Открытый урок "Save Earth, Save"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Воспитательная цель урока: воспитание образованного человека 21 века, осознающего реалии современного мира, важность решения глобальных экологических проблем, ищущего пути их решения.

Развивающие цели: формирование у учащихся мотивации к изучению языка, развитие у школьников активности и самостоятельности в процессе учебной деятельности, мышления, способностей к критическому анализу собственных действий, навыков работы в группе и индивидуально.

Образовательная цель: развитие кругозора учащихся по экологическим проблемам, повторение изученных способов защиты окружающей среды в повседневной жизни и знакомство с новыми методами.

Практические цели: закрепление и систематизация знаний по теме «Экология», формирование у обучающихся коммуникативной компетенции, развитие умений и навыков понимать на слух иноязычную речь, чтения, тренировка употребления знакомой лексики в новых ситуациях общения.

Основные задачи урока: повторить лексику по теме «Экология», название глобальных экологических проблем; познакомить учащихся с новой лексикой: campaign,toreduce, toreuse; развивать навыки аудирования, обучать употреблению правильных сочетаний лексических единиц,

Техническое обеспечение урока: мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал к уроку.

Ход урока

Teacher: Hellofriends. I am very glad to see you today. We are going to have a talk on the topic which is really important nowadays but I won’t tell you what it is.

We are going to watch a video clip and your task is to guess the theme of our lesson.

(Pupils watch a video ‘Save Earth, Save Life’ /1 minute 48 seconds/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-oeHbd7Lbg&NR=1

Teacher: Can you tell me what we are going to speak about?

Pupils (possible answers): Environmental problems. Environmental protection.

Teacher: You are right. We are going to speak about environmental problems and the topic of our lesson is:

‘Save Earth, Save Life’ (the teacher writes the topic on the blackboard)

Teacher: The aim of the lesson as I see it is to have a look at the global ecological situation and think of ways to improve it. I hope at the end of our meeting you’ll find real things that we can do every day to protect the environment and help solve ecological problems.

Teacher: Let’s return to the video we’ve just seen. Why do you think the authors have made it and uploaded to the Internet site youtube.com?

Pupils (possible answers): They wanted to attract people’s attention to the environmental problems.

Teacher: Yes, the nature is in danger and environmental problems are threatening our planet now. There are a lot of them. Will you look into the handouts you’ve received?

Приложение 1.

Read the task for Ex.1 one to yourself. What should you do?

P.: We should match the descriptions of the problems with the problems listed.

Teacher: Yes, will you do the exercise now? (2 minutes). What are your results?


a – 3
b – 1
c – 5
d – 4
e – 2
f – 6

Teacher: Is it right? Do you have other answers?

I am glad everyone has done the exercise correctly. You’ve just looked through the list of the main environmental problems. What do you think are the most serious ones and why?

Pupils (possible answers):

1) Water pollution – because we drink water every day.

2) Air pollution – because people cannot live without air.

3) Destruction of wildlife– because we need different plants and animals.

4) Destruction of the ozone layer– because people can die of skin cancer.

5) The greenhouse effect and global warming – because they are changing the climate on Earth and people may die.

Teacher: As you can see, the problems are numerous but, fortunately, a lot of people nowadays have understood that situation is really serious and started to think of the ways how to solve them. In many countries governments, social organizations and just common people take real actions to protect the environment. One step in that direction is celebrating Earth Day. You know that this holiday is celebrated by the United Nations worldwide. Do you remember its date?

Pupils: the 22 of April.

(If the pupils don’t remember, the teacher helps and tells them the date.)

Teacher: Yes, Earth Day is now observed each year on April 22 by more than 500 million people and national governments in 175 countries. People who celebrate Earth Day say that it’s time to take actions. They start some ecological campaigns. Do you know what the word ‘campaign’ means? You can read its definition on the screen. Will you read it?

P.: a campaign – is a series of planned activities with a particular social, commercial or political aim.

Teacher: There are different ecological campaigns in the world nowadays. One of them is the ‘Go Green’ campaign which is taking place in many countries. Why is the green colour so important?

Pupils (possible answers): The green colour is important because grass and trees are green. It is the main colour of nature.

Teacher: The motto of ‘Go Green’ campaign is so called ‘3 re-’ or ‘3 R-s’:


Teacher: What does the word ‘reduce’ mean?

Pupils (possible answers): It means to make something smaller.

Teacher: That’s right. And the words ‘reuse’ and ‘recycle’ have a prefix re-. What meaning does it have?

Pupils (possible answers): It means to do something again.

Teacher: So ‘reuse’ means to use again and ‘recycle’ means to put used objects or materials through a special process so that they can be used again.

Teacher: Will you take your handouts again. Could you form some expressions with these 3 important verbs?

Приложение 1.

Please, do Ex. 2. (2 minutes)

Teacher: Will you tell us what we can reduce?

Pupil 1: We can reduce: pollution, use of natural recourses, number and distance of car trips, the level of carbon dioxide, harm, waste.

Pupil 2: We can reuse: packaging, clothes, children’s toys, different things, bottles.

Pupil 3: We can recycle: materials, paper, waste, glass, iron, plastics.

Teacher: Now we are going to watch one more video which is called: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! /2 min. 58 seconds/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loeHhmUh-nE

Teacher: Have you ever seen such a symbol from the clip? (The symbol is shown on the screen).

Приложение 2.

Pupils: Yes.

Teacher: What does it mean? If you look at the 3 ‘re-verbs’, what process is this sign connected with?

Pupils (possible answers): Recycling.

Teacher: Yes, if you see the symbol on a product it means that the product was made of recycled materials. Do you think the goods with this sign are cheaper or more expensive?

Pupils (possible answers):

They are cheaper.
They are more expensive.

Teacher: To tell the truth, they are usually more expensive because it takes more time, energy and other recourses to produce them. It depends on people’s views to buy them or not. If people want to be environmentally friendly they will buy such products. To be environmentally friendly is a very important idea now. This is the main idea of ‘Go Green’ campaign.

Teacher: Now it’s time to see how green you are. Will you take your handouts again? There is a questionnaire ‘How green you are?’ there.

Приложение 3.

Can you circle you answers? (Time: 3 minutes)

Teacher: Have you finished? Will you look at the next page and add up your score and read your description?

Приложение 4.

(Pupils are working on the results of the questionnaire. Time: 2 minutes)


Will pupils who are ‘dark green’ raise their hands?
Will students who are ‘medium green’ raise their hands?
And now, persons who are ‘light green’.

Teacher: I hope that after our lesson today everyone will become a ‘dark green’ person. Now I want you to form 4 groups . The task for every group is to think about different ways to help the environment. What can we do every day to be environmentally friendly? You can use all the ideas you have met during this lesson in the videos or in the questionnaire.

Will one student in each group write down the ideas? After 5 minutes you will read your lists aloud. The group who will have more options in their list is going to win.

(Students work 5 minutes and read the results of their work. The students decide which group has won.)

Pupils (possible answers): 1) to walk or use a bicycle instead of going by car; 2) don’t litter with paper, cans or bottles; 3) recycle used materials; 4) plant more trees; 5) feed birds in winter; 6) save energy: use less electricity and gas; 7) turn off the lights when you leave a room; 8) clear rubbish from lakes and rivers; 9) join ‘Go Green’ campaign; 10) have showers, not baths; 11) reduce use of natural recourses; 12) reduce number and distance of car trips; 13) share cars; 14) reuse: packaging, clothes, children’s toys, different things, bottles; 15) turn the tap on only when you need water; 16) turn off the computer when you go to bed; 17) print your essays double-sided on recycled paper; 18) use your own bag when you go shopping; 19) join an ecology club…

Teacher: I want to thank you for your active and creative work and can say that we have successfully achieved the aim of our lesson. You’ve found real steps that can be made to protect the environment in our every day life. It’s important because every action starts in our minds.

In the end, I want to give you the lists of ideas back. You can write them on big pieces of paper and place in your classrooms as advice to all the students in your class.

It’s been a real pleasure for me to work with you today. I believe that you’ve learnt something new today and this knowledge will help you to be modern persons of the 21 century and become more environmentally friendly.

Finishing our lesson, I want you to enjoy the views of our beautiful planet and remember that it’s worth saving for future generations.

(Pupils watch a video Life is Beautiful (Planet Earth Rendition) / 3 minutes 48 seconds/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY5giiMBbbg&feature=fvw