacher. You will listen to the story for the second time. For variants 1-5 mark true, false, unstated variants.

Учащиеся получают карточки с заданием.
Вариант карточки с заданием к аудированию.


  1. The air in London is polluted because of cars.
  2. The boy thinks if air is polluted health is affected.
  3. The boy rides a bike to school.
  4. He wants to have a “no car” week.
  5. The boy thinks it is very important to understand environmental problems.

Teacher. Please, listen to the story.

Учащиеся слушают рассказ ещё раз и делают необходимые пометки.
Учитель выборочно собирает карточки на проверку.
Учащиеся озвучивают свои варианты ответов.

Pupil 1. True.
Pupil 2. True.
Pupil 3. Unstated.
Pupil 4. False.
Pupil 5. True.

8. Практика неподготовленной речи.

(Слайд 9).

Teacher. Will you tell me about the environmental problems of this town?

(Для выполнения упражнения применяется прием “Снежный ком”. Учитель бросает мяч учащемуся, ответ которого хочет услышать.)

Teacher. First, repeat the previous sentences and then add your phrase.
Pupil 1. This town is polluted.
Pupil 2. (Повторяет предыдущее предложение). Plastic bottles and containers are left in the park.
Pupil 3. (Повторяет предыдущие предложения). Baby trees and flowers are not planted.
Pupil 4. (Повторяет предыдущие предложения). The rivers in this town are not cleaned up.
Pupil 5. (Повторяет предыдущие предложения). Ducks in the rivers are hurt.
Pupil 6. (Повторяет предыдущие предложения). Cars and buses spoil the air in the town.
Pupil 7. (Повторяет предыдущие предложения). If air is polluted nature is spoilt.
Pupil 8. (Повторяет предыдущие предложения). Nature is not protected.
Teacher. Thank you very much.

(Далее учащиеся составляют монологические высказывания об экологической ситуации в родном городе.)

(Слайд 10).

Teacher. There is an opinion “To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself”. Do you agree with this statement? Why? Why not?

(Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение, используя фразы речевого этикета.)

9. Итоги урока. Домашнее задание.

Teacher. Thank you for your work. Today we’ve stated the environmental problems of this town.

And next lesson we will see what to do to protect nature. Your task is SB p. 79, ex. 6,

AB p.36, ex. 3

Учащиеся записывают домашнее задание. Учитель выставляет оценки за работу на уроке.

Список использованных ресурсов.

  1. В.П.Кузовлев, Р.М.Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, О.В. Дуванова, Ю.Н.Балабардина. English -7. М.: Просвещение. 2003.
  2. В.П.Кузовлев, Р.М.Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, О.В. Дуванова, Ю.Н.Балабардина. English -7. Activity Book М.: Просвещение. 2003.
  3. В.П.Кузовлев, Р.М.Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, О.В. Дуванова, Ю.Н.Балабардина. English -7. Reader. М.: Просвещение. 2003.
  4. Звуковое приложение к учебнику “English – 7” авторов В.П.Кузовлева, Р.М.Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудовой, И.П. Костиной, О.В. Дувановой, Ю.Н.Балабардиной.
  5. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ http://music.yandex.ru/#blocks=artist&artist=688 http://images.yandex.ru
  6. http://www.documentary.perm.ru/bbc.html