Краеведческий материал на уроках английского языка. Народный учитель СССР М.А. Аверин

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People’s Teacher of the USSR
Mikhail Andrianovich Averin

Он создал нас, он воспитал нам пламень,
Поставлен им краеугольный камень,
Им чистая лампада возжена…

А.С. Пушкин

These lines of the great Russian poet can be devoted to the bright activity of an outstanding teacher of Kuzbass, the first People’s Teacher of the USSR in Kemerovo region– Mikhail Andrianovich Averin. Studying history of our Motherland, you can’t go round the problems of your native region, the place where you were born, studied, began your career and spent all your life.

The history of Kuzbass – is a remarkable page of the history of our great Motherland.To know it means to value the past, admire the present, make a contribution to the future of Russia.

People are the real wealth of the region. One of them is the former director of Zarinskaya secondary school Mikhail Andrianovich Averin.

Now he is the part of the history of the school.

On the 18th of December 2010 he would be 84….

The veteran of the Great Patriotic War Mikhail Andrianovich Averin worked for more then 30 years as a director of Zarinskaya secondary school Promyshlennovsky district, Kemerovo region.

His name is well-known all over Russia and abroad. His pedagogical career takes special place in the history of the district and region. He is the author of 37th publications on pedagogical theme in different issues and of the book ”My fate is school…” He was awarded a great number of government’s decorations.

M.A.Averin was born on the 18.12 1926 in a small village Kuznetsovo, Pospeliha district, Altai region.

He graduated 7 forms of school and in 1942-1943 worked as a film mechanic in the village Podgornoe Tomsk region.

In 1943 when he wasn’t 18 he went to front as a volunteer. He took part in actions as a man in the ranks of the Second Ukraine Front in Moldavia and was a participant of the defeat of Yassko-Kashirinskoi group of fascists and in operation under Korsun’-Shevchensk. He was demobilized at the beginning of 1945 on wounding.

His pedagogical career began in 1950. He was a teacher of geography and history in Borovskaya school (1950-1951), then the teacher of geography and foreign language,a director of the school in Promyshlennovsky district, state-farm “Barit” (1951-1954).At the same time he studied at the pedagogical institute.In 1954 he was appointed as a director to Okunevskaya 7 years school. In 1955 he graduated

In 1955 he graduated Novosibirsk pedagogical institute by correspondence, got a profession of the teacher of geography.

Since the early 1950s there had been a growing imbalance between the output of secondary-school graduates desiring higher education and the economic demands of skilled manpower at different levels.The educational reforms of 1958 pursued the aim of combining general and polytechnical education with vocational training in a way that directed the bulk of young people after the age of 15 into “production”.

M.A.Averin made a great distribution into practice of labour training and developed a whole system of production training.

The central idea of the director was formulated as “strengthening ties between school and state-farm “Zarya”as a base enterprise.

The classrooms of manual, technical and service labour, motodriving, greenhouse,school plot,experimental field were created by him.

In 1963 the first school productive brigade was organized. The leader of it was Alexei Alexeevich Bondarev the Honoured Agronomist of Russia.


The connection of study and productive work gave a brilliant result– 5 Heroes of Socialist Labour,30% of Zarya’s school teachers are the graduates of Averin. .

The ways in which we live, work, play and learn have been transformed by new technologies. People access, use, and create information very differently from the way they did in previous decades. Citizens and workers of the 21st century need new skills and education has an important role in developing them. But all the graduates of Zarinskaya secondary school are sure that it was Mikhail Andrianovich Averin, the Teacher with the capital “T” who had the most influence on them in becoming specialists in different spheres of life.

In 2008 Zarinskaya secondary school was named after M.A.Averin.

Task 1. “True or false”

  1. The text tells about the events of war period in the history of the country.
  2. The text tells about the events of the biography of a man .
  3. The actions take place nowdays.
  4. The beginning of the text is about our native region.
  5. The beginning of the text is about Russia.
  6. M. A. Averin was a Veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
  7. M. A. Averin was the teacher and the director.
  8. He was the author of a great number of publications on pedagogical theme.
  9. He took part in the ranks of the 2nd Ukraine Front in Moldavia.
  10. In 2008 Zarinskaya secondary school was named after M.A. Averin.

Task 2. Choose the right answer

1.Kuzbass during its history was a support for:
a) economy of the state
b) culture of the state
c) tourism of the state
d) international relations of the state

2. M.A. Averin was the :
a) director of a school
b) sportsman
c) artist
d) officer

3. On the 18th of December, 2010 he would be :
a) 85
b) 87
c) 83
d) 84

4. He worked as a director of a school for :
a) more than 30 years
b) more than 50 years
c) more than 40 years
d) more than 60 years

5. His name is well– known :
a) in Russia
b) in Kuzbass
c) in Plotnikovo
d) at school

6. He was a teacher of :
a) geography
b) maths
c) music
d) history

7. His pedagogical career began in :
a) 1960
b) 1950
c) 1970
d) 1980

8. M.A. Averin was :
a) People’s teacher of the USSR
b) Great patriot
c) well– known agronomist
d) Honoured technician

9. M.A. Averin made a great distribution into :
a) agriculture
b) sport
c) practice of labour training
d) educational system

10. M.A. Averin organized :
a) the 1st school brigade
b) the art studio
c) the state farm
d) the workshop

Task 3.

Find in the text antonyms to the following words and phrases:

to be unknown
to finish
to be not famous
to organize

Task 4.

Find in the text synonyms to the following words and phrases:

to participate
to be appointed
to create


  1. Аверин М.А. Судьба моя, школа [Текст]/М.А. Аверин.-Кемерово, 1987.-143с.
  2. Материалы музея Заринской средней общеобразовательной школы им.М.А.Аверина.