Открытый урок на основе краеведческого материала "Остров сокровищ". 9–10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Задачи урока:


1. Употребление лексического материала по теме.

2. Построение монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме.

3. Чтение журнальной статьи и формулирование её основной мысли.


1. Аргументировать точку зрения по проблеме.

2. Совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки и умения.

3. Развитие речевой реакции в процессе речевой коммуникации.


1. Расширить знания учащихся о родном крае, его уникальной природе, замечательных людях, огромных перспективах дальнейшего развития.

2. Развивать умение трансформировать получаемую информацию на свой жизненный опыт.

Оборудование урока:

  • плакат с новой лексикой;
  • ксерокопии журнальной статьи для каждого учащегося;
  • слайды с городами Сахалина; 4.-географическая карта о.Сахалин.

Ход урока

I. Приветствие, вступительное слово учителя.

We live on Treasure Island. Its natural treasure attracts many foreign business men. Nowadays we hear much information about investment projects, about the program of foreign investment into Sakhalin economy. This theme is extremely actual because none of Sakhalin inhabitants can be indifferent to the destiny of our island and our lesson is devoted to the theme of further development and perspectives of Sakhalin Island.

1. Глава местной администрации (из учеников 10-го класса) с кратким обзором городов острова Сахалина, его уникальном географическом положении. /Дом.задание. Географическая карта.

We want to acquaint you with business and cultural life of Sakhalin, with our possibilities for the further development of business and friendly relations. Sakhalin is the biggest island in the Sakhalin region- the only island region in Russia. Sakhalin Island lies off the eastern coastline of the Eurasian Mainland, extending from Cape Krilyon in the south to Cape Elizabeth in the north. The island is 948 km long. Its maximum width is 160 km and its minimum width is 26 km. The area of the Sakhalin Island is 76.400 sq. km. Sakhalin is separated from the continent by the narrow (7.4 km) and shallow Nevelskoyi Strait, the Amur Estuary, and Sakhalin Bay. Sakhalin is separated from the island of Hokkaido (Japan) by the La Perouse Strait. There are 19 towns. The main industrial towns are Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Korsakov, Kholmsk, Poronaisk, Uglegorsk and Okha. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is the largest of them.

Korsakov is the largest seaport which is ice-free in winter and it is called “The Southern Sea Gate of Sakhalin”. Korsakov is an important industrial town. It produces the best agar – agar in Russia which is used in the confectionery production.

Kholmsk is the large seaport on the western coast of Sakhalin. It is connected with the mainland by the sea ferry-boat. Kholmsk produces fish products, meat, and dairy products.

Uglegorsk is the centre of the coal-mining industry. It also produces timber, paper and building materials.

Poronaisk is a seaport and industrial town. It produces fish products, timber, building materials.

Okha is the centre of oil and gas industries. It is situated in the north of Sakhalin. The town is rather young, it was founded in 1927. Oil and gas are transported from Okha to Komsomolsk-on-the-Amur by means of the oil- and-gas pipe line. Sakhalin exports timber, paper, fish products.

2. Познакомившись с сообщением об острове Сахалин, представители прессы пытаются уточнить детали услышанной информации. Make up sentences on the Sakhalin region starting with:

What's the most …..?

The longest ….

The biggest ….

The shortest …

The deepest ….

The widest ….

The narrowest ….

Korsakov produces the best …

The largest seaport on the western coast is ….

II. Работа с новой лексикой.

1. Учитель обращается к списку новых слов, прочитав их вслух, учащиеся повторяют за ним. Language support: Extraction -добыча Volume -объём Electrical power lines - линии электропередачи Fish processing – переработка рыбы Enterprise -предприятие Significant - значительный Raw fish - сырец

2. Предлагается задание: составить предложения из отдельных частей с новыми словами: - the foundation, Industry, of Sakhalin economy, based on extraction, resources, of biological, and, is, mineral.

а) will increase, Project, the volume, year, of oil extraction, “Sakhalin”, from 1.5 to 30 mln, tons, every.

b) region, power stations, There are, in the, two, electric, Sakhalin.

с) fish, processing, producing, canning, of wooden containers, ship equipment, and cardboard, repairing, packaging, It, fishing, includes.

d) as a result-, of raw fish, a great shortage, for their enterprises.

e) now, are, successful, companies, some enterprises, and.

III. Дискуссия по теме с использованием новой лексики.

Представители японских предприятий (уч-ся 10 кл.) интересуются экономикой края для заключения деловых контрактов. |Иформация и слайдовое сопровождение из индивидуальных проектов.

The first guest from Japan: We are representatives of Japan enterprises want to make an agreement with some of your Sakhalin towns that to develop our cooperation between our islands. For this we’d like to know more about your Sakhalin towns and their economy. The first representative of the local administration: (примерное высказывание) The economy of any region is based on industry, agriculture and transportation. The commercial seaport of Kholmsk is a sea gateway of Sakhalin. Kholmsk is the second biggest and the most important town in the Sakhalin region. It is the biggest sea port on the western coast of Sakhalin. It is connected with the mainland by the sea ferry-boat Kholmsk-Vanino which began to operate in 1974. The port is ice-free all the year round, can handle the middle-tonnage vessels. There are three moorings for operating the transport fleet and two specialized berths for the “Sakhalin” ferries. The second representative of the local administration: (примерное высказывание) I want to add some words about some other towns such as Korsakov and Uglegorsk. Another large sea port is a port of Korsakov. It is ice-free in winter and it is called “The Southern See Gate of Sakhalin”. Korsakov is the oldest town. It was founded in 1853. Korsakov is an important industrial town. It produces fish products and dairy products. It also produces the best agar-agar in Russia which is used in the confectionary production. Today the paper industry is presented by only one, unique, working Uglegorsk pulp – and-paper factory, the considerable part of production is delivered to Korsakovsky factory of the goffered container for fishing industry (cardboard boxes). The second guest from Japan: (примерное высказывание) Thank you for your information. And one more question about the main city of the region Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. We know it is the administrative centre of the Sakhalin region. It is an important, industrial, cultural and scientific centre. Tell us, please, about the leading industrial brunches of Yuzhno - Sakhalinsk? The Governor: (примерное высказывание) You are right, moreover Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is the railway and trunk motor roads junction, the terminal point of domestic air routes directed to Sakhalin, an international airport. Its population is 165 thousand. Leading industrial branches of Yuzhno- Sakhalinsk are mechanical engineering and metal working industries, wood working, light industry, food processing industry. It is the construction industry centre of the region. The third guest from Japan: (примерное высказывание)Say some words, please, about future development of the Sakhalin oil and gas industry. We know it is closely connected with the significant resources newly discovered offshore fields to the Northeast of the island?

The Governor: (примерное высказывание) The program of foreign investment into Sakhalin economy is constantly developing. Sakhalin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 projects where the USA, the UK, Holland, Japan are share holders as you know. And the aim of these projects is to develop offshore extraction of oil and gas. It includes construction of some offshore platforms, pipelines for transportation of oil and gas from the north to the south of Sakhalin.

The first guest from Japan: (примерное высказывание) What about the environment, especially flora and fauna along the pipeline route.

The leading specialist: (примерное высказывание) Before developing the Sakhalin 2 a group of Russian Far East and Sakhalin scientists studied environment carefully, especially flora and fauna along the pipeline route and at the LNG plant construction site in Prigorodnoye. The aim was to give recommendations of how to minimire the influence of construction and operation on environment.

The guest from Japan: We are satisfied with given information. We consider the investment project will have great effect. Success in working out the projects 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 will bring benefits to the population of Sakhalin. We will be going to take part in these transnational projects.

IV. Работа с текстом. Учитель предлагает учащимся текст “Экономика”.

Повторение лексики и отработка практического употребления её в речи.


The economy of any region is based on industry, agriculture and transportation. Industry based on extraction of biological and mineral resources is the foundation of Sakhalin economy. The main brunches of industry are fishing, oil and gas extraction, pulp and paper and timber industry and coal industry. Fishing is one of the basic industries in the area. It includes fishing, fish processing, canning, producing of wooden containers and cardboard packaging, ship equipment repairing. For some years fishing companies were forced to buy fishing quotas at auctions in Moscow. Very often they had no opportunity to do it because of lack of money. As a result- a great shortage of raw fish for their enterprises The oil and gas industries are concentrated on North Sakhalin. The biggest oil and gas mining company of the Far East (Rosneft) was founded in 1928. Future development of the Sakhalin oil and gas industry is closely connected with the significant resources newly discovered offshore fields to the Northeast of the island. Rosneft-Morneftegas extracts on land of the island about 15 mln tons of oil and about 2 billion cubic meters of gas. Project “ Sakhalin” will increase the volume of oil extraction from 15 to 30 mln tons every year, gas-from 19-28 billion cubic meters. Coal is mined for home needs as well as for production of energy. The coal industry is on crises; its extraction is getting less. Timber and paper complexes are situated in Poronaisk, Uglegorsk, Dolinsk. The timber is set to Korea, China and Japan. The process of cutting trees is too expensive because forests are located in unfavourable places. There are two electric power stations in the Sakhalin region. The basis of power system is formed by coal-fired Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk thermal power station and the Sakhalin coal electric station in Vostok, Poronaisk district; gas-fired Okha and Nogliki thermal power stations. They are linked with electrical power lines.

V. Работа с лексикой. Find the English word combinations to the Russian ones.

1. Основана на биологических ресурсах

2. Является основой сахалинской экономики

3. Постоянно сокращаются

4. Из-за дефицита средств

5. Огромная нехватка рыбы-сырца

6. Наиболее динамично развивающаяся компания

7. Тесно связана со значительными запасами офшорных месторождений

8. Объём нефтедобычи

9. Для местного потребления

10. Добыча ежегодно сокращается

11. В труднодоступных местах

12. Связаны линиями электропередач

VI. Работа с текстом. Answer the questions.

1. What is Sakhalin industry based on?

2. What is the leading industry on Sakhalin?

3. What is the result of the lack of money in fishing industry?

4. What industry is concentrated on North Sakhalin?

5. What is future development of industry connected with?

6. What will increase the volume of oil extraction?

7. What is mined for domestic needs?

8. What industry is in crises?

9. What process is too expensive?

10. What are all towns of Sakhalin linked with?

VII. Окончание урока.

1. Подведение итогов.

2. Выставление оценок.

3. Домашнее задание.