Present Simple and Present Progressive Tenses

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи урока.

  • Образовательные:
    • активизировать употребление ранее изученной лексики в речи учащихся;
    • совершенствовать навыки речевой деятельности учащихся.
  • Развивающие:  
    • работа над фонетическими навыками;
    • практиковать учащихся в умении различать настоящее простое и настоящее длительное время;
    • развитие устной речи с употреблением Present Progressive;
    • развитие умения учащихся осуществлять монологические высказывания;
  • Воспитательные:
    • воспитание у ребят чувства сотрудничества и ответственности;
    • расширять кругозор ребят.

Технологический аспект:

В контексте данного урока – это проблемное обучение, которое направлено на приобретение ЗУН; усвоение способов самостоятельной деятельности; развитие познавательных и творческих способностей учащихся ; игровые технологии, имитирующие ситуации реального общения и направленные на воссоздание и усвоение общественного опыта.


  • формирование коммуникативной компетенции;
  • использование метода опоры;
  • учебно-познавательная игра.


  • аудиовизуальный;
  • личностно-ориентированный.

Оборудование урока:

  •  запись на доске
  • тематические картинки
  • карточки с предложениями
  • грамматические таблицы


I. Организационный момент

1) Приветствие:

T: Good morning boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down please.

2) Беседа с классом:

  • Who is on duty today?
  • Who is absent?
  • What date is it today?
  • What day of the week is it today?
  • Is it cold today?

3)  Озвучивание темы урока:

T: Today we’ll continue our talk about school and compare the tenses you've already learnt –   Present Simple and Present Progressive Tenses. But first of all let’s discuss your homework. Were there any difficulties? Let’s remember what new grammar we took at our previous lesson.

P: We studied The Present Progressive Tense

T: Well, who can remind class when we can use it and how it is formed. What’s the difference between Present Progressive and Present Simple? (При ответе используется таблица на доске)

The Present Simple Tense

The Present Progressive Tense

Usually, always, often, sometimes, seldom, never; every day(week, month, year, Sunday etc.)

At the moment, now

(Do / does)       V/Vs

Am/is/are   + Ving

Режим работы P1, P2…

T: Well, let’s start our work and now we’ll have a warm-up.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

T: Begin with phonetic drill. Let’s practice the sound []. Look at the blackboard and find the odd word, please. (orange .) Why do you think so? (It  sounds [d].)

Now read the words, please:


morning bring song orange stocking ring
evening sing strong long English king

III. Речевая зарядка. Погружение в иноязычную речь

T: Well done. Now, as we are talking about school, let’s remember what you usually do at school.

(Режим работы P1, P2, P3…)

P: We usually read books (speak English, do exercises, count, draw, sing, play football, run and jump, study etc.) at school.

(Учитель записывает выражения на доске.)

T: Well, and as you are at school now, can you tell me what are you doing?

(Режим работы P1, P2, P3…)

P: We are speaking English (doing exercises, studying etc.) now.

IV. Активизация лексики

T: Let’s  look at the pictures on the blackboard. What are they doing? (Работа с иллюстрациями на доске. Режим P1, P2, P3 …)

T: I’ll give you some commands and you will report me what you are doing now (Режим работы P1, P2, P3…):
T: Sveta and Vlada, stand up, please. What are you doing?
P: We are standing.
T: What are they doing, Ira ?
P: They are standing.
T: Go to the blackboard, (write your name on the blackboard, come to the table, open  your book, read the book, close your book, speak English, run, jump, swim, wash your hands.)
T: Well done.

V. Аудирование

T: Now, listen to me and say what tense I use in my sentences:

  1. I go to school every day.                              Present Simple
  2. Tom is running now.                                     Present Progressive
  3. Willy is taking a shower now.                       Present Progressive
  4. Nancy washes every day.                             Present Simple
  5. Nancy and Willy often play chess.                Present Simple
  6. They are playing chess now.                         Present Progressive
  7. My dog runs a lot.                                       Present Simple
  8. It is running now.                                         Present Progressive
  9. I am watching my dog.                                 Present Progressive
  10. My Granny watches TV every day.              Present Simple
  11. I am helping Mum about the house.              Present Progressive
  12. My Mum kisses me every day.                     Present Simple
  13. My Dad is doing exercises.                          Present Progressive
  14. We have lots of fun.                                     Present Simple
  15. We are learning English now.                       Present Progressive
  16. I like English.                                               Present Simple

VI. Обучение чтению

T: Open your books at page 143 ex.3. Read the text to yourself and find the sentences that tell us what Willy IS NOT DOING now. Read them aloud. Режим P1, P2, P3…

VII. Обучение говорению

T: Look at your cards, please and say what you, your friends and relatives usually do and what you are doing now. (Режим работы P1, P2, P3…)



My mother/ drink coffee in the morning drink tea
I/ speak Russian with my friends speak English
Tom/ not read books read a book
I/ not eat soup eat soup
I/ make my bed myself my mother / make my bed
My father / read newspapers read a magazine
We / have dinner in the kitchen have dinner in the living room
My friends/ play football after school play hockey
I/ go to bed early go to bed late
My brother/ not listen to music while doing homework listen to music
I / go to school by bus Walk to school
My sister/ not like playing the piano Play the piano
My dog/ play with a ball Play with a stick
I /do my homework in the evening Do my homework before the lesson

VIII. Обучение монологическим высказываниям

T: Let’s play some guessing games now. Open your books at page 135 ex.1 and try to guess what this people are doing. (Режим работы P1, P2, P3…)

T: And now   each of you can think of some action and mime it to the class. Your friends must guess what you are doing. (Режим работы P ––>P1, P2, P3…)

Учащиеся по очереди изображают какие-либо действия, а остальные отгадывают, используя речевой образец :

Are you sleeping? (singing, running etc.)

IX. Test. Present Progressive or Present  Simple?

  1. We   (have / are having) coffee every morning.
  2. I like tea, but now I   (have / am having) coffee.
  3. Mary   (plays / is playing) the piano every evening.
  4. Where is John? – He   (plays/ is playing) the piano.
  5. Our boys usually (play/ are playing) football in the yard. Call them. They (play/ are playing) football in the yard.
  6. My sister Betty (cooks /is cooking) dinner in the kitchen. That’s strange! Usually she (doesn’t cook/ isn’t cooking) dinner. 
  7. Ann usually (makes/ is making) doll dresses herself.
  8. She is in the kitchen. She (makes / is making) tea for us.
  9. I am busy. I (make/ am making) my bed.
  10. I always (make/ am making) my bed before breakfast.
  11. Don't put your coat on. The sun (shines/ is shining).
  12. In summer the sun (shines/ is shining) brightly.
  13. Run downstairs. Your sister (waits / is waiting) for you.
  14. I usually (wait / am waiting) for Tom. He is always late.

X. Итог урока

Teacher: Dear friends our lesson is over.  Did you like our lesson? What did you like best?

(Режим работы P1, P2, P3…)

As a result of our lesson I can say that you were active and industrious.
Your marks are__________________

XI. Домашнее задание

Write down your homework:   page 141-142 ex. 9, 10
Thank you for your work today.
The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Используемая литература:

  1. О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева –  Новый курс английского языка для российских школ. 2-год обучения.6 класс. – Москва: Дрофа , 2004.
  2. Е.Б.Полякова, Г.П.Раббот, Г.П.Шалаева под ред Товы Перлмуттер – English for children. – Москва: «ТЕРРА» – «TERRA», 1992.
  3. Т.Г.Николенко, И.И.Кошманова – Английский для детей. Сборник упражнений. – Москва: АЙРИС РОЛЬФ, 1996.
  4. Г.В.Данилова – Английский язык. 5-9 классы. Обучающие игры на уроках. – Волгоград, изд.Учитель, 2008.
  5. И.В.Ермолова – Английский язык. Карточки заданий. – Саратов: Лицей, 2006.