Знай и люби свой край (Know and love your native region)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с изучением новых знаний по теме.

Тема: Знай и люби свой край.

Цель урока: развитие навыков устной речи.

Задачи урока: активизировать речевой материал по пройденной теме, развивать навыки монологической речи, повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка, воспитывать чувство любви к своему родному краю, бережного отношения к природе и чувство ответственности за свои поступки.

Оборудование: магнитофон, кассета с песней, карта Хакасии, раздаточный материал (тексты с заданиями для групп, рисунки и фотографии для лото,карточки).

План урока

1. Вступительное слово учителя.

Teacher: Good morning, pupils!

Pupils: Good morning, teacher!

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about our native republic Khakasia. It’s geographical position, natural resources, about mountains, rivers and lakes.

2. Речевая зарядка.

a) Pronounce the words.

Geography – geographic, national – nationality, mine – mineral, nature – natural, north – northern, south – southern, east – eastern, west – western.

b) Read and translate.

Position, district, world, area, water resources, deposit, health resort, iron ore, mammals, endangered, marble.

(позиция, район, мир, площадь/ территория, водные ресурсы, залежи, курорт/санаторий, железная руда, мрамор, млекопитающие, животные, находящиеся под угрозой вымирания).

c) Complete the sentences with the words: nature, world, mammals, endangered, water resources, is situated.

1.Khakasia is proud of its beautiful ………, green forests, wide steppes, high snowy mountains, wonderful lakes.

2. Our republic has rich animal ………..

3.16 kinds of ………, some kinds of birds and some fish are …………….

4. Our republic ………in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk territory.

5.Khakasia is very rich in ………….

3. Сообщение учащихся о природе Хакасии.(монологическое высказывание) (рис №1)

Teacher: And now pupils we shall listen information about our republic.

Pupil 1: The area of the republic is not very large. It is only about 62 thousand square kilometers. But our republic is twice as big as Switzerland. The area of the republic is about one quarter of the area of Great Britain. The population of Khakasia is 546 thousand people. At the map of Khakasia you can see 5 towns. The capital of the republic is Abakan. Other important towns are Chernogorsk(located not far from Abakan), Sorsk(situated in the central part of the republic), Abaza(which is located in the southern part of Khakasia) and Sayanogorsk (the youngest town of the republic) located in the south, not far from the river Yenisei. (the map of Khakasia)

Pupil 2: Looking at the map we can discuss the geographical position of our republic. Our republic is situated in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the west Khakasia borders on the Kemerovo Region. Khakasia is separated from the Kemerovo Region by the Kuznetsky Alatay Mountain System. In the south-west the republic borders on the Altay territory. In the south-east Khakasia borders on the Tuva republic. In the east and in the north Khakasia borders on the district of the Krasnoyarsk territory.

Pupil 3: Our republic is very rich in water resources. There are many rivers and lakes in Khakasia. The most important rivers of the republic are the Yenisei and the Abakan. The Yenisei is one of the longest rivers in Siberia. The Yenisei rises in the Tuva republic. The river flows from the south to the north, into the Arctic Ocean. The Abakan flows from the Sayan Mountains into the Yenisei. The lakes are concentrated in the northern part of the republic, in the Shira District.The most important and the biggest lakes are Shira, Bele,Itkul and others. Lake Shira is famous for its health resort. (rivers and lakes)

Pupil 4: Our republic is famous for its high mountains. The highest mountains systems are concentrated in the south and the west of the republic. The highest point of Khakasia is Mount Karagosh. Mount Karagosh is about 3000 metres high. It is located in the Sayan Mountains. (The mountains)

Pupil 5: Our climate is different from the climate of Great Britain because Khakasia is situated almost in the centre of the continent, very far from the ocean. So winters in our region are usually rather cold (about minus thirty or even minus forty degrees).But summers in the region are usually hot and sunny (plus 20 or plus 30 degrees).

Pupil 6: The nature is very rich and beautiful. In Khakasia you can see both green forests and dry steppes. The steppes are located in the eastern part of the republic. The forests are concentrated in the south and the west of the region.

Pupil 7: Our republic is very rich in different natural resources. The most important minerals of the region are coal, iron ore and others. Very important deposits of coal are located in the central part of the republic, in the Chernogorsk area. This area is known for its coal mines. Rich iron ore deposits are located in the southern part of the region. They are concentrated in the Tashtyp District and in the Askiz District. Besides our republic is rich in gold, copper and some other metals.

4. Активизация лексики в устной речи (фронтальная работа)

Teacher: Thank you very much pupils for your information about our republic. Now please listen to me and translate the sentences from Russian into English. Look at the blackboard and find it.

Card 1.

1. Угольные залежи сосредоточены около города Черногорска. 1. Siberia is known for its taiga forests.
2. Леса сосредоточены на юге республики. 2.Our republic is known for all kinds of minerals.
3. Наша республика известна всевозможными минералами. 3.The coal deposits are concentrated near the town of Chernogorsk.
4. Природа Хакасии знаменита своей красотой. 4. The forests are concentrated in the south of the republic.
5. Сибирь известна своими таёжными лесами. 5.The nature of Khakasia is famous for its beauty.

Card 2. Match the sentences with their Russian equivalents.

1. The biggest town of Khakasia is Abakan. 1. Енисей богат электроэнергией.
2. The second biggest town in Khakasia is Chernogorsk. 2. Самая высокая вершина в республике Карагош.
3. The highest mountain in the republic is Karagosh. 3. Второй по величине город в Хакасии – Черногорск.
4. The most famous lake in the region is lake Shira. 4. Самый большой город в Хакасии – Абакан
5. The Yenisei is rich in the electric energy. 5. Самое знаменитое озеро в республике – озеро Шира.

5. Физкультминутка.

а) Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp, your feet
Stamp your feet together.
Nod, nod, nod your head
Nod your head together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance
Dance a dance together.

b) Звучит песня о Хакасии. (По магнитофону).

6. Continue the sentences.(работа в парах)

  1. The area of Khakasia is ………….
  2. Khakasia consists of ……………..
  3. The longest river in Khakasia is ……..
  4. The coal deposits are concentrated near ……..
  5. In the west Khakasia borders on ……………..
  6. The iron ore deposits are concentrated in ………
    1. 62 thousand square kilometers.
    2. 8 districts.
    3. The Yenisei.
    4. The Chernogorsk area.
    5. The Tashtyp and Askiz Distrits.
    6. The Kemerovo region.

7. Лото на карточках с рисунками. (групповая работа) (рисунки 2-11)

1.Tun Pairam The Khakas national holiday.
2.The Shaman The native doctor of ancient Khakasia.
3.Karagosh The highest mountain of Khakasia.
4.Zharki The Khakas national folk ansamble.
5. a yurt. The ancient house of the Khakas people.
6.chathan The Khakas national instrument.
7. Sayanogorsk The youngest town of Khakasia.
8.The Yenisei and the Abakan The main rivers of Khakasia.
9. Kyzlasov The Khakas famous archeologist.
10.Katanov The first Khakas linguist and scientist.

8. Подведение итогов урока.

Your work today was excellent and your marks are……….

Your home task is………..

Thank you for the lesson.

The lesson is over.

