Урок английского языка "Олимпийское движение". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Цель: Обобщить изученную лексику по теме.

Задачи: практиковать в аудировании, говорении, повторить косвенную речь, создать мотивацию к рассказу о своей спортивной жизни.

Оборудование: компьютеры для индивидуальной работы учащихся, мультимедийный проектор для показа фильма.

1. Оргмомент. Задачи.

2. Разминка. Приложение 1.

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1 слайд.

The first wealth is health.


Здоровье - главное богатство.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


Яблоко в день, и доктор не нужен.



3. История Олимпийского движения. Встреча с Пьером де Кубертеном.

Вы - журналисты и вам нужно пересказать, о чем рассказал Пьер де Кубертен.

Meet Baron Pierre de Coubertin. 2 ученика представляют диалог.

  • What facts of history of the Olympic Games you find the most interesting?
  • Why did you write a letter to every country describing the educational value of sport?
  • Were you sure that your ideas of modern Olympic would become true?
  • When did the first modern Olympic Games take place?
  • What would you like to say to the new generation?

Предполагаемые ответы Пьера де Кубертена.

1. Some facts of the Olympics' history I find really interesting. The Games included Greeks from every corner of the Greek world. For 1000 years the Games were at regular intervals of four years. Special messengers were sent out in every direction to announce the beginning of the Games and to signal an end of wars until after the games. I think these principles can make a foundation of modern Olympic Games.

2. I wrote a letter to every country describing the educational value of sport, because I believe that sport can help peoples understand each other better.

3. Of course not, but I hoped to be heard.

4. I was happy to realize the first Olympic Games were held in 2 years after my letters to the athletic organizations of every country. It became a main deal of my life. I was proud.

5. Be true to the Olympic ideals, keep peace and friendship.

Напишите предложения в косвенной речи, глядя на вопросы. 2 слайд для опоры.

4. Встреча с Председателем международного Олимпийского Комитета.

2 ученика представляют группе диалог. 3 слайд.

  • Meet the Chairman of the International Olympic Committee.
  • What can you say about the symbols of the Olympic Games?
  • Which countries hosted the Olympic Games?

Do you think Russia has a chance to host the Olympic Games again?

1. The main symbol of the Olympics is a combination of 5 joined colored circles. Each circle symbolizes a continent with a corresponding colour. It means that every country joins the Olympic movement and follows its principles.

2. Sweden, Mexico, Spain, Australia, Italy, Canada and many others. Such countries as Great Britain, the USA and France hosted the Olympiad twice. The games were held in every continent, but Africa. To organize the Olympiad is very expensive for some countries.

3. I am sure Russia has got a real chance to host The Olympiad again after Sochi winter Olympiad in 2014.

Учащиеся выполняют тест на карточках по услышанному диалогу.

Тест на карточках.

1. He told about such symbols as

a) the Olympic fire and the Olympic emblem

b) the Olympic flag

c) the Olympic circles

2. He told about

a) financial problems of the Committee

b) countries of Africa

c) countries hosted the Olympiad

3. He hoped Russia

a) would host the Olympiad twice

b) will host the Olympiad twice

c) has no chances to host the Olympiad.

5. Выдающиеся спортсмены рассказывают о спорте. Парная работа. 4 слайд.

Act out the dialogue.

A famous sports champion visited your school. What would you like to ask him/ her about? Speak to her/ him.

  1. Do you belong to any sport society?
  2. To what sport society do you belong?
  3. Are you an Honoured Master of Sports?
  4. How long have you been doing this sport? Who is your coach now?
  5. Who was your first coach?
  6. What is your favourite indoor game?
  7. Are you good at tennis?
  8. Who is your team playing next week?
  9. Do you think your team will win?
  10. What is your hobby? Have you got a family?
  • Кодекс спортсмена. Tell us which rules of Player's behavior you know. Add the missed rule. 5 слайд.
  • Советы для поддержания здоровья. Tell us which tips you know. Add the missing tip. 6 слайд.
  • Exercise! A pupil says the rhyme and the group does exercises. 7 слайд.

6. Спортивные новости дня. (homework) 8 слайд.

Ученики рассказывают спортивные новости дня на англ. Остальные готовятся сказать на русском языке основное содержание.

7. Фильм об уроке физической культуры в классе. (Учащиеся сняли заранее небольшой фильм и подготовили комментарий к нему на английском языке. Возможно использование приложения 2.)

8. Дом.задание. Рассказ о своей спортивной жизни в письме другу.


(Questions and answers):

  1. Do you do a lot of sports?
  2. How many sports do you do?
  3. And what are they?
  4. Why do you like cycling?
  5. What kinds of sport are most popular among the young people in your country?
  6. Do you like physical training classes at school? If "yes": What kind of activity do you prefer? If "no": Why not?
  7. What kinds of sport competitions are held in your school?
  8. Are there any school champions in your class?
  9. What sport does she/he do?
  10. Is there any difference between your PT lessons in winter and in autumn? Say in detail.

Yes, I exercise every day.


Jogging and cycling.

Because it's good for legs, and I think it's relaxing and it's fun.

Judo, gymnastics, fencing, basketball, volleyball, tennis, football, swimming and ice hockey.

Yes, I do. I prefer basketball and gymnastics.

All kinds of competions are held in our school. Of all outdoor games I prefer basketball and badminton.

No there aren't. / Yes, there are.


Yes, there is. In winter we go skating and skiing. The boys like to play hockey. In autumn we play football, basketball, and badminton.