"Экология" "Ничто не вечно"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цель: формировать лексико-грамматические навыки по теме “Environmental Problems”, развивать критическое мышление у учащихся, воспитывать уважительное и бережное отношение к природе.

Оборудование: компьютерные презентации в POWER POINT, интерактивная доска, проектор.

The plan

I. The beginning of the lesson. Describing the season and the weather.

II. Teacher: Today we are going to speak about the most important and actual problem of our days. It is the ecological problem. Can you tell me what ecological problems we have today.

Pollution of the atmosphere

Destruction of the environment

Global warming

You are right.

III. To begin with, I’d like you to tell me what associations you have when you hear the word “environment”.

Rivers, oceans, animals, lakes, land, forests, birds, plants, air, atmosphere, cars, cities, factories, people, village, water, litter, etc. (слайд2 )

Yes, you are right, because all of these is our environment.

IV. You know that nowadays in the whole world there is one very important and very dangerous problem. It is the problem of pollution and destruction of the nature and our environment. The nature cries because it is destroyed.

V. Look at this picture. What environmental problems do you see in it?

Littering, killing fish, cutting down trees, water pollution.

Describe the picture, please.

Do you like what the men did? Why?

VI. You know that destruction of the nature is the destruction of habitat. And so the nature cries. What does it ask about? I’d like you to listen to the nature’s complains and make some decisions.

The poem (with presentations).

Today you are going camping
With your family, friends or class.
Please, help us, don’t drop any litter!
Because your litter lives longer than us.

Because nothing is forever
And nature is getting tired.
If you don’t stop and think today
Tomorrow the Earth could die.

Today you cut down your forests
But the planet needs our leaves,
Please, stop it because tomorrow
You’ll have no water to drink.

You can have a bath or a shower,
But today is the time to think.
Save the rivers because without them
You’ll have no water to drink.

Today we are still in your forests,
In the sky, in the rivers, but look
Don’t kill us! Because your children
Will see us in picture books.

VII. Let’s decide what we must and mustn’t do to protect our nature from destruction.

1. We mustn’t burn plastic bottles because toxines pollute the atmosphere.

2. We must clean streets in towns and villages.

3. We must take care of pets, animals and birds.

4.We must be always there for our pets.

5.We must not pollute the atmosphere.

6. We mustn’t cut down trees.

7. We must plant a lot of flowers and trees.

8. We mustn’t drop litter everywhere.

9. We must protect water, land air from pollution.

That’s OK. I see you understand and realize the problem very well.

VIII. Now look at the words and try to make as many word-combinations with them as you can.

To cut down     the atmosphere

To breathe     crisp air

To drop     litter

To pollute     trees

To plant     nature

To kill fish,     animals

To poison     flowers

To protect     bad breath, air, the environment

IX. Good, well done. Now look, there is one magic suffix in English grammar which can make nouns from verbs. Look at the words and tell me what suffix it is.

To organize

To pollute

To protect

To inform

To situate

Of course, it is suffix -tion. Try to make new words.

Well, you know there is a wonderful organization in the world called “Greenpeace” which works on the problems of the environment. Read the Greenpeace ad and try to fill in the gaps.

Our ------ wants to ---- the environment.
We fight against water and river ---- .
Are you unhappy with the ecological ----- in your region?
Send us some ----- about it and we shall try to help.

Well, it is a very helpful and good organization.

X. Let’ translate some sentences into English.

1. Животные, растения, моря и океаны нуждаются в нашей помощи

2. Окружающая среда находится в опасности.

3. Люди дышат свежим бодрящим воздухом и пьют чистую воду.

4. Не загрязняйте атмосферу. Мы должны защитить нашу планету для следующих поколений.

XI. There are so many nice poems about our beautiful nature. Please, listen to some of them.

“Remember, Russia, you are great”

Remember, Russia, you are great.
Not in the fields of battles past,
But in the green fields full of wheat,
And forests, gardens free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, sand on strand.
Your songs and dances, lakes and seas,
Your beasts and fish, birds in trees.

Your sunrise in a splendid sight.
Which gives me always such delight.


Beautiful sunsets, heavenly skies,
If you listen closely you can hear animals cry.
They are calling their daughters, they are calling their sons.
And when they hear it , they run to their mums.
Night is arriving.
Animals are preparing to sleep.
Owls are awakening, they are starting to creep.
A lot of dark hours pass.
Mothers wake up to say,
“Wake up, little cubs,
Be prepared for the new brand day”.

I’m very pleased to say that our students Vorokova Fatima and Tlenkopatcheva Darya have translated these poems into Russian and I’d like you to listen to their translations.


Прекрасные закаты, райские небеса.
Прислушайся к звукам природы.
Зверей раздаются вокруг голоса,
Детишек своих они ищут повсюду.
Зовут они нежно своих дочерей,
Зовут они снова своих сыновей.
Услышав детишки своих матерей,
Они прибегают, как можно быстрей.
И вот приближается ночь к ним опять,
И снова зверюшки готовятся спать.
Лишь совы проснутся в ночной тишине,
Начнут скрежетать, забывая о сне.
И много проходит тёмных часов,
И матери снова отходят от снов:
“Вставайте, детишки, откройте глаза,
Готовьтесь к приходу нового дня”.

“Запомни, Россия…”

Запомни, Россия, ты велика,
Не местами, где битвы прошли,
Ты из чистой пшеницы полями полна,
Собираешь в них солнца лучи.

Так свободны от пыли леса и сады,
В них природная есть чистота.
Я так сильно люблю тебя,
Ты моя жизнь, и наверно, так будет всегда.

Я люблю твоих птиц, что так чудно поют,
Прививая желание жить.
А рассветы твои нам любовь отдают,
И должны ею мы дорожить.

XII. Thank you very much. And so , your task was to make a project work on the problem of the environmental protection and now we’d like to see your work.

Pupils make a report on the problem using a poster then make a “Tree of Life” with their green promises to nature and sing the song by Pakhmutova “The Request”.

XIII. I know you love animals very much. Recite some poems about your pets, please.

I have a little dog, His name is Jack,

His head is white, His ears are black,

My cat is black, My cat is fat,

I like my cat, It is my pet.

My paws are big and strong, My tail is very long,

My name is fine, it’s Nick, And I am very big.

My dog has four legs, I have only two

My dog likes to run. I like to run, too.

Ann’s, cat is black, Jane’s cat is grey,

They often drink milk And wash every day.

XIV. Listen to a story about a very small animal and then do some task.

The Hamster

The hamster is a nice, clean, friendly and bushy animal. His name is Misha. Mary, a little girl, likes her pet very much. She plays with Misha every day. They are good friends. The hamster sleeps in the day and eats at night. Her pet likes to eat carrots, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, nuts and corn. The hamster lives in the cage. Mary gives her pet what he likes and cleans the cage every day.

Who is Mary and who is Misha?

What can you say about Mary and about Misha? Making an associogram.

XV. Your another project work is about pet dogs.

  1. My pet is a member of my family.
  2. Guide – dogs.
  3. Monuments to dogs.

Pupils speak about their pets, about faithful dogs and monuments to dogs using computer presentations.

The summary of the lesson. Marks.

Home task: p. 78, new words.