Урок – защита лексических проектов "Animals in our life"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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  • Учить учащихся работать со словарями.
  • Читать и употреблять в речи лексику по темам “Животные”, “Имена существительные” в единственном и множественном числах”, “Глаголы”.
  • Составлять с данной лексикой предложения.
  • Воспитывать активность, трудолюбие, коллективизм.


  • расширить лингвострановедческий и интеллектуальный кругозор в рамках темы “Животные”;
  • поддерживать интерес к английскому языку посредством творческих уроков;
  • воспитывать бережное отношение к животным, чувство сострадания к ним;
  • научить употреблению Present Progressive для выражения действия, совершавшегося в данный момент речи;
  • развивать творческий потенциал учащихся в процессе работы над спектаклем.

Оборудование: проекты в виде лексических таблиц, карточки, иллюстрации.

ТСО: телевизор, видеокассета, магнитофон, аудиокассета, мультимедийный проектор.

План урока

I. Оргмомент.

  1. Речевая разминка.
  2. Фонетическая зарядка.

II. Основная часть урока.

Защита лексических проектов:

  1. “Animals”:
    1. “Who says what?”
    2. “Fill in the table”
    3. Domestic animals (Singular and Plurals)
  2. My pet is always there for me.
  3. A presentation “London Zoo”.
  4. Listening practice. “A big Cat and mice”.
  5. Grammar. Present progressive.
  6. A school theatre. “A sheep and a wolf”

III. Заключительная часть урока. Выставление оценок учащимися. Поздравления.

Teacher: Good morning, children! How are you?

Children: We are fine. And you?

Teacher: I’m OK. Thank you.

Who is on duty today?

A pupil on duty: I am on duty today.

Teacher: What is the date today?

A pupil: Today is the .th of ..

Teacher: What day of the week is it today?

A pupil: Today is .. .

Teacher: Let’s remember the English sounds and words:

  • [s]: hamster, pets, takes, most.
  • [i]: is, isn’t, visit.
  • [d]: didn’t, don’t, doesn’t, cleaned, feed.
  • [t]: watched, washed, helped, not.
  • [n]: dinner, phone, granny, name, Sunday.
  • [p]: picture, played, piano, parrot, park.
  • [h]: hello, have, has, help, had.
  • [ng]: sleeping, drinking, sitting, reading.

Dear friends! Today we are going to have an interesting lesson about animals and children, about their likes and dislikes.

Teacher: We have 6 projects on the blackboard:

  1. Animals.
    1. “Who says what”
    2. “Fill in the table”
    3. Domestic animals (Singular and Plurals)
  2. My pet is always there for me.
  3. A presentation “London Zoo”
  4. Listening practice. “A big Cat and mice”.
  5. Grammar. Present Progressive.
  6. A school theatre. “A sheep and a wolf”.

You must read these words and make up sentences as many as you can. Besides you will recite your poems, tell about your pets, sing a song and act your play.

1. Animals.

1. “Who says what?”. Take the card №1. Read these words and choose the words what go together. Make up sentences with them.

a dog mew
a sheep bark
a duck quark
a cat cluck
a hen bleat
a pig neigh
a horse bray
a donkey grunt

 2. And take the card №2. We will do the task “Fill in the table”. You will listen to the sentences and according to the description you must put the number under the name of the animal.

Fish Tortoise Cat Dog Guinea-pig Hamster Parrot
  1. Sometimes it can speak.
  2. It’s favourite food is milk and fish.
  3. It is a slow moving animal with a shell.
  4. It is a small animal without a tail. It looks like a rabbit with a short ears, but not a pit.
  5. It has a short tail and pockets in its cheeks for carrying food.
  6. A living thing which lives in water.
  7. It is best friend.

3. Take the card №3. It is called “Domestic animals”. Your task is to form plurals of these animals.

  • A mouse
  • A goose
  • A calf
  • An ox
  • A fox
  • A duck
  • A dog
  • A cat
  • A pig
  • A cow
  • A turkey

2. Project “My pet is always there for me”.

Teacher: The animals which we keep at home are our pets. They can be dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea-pigs, tortoises and birds. All boys and girls are fond of pets, but pets need great care. You must teach your pet to answer to his name, to understand you, to do what you tell him. I think it is very interesting to listen to stories about your pets.

(Учащиеся читают рассказы о своих домашних животных).

Образец одного рассказа:

I have a dog. His name is Vulcan. I take a good care of m pet. He is funny dog. He plays with me. I never make him angry. Usually my dog sleeps in the afternoon. I like my dog very much and he likes me.

Teacher” Thank you for your excellent work. Perhaps you know a few poems about animals? Could you tell them us, please?

(Учащиеся рассказывают наизусть заученные стихи о животных).

Teacher: It is time to have a rest a little.

(Проводится физкультминутка).

Stand up, please!
Hands on the hand,
Hands on the hips,
Hands on the table
Hands like this.
Hands on shoulders,
Hands up and down,
Hands behind the head,
And sit down!

3. Teacher: Boys and girls, there are many zoos in the world. I would like you watch a presentation about London Zoo. Look at the screen, please. Let’s read some facts and see some photos about it.

(Просмотр презентации о Лондонском зоопарке)

4. Project “Listening practice”.

5. Teacher: Now, children you will listen to the story about the cat and the mice and get ready to retell it.

(Учащимся предлагается прослушать текст).

A big Cat and mice.

A big Cat and mice live in an old house. The Cat eats some mice every

day. The mice are afraid of the Cat. One day they go to the old clever mouse and talk about the Cat. One little mouse says he knows what to do. He wants mice to put a bell round the cat’s neck. The mice likes his idea and are very glad. Suddenly the clever old mouse asks “Who will put the bell the Cat’s neck?” Nobody answers.

Take the card №4. You can see the beginnings of the sentences on the cards. Work in pairs, finish the sentences and make up a story.

(Учащиеся работают в парах затем по одному рассказывают по карточке)

  • A big Cat and mice....
  • The Cat eats some...
  • The mice are....
  • One day they go to the old clever.....
  • One little mouse....
  • He wants mice to....
  • The mice likes....
  • Suddenly....
  • “Who will...
  • Nobody...

Teacher: Thank you very much. And now, let’s remember Present Progressive tense. When do we use Present Progressive tense?

(Ответы учащихся).

Teacher: Look at the picture and answer the questions:

What is a dog doing?

(Учащимся предлагаются картинки, с которыми составляют предложения в Present Progressive,используя глаголы: to sleep, to run, to drink, to sit, to swim, to watch, to read, to write).

Teacher: Dear children, I am going to show you a video film about the animals.

(Учащимся предлагается посмотреть видеофильм из жизни животных).

6. Teacher: Now, our project is called “A school theatre”. Will you show us a play

“A sheep and a wolf”?

(Учащиеся инсценируют сказку “Овец и волк” на английском языке).

Teacher: Thank you. You are very good actors.

Dear friends! Today you have made a good job. You will get fours and fives. And be kind to your pets with care and low, they will become your good friends.