Традиции и праздники англоязычных стран

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Познавательный аспект: познакомить учащихся с традициями и праздниками англоязычных стран.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание уважения и терпимости к другой нации, её культуре и традициям.

Оснащение: украшения, соответствующие представляемому праздник , угощения для детей и гостей .

Ход мероприятия

Teacher: Dear friends, we have spoken much about holidays, which people of the speaking English countries celebrate . Now we want to show you a performance about these holidays.

1. P.l. (Рассказ о “Halloween”.) P.2. P.3.


Halloween, Oct. 31, the eve of All Saints' Day, observed with traditional games and customs. The word comes from medieval England's All Hallows' eve (Old Eng. hallow = "saint"). However, many of these customs predate Christianity, going back to Celtic practices associated with Nov. 1, which was Samhain , the beginning of winter and the Celtic new year. Witches and other evil spirits were believed to roam the earth on this evening, playing tricks on human beings to mark the season of diminishing sunlight. Bonfires were lit, offerings were made of dainty foods and sweets, and people would disguise themselves as one of the roaming spirits, to avoid demonic persecution. Survivals of these early practices can be found in countries of Celtic influence today, such as the United States where children go from door to door in costumes demanding "trick or treat."

2. (Выход детей, поющих про “Halloween”.)

Halloween Night
(Lyrics: Bob Boyle / Music: B. Mossman)

When the sky is dark and the Wuzzle Wolf sings
Out come the creepy-crawly things
When you see something scary, it's quite alright
'Cause tonight is the night

Trick or treat!

Ooo-oooo Halloween night
Ooo-oooo Halloween night
The moon is full and all is right
Ooo-oooo, it's Halloween night

Pumpkins, witches and spooky bats
Candy, costumes and silly hats
Ghosts and goblins, ghouls with wings
Tricky, sticky, icky things

Some things are spooky and some are scary
But look over there it's a pretty pink fairy

Trick or treat!
Ooo-oooo Halloween night
Ooo-oooo Halloween night

Dress up fancy and dress up funny
There's a vampire dancing with a purple bunny
Dress up wild and dress up weird
There's a butterfly with a wizard's beard

The candy is sweet and the candy is sour
But ya gotta get home before the midnight hour
Ooo-oooo, it's Halloween night

  1. Halloween is coming
    What will you wear?
    I might wear a blanket
    And be a brown bear
  2. Halloween is coming
    Who will you meet?
    I might meet a princess
    skipping town the street
  3. Halloween is coming
    What will you be?
    I might be a pirate
    On the deep blue sea
  4. Halloween is coming
    What will you to?
    I might go thick or treating
    How about you?

3. Teacher: On Halloween children like to tell horrible stories and now you’re going to listen one.

In a dark, dark room
In a dark, dark wood, there is a dark, dark house
And in that dark, dark house, there is a dark, dark room
And in that dark, dark room, there is a dark, dark cupboard
And in that dark, dark cupboard, there is a dark, dark shelf
And in that dark, dark shelf, there is a dark, dark box
And in that dark, dark box, there is – A GHOST!

4. Ученики, наряженные в привидения, исполняют шуточный танец привидений под песню “Very dark, dark night…”

Very dark, dark night,
Very brown, brown owl,
Very grey, grey wood,
Very red, red house
Very big, big house
In the black, black street
And the open door
And two white, white feet
Go up, up, up
To a big, big door
And two white, white feet
On the orange floor.
Very green, green tree,
Very blue, blue sky
In the yellow moon
Desert purple cry.
Go down, down, down
Down steps and out
Stay in bed tonight
Ghost is flying about

5. Игра “Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin”. (На доске прикрепляется плакат с нарисованной тыквой, ученикам завязываются глаза и они должны по очереди прикреплять нос к тыкве.)

6. Предсказания судьбы. (Дети разносят угощения в виде пирожных, в которых спрятаны предсказания.)

Dear guests, try these wonderful cakes
You will find your fortunes in them.

7. Teacher: Now the next holiday – “Christmas day”.

P.l: Christmas day, December 25th is the biggest holiday of the year. Children who enjoy putting up decorations haring Christmas dinner with family and, of course, receiving presents especially love it!

If you ask an American or British child what comes to his or her mind when somebody mentions Christmas, he or she would probably say: “The Christmas tree, Santa Claus, gifts, tur– key and carols.

8. Исполнение рождественского гимна “Silent night”.

9. Christmas tree. (Рассказ о рождественской ёлке и традиционных украшениях. Ученики демонстрируют рождественские украшения.)

Р.2. The tradition of putting up and decorating Christmas trees started in Germany. Some people attribute it to Martin Luther, the founding father of German Protestantism. As he was walking through a forest one Christmas night, he noticed the stars glittering through the branches of fir trees. This gave him the idea of putting up a candlelit Christmas tree in his home for his children. The first public Christmas tree was sent up in Pasadena, California, in 1909.

Other traditional Christmas decorations are mistletoe and holly. The custom of hanging up these evergreens is much older than putting up Christmas tree.

(Показ украшений.)

10. Santa Claus (рассказ о Сайта Клаусе, история этого святого.)

The most popular traditional of Christmas is St. Nicolas, now better known as Santa Claus or Father Christmas. St. Nicolas has long been the patron saint of children in Catholic and Greek Orthodox cherishes. St. Nicolas is also the patron saint of Russia , which explains his warm winter clothes.

11. Teacher: – Let’s listen another Christmas carol “Jingle Bells”. (Звучит песня в исполнении уч-ся.)

12. Ученики рассказывают о традиционной еде на Рождество.

Р.1. The Christmas table looks much like a thanksgiving feast of turkey or ham, potatoes and pie.

No Christmas is complete without lots of desserts, breads or cookies hot from the oven. Guests bring English fruitcake or plum pudding as presents to their hosts.

13. Угощения Рождественским десертом.

14. Учитель: And now we’re going to present another holiday “St. Valentine’s Day.”

P.1. (Рассказ о празднике.)

St. Valentine's Day is a day for sweet hearts and the third most popular day in the year for sending cards (after Christmas and birthdays), the cards sent are called “Valentines”. Even “serious” newspapers hare special sections devoted to Valentine greetings. Anyone can send a message for a world-be sweetheart, a good friend.

P.2. – A "Valentine" is the most popular but not the only Choice. It has become traditional for lovers to exchange gifts on St' Valentine's Day. In the USA people often give presents to friends and relatives. You can send sweets to someone you think is special or you can send flowers.

P.3. – (Рассказ о первых “Валентинках”, о бизнесе . Демонстрация валентинок.)

Р.4. Рассказ об истории того праздника.

Учитель: Now our pupils will recite poems and their own translations of these ones.

15. (Чтение стихов о любви в оригинале, параллельно ученики декларируют свои поэтические переводы этих стихотворений.)

Golden hair (James Joice).

Lean out of the window
Golden hair
I heard you singing
A merry air.
My book is closed,
I read no more,
Watching the fire dance
on the floor
I have left my book,
I have left my room,
for I heard you singing
through the gloom.
Singing and singing
A merry air,
Lean out of the window
Golden hair.

Выгляни в окно, Златовласка!
Я услышал, как ты поешь прекрасно.
Я не смог читать больше,
Лишь танец огня на полу
Развлекал меня дальше.
Я бросил книгу свою
И вышел из комнаты,
Чтоб лучше слышать песню твою в темноте,
Моя Златовласка!

16. Теаcher: Now we’re going to perform a poem-joke. (Ученики разыгрывают шуточную сценку о любви.)

I love you more than apple sauce,
than peaches and a plum,
than chocolate hearts,
and cherry tarts,
and minty bubble-gum.

I love you more than lemonade
And seven-layer cake,
than lollipops,
and candy drops,
and thick vanilla shake

I love you more than marzipan
Than marmalade on toast
I love the pies of any size
But I love you the most.

17. Teacher: – Thank you very much for your wonderful performance, and finally, at end of our performance let’s sing a beautiful song “Love story” , Andy Williams.

Where do I begin to tell the story
Of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love she brings to me

Where do I start
With her first hello
She gave new meaning to this empty world of mine
They'll never be another love another time
She came into my life and made the living fine

She fills my heart
She fills my heart with very special things
Angel songs and wild imaginings
She fill my soul with so much love
That any where I go I'm never lonely
With her around who could be lonely
I reach for her hand
She's always there

How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now
But this much I can say
I know I'll need her until the stars all burn away
And she'll be there

How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now
But this much I can say
I know I'll need her until the stars all burn away
And she'll be there.