Урок по английскому языку "Составляем карту мира"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

1. Образовательная:

  • Систематизировать знания по теме “Карта мира”
  • Обобщить грамматический и лексический материал по теме “Карта мира”.
  • Обеспечить использование изучаемого лексического и грамматического материала в реальных ситуациях общения.

2. Развивающая.

  • Развивать логическое мышление в ситуациях реального общения.
  • Обеспечить межпредметные связи (география).

3. Воспитывающая.

Продолжать знакомство с реалиями стран изучаемого языка и других  зарубежных стран. Развивать социокультурную компетенцию и   толерантное отношение к культуре других стран.

Оборудование: компьютер, интерактивная доска, карта мира для работы на интерактивной доске, костюм для инопланетянина.

Сюжет урока: в гости к детям прибыл инопланетянин. Он хочет узнать больше о планете и задаёт вопросы детям о положении континентов, океанов, страны изучаемого языка, и страны, в которой живут дети.

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент.

T – Hello! Nice to meet you. Today you have a surprise. We have a guest. He came from another planet. He is an alien. He is going to visit us. He wants to know more about us, about our planet, oceans, countries, capitals and languages. He will ask you some questions and you will try to answer them. In other words we complete the map of the world. Be attentive and polite; don’t forget to say “please”.

2. Paзминка.

T – But our guest hasn’t come yet. We have some time to train your sounds. Let’s repeat the names of the countries after the speaker. (Таблица с названиями континентов, океанов, стран, столиц, национальностей помещается на интерактивной доске. Включается звуковое аудиосопровождение. Дети повторяют хором. Учитель корректирует произношение).

3. Активизация употребления изученной по теме лексики.

a) Составляем карту мира.

T – Oh! Our guest has come. Hello! Come in, please.

A – Hello! I came to your planet to know more about you. Your planet is so big. How many continents are there in your planet?

P1 – There are 6 of them: Eurasia, Africa. North America, South America, Australia and Antarctic

A – Where are they? What are they washed by? Show me, please.

P2 – Eurasia is in the centre. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east, by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, by the Arctic Ocean in the north and by the Indian Ocean in the south. (Учащийся подписывает название континента и океанов на интерактивной карте).

P3 – Africa is situated to the south– west of Eurasia. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, by the Arctic Ocean in the north and by the Indian Ocean in the east. (Учащийся подписывает название континента на интерактивной карте).

P4– Australia is situated to the south– east of Eurasia. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east, and by the Indian Ocean in the west. (Учащийся подписывает название континента на интерактивной карте).

P5 – North America is situated to the west of Eurasia. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean in the north. (Учащийся подписывает название континента на интерактивной карте).

P6 – South America is situated to the west of Eurasia. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean in the north. (Учащийся подписывает название континента на интерактивной карте).

P7 – Antarctic is situated to the south of Africa and South America. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the north, by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and by the Indian Ocean in the north. (Учащийся подписывает название континента на интерактивной карте).

b) Рассказываем о Великобритании.

A – Thank you very much. Show me the country which language you are studying. Where is it situated? What parts does it consist of?

P8 – The name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island. It is situated in the north– west of Europe. It is washed by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover in the south, The North Sea in the east and the Irish Sea in the west. (Учащийся подписывает название страны и морей на интерактивной карте).

P9 – The UK consists of 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Island.

A – What can you say about every part?

P10 – England is situated in the south of the UK.

A – What is the capital of England?

P11 – London is the capital of England.

A – Who lives in England?

P12 – The English live in England.

A – What language do they speak?

P13 – They speak English. (Учащийся подписывает название страны и морей на интерактивной карте.

A – Thank you. What do you know about Scotland?

P1 – Scotland is situated to the north of England.

A – What is the capital of Scotland?

P2 – Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.

A – Who lives in Scotland?

P3 – The Scotts live in Scotland.

A – What language do they speak?

P4 – They speak English. (Учащийся подписывает название страны и морей на интерактивной карте.

A – Thank you. What do you know about Wales?

P5 – Wales is situated to the west of England.

A – What is the capital of Wales?

P6 – Cardiff is the capital of Wales.

A – Who lives in Wales?

P7 – The Welsh live in Wales.

A – What language do they speak?

P8 – They speak English and Welsh. (Учащийся подписывает название страны и морей на интерактивной карте

A – Thank you. What do you know about Northern Island.?

P9 – Northern Island is situated in the north of Ireland.

A – What is the capital of Northern Island.?

P10 – Belfast is the capital of Northern Island.

A – Who lives in Northern Island.?

P11 – The Irish live in Northern Island.

A – What language do they speak?

P12 – They speak English and Irish. (Учащийся подписывает название страны и морей на интерактивной карте.

c) Рассказ о месте, где ты живёшь.

A – What country are you from?

P1 – We are from Russia.

A – Where is your country?

P2 – Russia is situated in the east of Europe and in the north of Asia.

A– What city are you from?

P3 – We live in Tarko – Sale. Our city is in the north of Siberia. Siberia is in the east of Russia.

(Учащийся подписывает название города и на интерактивной карте).

A – What language do you speak?

P4 – We speak Russian and English. (Учащийся подписывает название страны и морей на интерактивной карте.

d) Итог урока.

A – Thank you very much. I know what I want about your planet. I’ll visit you next time. Bye.

Ps – Bye. See you then.

T (teacher) – учитель

P4 (pupil) – учащийся

A (alien ) – инопланетянин
