Здоровый образ жизни. 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Цели урока:

  1. Активизация лексики по теме «Healthy living guide»;
  2. Совершенствование навыков чтения, устной речи и письма;
  3. Расширение кругозора о хороших привычках в правильном образе жизни (в еде).

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент, сообщение темы и целей урока

– Hello, Igor, Nice to see you. How are you? (I am fine, thank you. How are you?)

– I am fine, too. And what about you, Nastya? How are you? (l am fine, thank you.)

– I am glad to hear that.

– Do you think it is important to look great? (Yes, I do. I think it is important to look great.)

– Do you agree with Ira? Why? Why not? (It is important to look great if you want other people to like you.)

– Do you pay much attention to your appearance? (Not very much.)

– Is it good or bad to pay much attention to your appearance? (In my opinion it is good. But some people pay too much attention to their appearance.)

– Can healthy food help us to look wonderful? (Yes, it can. Healthy food can help us to look wonderful.) Etc.

Учитель в быстром темпе задает вопросы и побуждает детей отвечать на них.

Our topic for today is food and its role in our life.

II. Лексическая зарядка

– I think I know you rather well. We shall find put if I am right. Listen to my statements and agree or disagree with me.

В начале урока учитель предлагает учащимся согласиться или не согласиться с утверждениями по теме «Healthy living guide». Если утверждение учителя правильное, ученик соглашается с ним и повторяет его. Если утверждение неправильное, ученик выражает свое несогласие и исправляет его.

Примерные утверждения учителя:

You have four meals a day. (I agree with you. I have four meals a day.)

People should eat a lot of high-fat food and less fibre. (I disagree with you. People should eat a lot of low-fat food and more fibre.)

A diet can cause health problems. (I agree with you. Sometimes a diet can cause health problems.)

You are sure it is good for your health to get enough vitamins, and minerals. (I agree with you. I am sure it is good for my health to get enough vitamins and minerals.)

You often skip breakfast and lunch. (I disagree with you . I don’t skip breakfast and lunch.)

You have a fried meal every day. (I disagree with you. I don’t have fried meal every day.)

You'd like to keep fit and be healthy. (I agree with you. I would like to keep fit and be healthy.)

People's health depends on their eating habits. (I agree with you. People's health depends on their eating habits.) Etc.

III. Активизация лексики по теме

Предлагается два вида задания разной степени сложности.

  • Разгадай кроссворд
  • Соедини слово и определение

Do the crossword (Разгадай кроссворд) рисунок 1.

Для более слабых учащихся можно предложить кроссворд с буквами рисунок 2.

Match the names of vegetables on the left with their definitions on the right. (Соединить слово и определение)

1. pea a) a long vegetable with dark green skin and light green flesh, that is usually eaten raw
2. beet b) a plant with large green leaves that are eaten raw, especially in salad
3. potato c) a large round vegetable with thick orange skin the seeds of which can be dried and eaten and the soft flesh can be cooked as a vegetable or in sweet pies
4. tomato d) a hollow fruit, usually red, green or yellow, eaten as a vegetable either raw or cooked
5. pumpkin e) a soft vegetable with a lot of juice and shiny red skin that is eaten either raw or cooked
6. carrot f) a round white vegetable with a brown or red skin that grows underground as the root of a plant
7. cabbage g) a small crisp red or white root vegetable with a strong taste, eaten raw in salads
8. cucumber h) a round vegetable with many layers inside each other and a brown, red or white skin and having a strong smell and flavour
9. lettuce i) a small round green seed, eaten as a vegetable
10. onion j) a plant with a round dark red root that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable
11. pepper k) a round vegetable with large green, purplish-red or white leaves that can be eaten raw or cooked
12. radish 1) a vegetable with a very strong taste and smell, used in cooking to give flavour to food
13. garlic m) a long pointed orange root vegetable

IV. Актуализация лексических единиц и развитие языковой догадки по теме

Food Combinations: Whats Wrong, Whats Right? Match the columns.(Соединить колонки)

1. – Eat fruits a) – citrus foods
2. – Eat melons b) – separately
3. – Eat very starchy foods (rice, potatoes) and heavy – proteins (meat, chicken) c) – honey.
4. – Never cook d) – dairy, melons and cucumbers
5. – Eggs should not be eaten with e) – alone
6. – Cold beverages like iced water and fizzy drinks – should – not be drunk f) – fruit, cheese and banana
7. – Avoid taking dairy products with g) – after a meal
8. – Nightshade vegetables (potato, brinjal, chilies and – dairy, – melons and cucumbers, tomatoes) should not be eaten – with h) – alone

Consult the presentation below <презентация>.

V. Совершенствования навыков чтения

Read the text and answer the questions. (Прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы)


Healthy eating means eating a wide variety of nutritious foods. Healthy foods contain all the energy, minerals, vitamins or fibre you need to grow. You should try and eat lots of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and bread. Small amounts of foods like cakes and lollies are fine to eat too, as long as you don't eat them all the time.

Healthy eating means eating a wide variety of nutritious foods from all of the food groups. These foods contain lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Eating a wide variety of foods from all food groups will help you grow.

Some foods contain too much sugar or fat and not many vitamins or minerals. These are foods we should only eat sometimes.

The foods you eat have been divided into three groups according to how nutritious they are. These make up what is often called «the food pyramid» рисунок 3. You can use these groups to help you decide which foods to eat more of and which to eat less often.

Group 1: Eat these foods most of the time

You should try to eat lots of:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Breads
  • Grains such as rice and pasta
  • Beans and lentils.

You can see that these are all foods that come from plants. These foods all contain vitamins, minerals and fibre. Try to eat a wide variety of these foods. Try not to choose just one of these foods (such as fruit) to eat all the time. Eating plenty of all foods from this group will help you stay healthy.

Plant foods contain thousands of nutrients (small parts), which can help to prevent serious diseases. This is why it is important to eat a variety of different types of plant foods.

Group 2: Eat these foods moderately

These foods are important for health, so you should eat them in medium amounts:

  • Dairy products such as milk, cheeses and yoghurts (sometimes low fat ones should be chosen)
  • Lean meat
  • Chicken (without skin)
  • Fish
  • Nuts.

These foods are all good sources of protein. Protein helps build strong muscles and can repair our body when we hurt or injure ourselves. Some of these foods also contain some important minerals, such as the calcium found in dairy foods (for strong bones) and the iron found in lean meats (to give us energy).

Group 3: Eat these foods sometimes

These foods don’t give us very many nutrients and are really just ‘extras’. They may contain lots of sugar or fat (or both) but often don’t have many vitamins, minerals or fibre. It’s OK to have these «sometimes foods» if you are healthy, active and not overweight. Most of the time they are better left for occasions like birthday parties.

An example of one serve of these foods includes:

  • Sweet biscuits (2 small)
  • Chocolate coated bars (1 bar)
  • Potato chips (30g)
  • Ice-cream (2 scoops)
  • Lollies/chocolate (30g)
  • Cake or muffin (1 medium piece).

«The food pyramid» Рисунок 3.

The three groups of foods you eat from are often shown as a food pyramid:

  • The bottom of the pyramid is the biggest part of the pyramid. It contains the foods you should eat most of the time.
  • The middle of the pyramid contains foods you should eat moderately (a medium amount). They are important for health but we don’t need too much of them.
  • The top of the pyramid is the smallest part of the pyramid. It contains foods you should only eat sometimes.

Things to remember

  • Healthy foods we should eat most of the time contain lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre.
  • Sometimes foods can contain lots of fat or sugar but not many vitamins and minerals.
  • Try to eat a wide variety of nutritious foods from all food groups.
  • Lollies, cakes and chips are «OK» to eat, but only every now and then (for example, at parties) [1].

Answer the questions.

  1. What foods can be found in each group? Write at least 6 in each.
  2. Which of the food groups from the food pyramid are referred to as the basic? Why?
  3. Foods of which group should be used in small quantities? Why?


  1. Веб-ресурс компании «KIDSHEALTH» – kidshealth.org