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Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативной культуры и компетенции школьников на материале темы “The Media”


  • Образовательные:
    1) Закрепление и расширение лексических навыков по теме “The Media”;
    2) Развитие навыков говорения и аудирования;
  • Развивающие:
    1) Развитие творческих способностей;
    2) Развитие интереса к изучаемому предмету;
  • Воспитательные:
    1) Формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;
    2) Воспитание чувства уважения к собеседнику;

Оборудование: учебник “New Opportunities. Intermediate”, компьютер, медиапроектор, раздаточный материал (задание с грамматическим упражнением, заготовки страниц для школьной газеты)

Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: УМК “New Opportunities. Intermediate” Longman; УМК “ Headway. Intermediate”, ”Headway.Pre-Intermediate” Oxford;

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:

Good morning. I’m glad to see you! Today we have an unusual lesson. We’ll talk not only about kinds of mass media but also we’ll try to make our own school newspaper. We’ll be newspaper editors and reporters at the same time.

2. Основная часть урока:

Активизация знаний по теме (Презентация1.ppt) (Слайд 1).

But first of all we will have a look at our topic ”Mass Media”. Answer my questions:

  1. How do you understand the word “mass media”? (The mass media include all the people and organizations that provide information and news for the public)
  2. What kinds of mass media do you know? (We know such kinds of mass media as newspapers and magazines, radio, television and Internet.) (Слайд 2).

Thank you. You see the mass media inform us of what is going in the world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. I think it will be interesting for all of us to find out what kinds of mass media are the most popular in our class. Anna has already done a survey ”Teenagers and Mass Media” Let’s listen to her very attentively and then answer my questions.

Выступление ученика с проектом. (Слайды 3–10).

Thank you very much for your good work. Thanks to your research we can say what kinds of mass media are the most popular among pupils in our class. What are they? (Internet and TV.)

Систематизация знаний по теме”Mass Media. The Press”.

We will discuss these kinds of Mass Media at the next lessons. Today we will pay more attention to the earliest kind of Mass media.

  1. What is the earliest kind of Mass media? (Newspapers.)
  2. When did the first newspapers appear in Britain? (In the 17th century there were publications with posters and ballads. In the 18th the first newspapers “The Times” and “The Guardian” appeared in Britain.)
  3. What types of newspapers are there in Britain nowadays?(There are quality and popular newspapers.) (Слайд 11).
  4. Which quality newspapers are the most famous in Britain? (“The Times”, “The Guardian”, “The Financial Times”, “The Daily Telegraph”.)
  5. Which popular newspapers in Britain do you know? (“The Daily Mirror”, “The Daily Mail”, “The Sun”.)
  6. What are the main features of popular newspapers? (Big headlines, small articles, many colorful photos and pictures.)
  7. Do they entertain or inform readers? (They entertain readers. They include information about celebrities, film stars, a lot of gossip.)
  8. What are the main features of quality newspapers?(Small headlines, long informative articles, small photos. They inform readers.)

You are right. Today we have a guest from London. She is a special correspondent working for “The Times”. Listen to her and answer my two questions:

When did it appear? What was the first name of the newspaper?

Выступление ученика с сообщением об истории газеты “The Times”.

“The Times”

“The Times” is a daily national newspaper published in the UK since January1,1785. It was known as “The Daily Universal Register”. Its owner nowadays is News Corporation , run by Rupert Murdoch. It has compact format (Monday – Saturday) and broadsheet format (Sunday).It is the cheapest and the most popular newspaper in Britain.

Выполнение грамматического упражнения по теме “Tenses of Active and Passive”. (Приложение 1.)

We have got an article about this newspaper. But something was wrong with fax-machine. We should complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs in Active or Passive. Let’s start.

Работа над созданием выпуска своей школьной газеты. (Приложение 2.)

Good work, my dear pupils. “The Times” has a good reputation and includes a lot of information. Of course, there are some sections in it.

Which sections do usually newspapers have? (Слайд 12). – (They usually have News, Opinion section, Sport, Arts, Entertainment, Advertisement)

Right you are. I offer you to make our own newspaper today. I’m an editor-in chief, you are sub-editors and copy-editors. Our newspaper will also have some sections. Let’s start with the news from our school life.

Интервьюирование учеников. Один ученик играет роль журналиста, берет интервью у одноклассников, он же оформляет страницу газеты , записывая их ответы. (Приложение 2, с.2)

Thank you very much. I think you need a few minutes to prepare the first page for our newspaper. We will listen to our reporter. He has a sport reportage . Listen and complete the missing information in this article.

Выступление ученика с репортажем . (Презентация 2) .Ученики заполняют пропуски в задании. (Приложение 3.)

I see you have a lot of interesting to do at school. I wonder what the most interesting and exciting school event was for you. Your classmate has a story for our opinion section about excursion to Boldino.

Выступление ученика с презентацией. (Презентация 3).


In my opinion, the most exciting event in my school life was an excursion to Boldino. Our gymnasia is named after A.S.Pushkin and he is my favourite poet. That’s why I always wanted to see Pushkin’s place of living with my own eyes.

We went by bus for 5 hours and when we finally arrived, the first thing I saw was the church. The Assumption of Virgin Mary church is situated in the centre of the manor. It’s an old beautiful church of the 19th century. I’m sure that Pushkin visited this church and walked in the park.

The main exposition of the museum is in the manor house. It was interesting for me to find out how many poems, novels and fairy-tales he wrote here, for example, all famous Pushkin tales , except The Tale of Tsar Saltan, were written in Boldino.

Especially, I liked A.S.Pushkin’s study-room. Only imagine, he sat at this table, read these books and worked.

We were in Boldino in autumn, Pushkin’s favourite season. We could feel the atmosphere of this place . Sometimes, it seemed to me that we were in the 19th century, especially, when we got an opportunity to wear costumes of the 19th century.

It’s special memorial value is that ‘the miracle of Boldino autumn’ happened here and we could feel and see it.

Выполнение письменного задания. Ученики пишут сообщение о самом интересном событии в школьной жизни.

I’d like you to write your small story about your most exciting and interesting event at school. I give you 4 minutes for this task.

3. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов. Оформление газеты. Домашнее задание может быть дифференцированным: поиск картинок , написание объявления о предстоящем мероприятии в школе или рекламы.

Thank you for your good work. Your marks are…..We have got some pages for our newspaper. We continue writing articles , that’s why your home task will be to find funny pictures and stories , to make up crosswords or to write advertisement for school event. The lesson is over. Good bye.