Мы идем в зоопарк. 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цель: Развитие коммуникативной культуры и социально-культурной образованности учащихся, позволяющих участвовать в социально-бытовой и учебной сфере.

Учебный аспект:   

  • тренировка произносительных навыков;
  • закрепление лексического материала по теме “Животные”;
  • применение ранее изученного материала в новых ситуациях общения – компенсаторная компетенция;
  • практика в восприятии речи на слух с опорой на наглядность;
  • развитие навыков чтения фраз и предложений;
  • развитие навыков диалогической и монологической устной речи с использованием известных детям клише;

Развивающий аспект:

  • развивать логическое мышление, внимание, память, произвольное владение речью учащихся;
  • развивать креативное мышление, расширять кругозор.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • Воспитание любви к животным, природе.
  • Прививать любовь к стране изучаемого языка – Англии.
  • Повышать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, экран, проекты учащихся, рисунок и письмо от Muzzy, магнитофон, рисунки и сочинения учащихся, медали для номинаций, живая черепашка.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. (Приветствие и объяснение целей урока.)

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. I hope you are fine and feel ready for our work. Today we are talking about animals, about our pets because we love nature, we want to live together with nature, we want to live together with animals.

Презентация. Слайд 1.

II.  Фонетическая зарядка.

Listen to me carefully and repeat after me :
Protect wildlife, plants and trees. We must save wild animals. Do not kill animals. Help to keep water clean. REMEMBER... ALL PETS NEED LOVE AND CARE

Слайд 2/

III. Актуализация знаний.

Загадки, пословицы. (Стук в дверь.)

T: Who is it? It’s a postman. He brought a letter from… Muzzy. Let’s read it! (Письмо с “фотографией”) Wow! Who is it ?

“Hello, boys and girls! I’m an animal. My name is Muzzy. I like to jump, dance , run and climb trees. I like to eat very much. I have riddles for you. I invite you to go to … ( Guess ) Best wishes, Muzzy. “ Oh, he asks us to guess his riddles. Let’s guess them.

Слайд 3.

Слайды (загадки).

  1. This animal is not very rare.
    It is huge and it hasn’t got wings.
    It has got big ears.
    It lives in Africa.
    It can run very fast.
    People ride this animal. (It’s an elephant.) Слайд 4.
  2. This animal is black and white.
    It isn't very rare.
    It has got a big body and small head.
    It is a bird but it can't fly.
    It lives in Antarctica and South America.
    It can't run fast but it can swim fast. (It’s a penguin.) Слайд 5.
  3. This animal is very big.
    It is orange and black.
    It can run very fast.
    It lives in Asia.
    It is now very rare. (It’s a tiger.) Слайд 6.

T: Well done! Now let’s remember proverbs. (Дети читают английские пословицы и соотносят с русским языком.)

1. If you run after two hares, you catch neither.
2. The early bird catches the worm.
3. To sell the bear’s skin before one caught the bear.
4. Curiosity killed a cat.
5. No bees, no honey .
1. Кто рано встает, того  удача ждет.
2. За двумя зайцами погонишься – ни одного не поймаешь.
3. Без труда, не выловишь  рыбку из пруда.
4. Делить шкуру неубитого медведя.
5. Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.

Слайд 7.

IV. Речевая зарядка. (На фоне видеосюжета о животных.)

What kinds of animals are there in nature?
What are domestic animals?
What are wild animals?
What birds do you know?
Name animals that live only in hot countries.
Name animals that eat only grass.
Name the most beautiful animal.
What is your favourite animal? Слайд 8

T: OK! We’ve guessed all Muzzy’s riddles. Where does he invite us? Yes, he invites us to go to London Zoo. Shall we go?

First of all, let’s remember poems about animals.

(Дети читают стихи.)


I have a little pussycat,
I love her very, very much,
Her eyes are bright, her tail is long,
Her fur is soft to touch.
I often stroke my pussycat,
And then she purrs, you see,
Because I love my pussycat,
And pussycat loves me!

Слайд 9.


Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the Zoo.
Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the Zoo.
There is a giraffe there and zebra too,
A bear, and a monkey, and a kangaroo.

 Слайд 10.

3) Many poems are written about animals. Now listen to the poem, which is called "MY DREAM" by Gillian Brown and be ready to answer my question "What is the author's dream?"

I love all kinds of animals
Dogs and cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds of animals,
Despite their little habits.
If I had tons of money,
D' you know what I would do?
I would buy lots of animals
And have my own zoo.
But they wouldn't be in cages;
They would be free to run around.
And there's one thing they would feel
And that is safe and sound.

Слайд 11.

T: What is the author's dream?

P: The dream is author's own zoo. T: I wonder what the Zoo is.

P: Zoo – is the place, usually in the city, where many kinds of animals are kept so that people can go to look at them.

V. Развитие навыков восприятия английской речи на слух. (Аудирование с извлечением информации.)

Now let’s listen to the history about London Zoo.

(Ученица рассказывает историю появления Лондонского зоопарка.)

London Zoo.

London Zoo is a zoo in Regent's Park not far from the centre of London. The Zoo is opened every day from 9 o'clock in the morning to 7 o'clock in the evening. There are many thousands of exotic animals at London Zoo. They say exotic animals were first taken to Britain in the thirteenth century when King Henry III received a gift of leopards and elephants. The animals lived in the Tower of London in a special place.

Later the King of Norway presented Henry III with a polar bear. Five hundred years later, Queen Charlotte was given the first zebra to come to Britain. She kept it near the Buckingham House. Giraffes have been an attraction at London Zoo since four of them arrived in 1839. Today there are many thousands of exotic animals at London Zoo.


Where is the London Zoo?
Are there thousands of exotic animals at London Zoo?
When were they first taken to Britain?
What was Queen Charlotte given?
What have been an attraction at London Zoo?

Слайды 12–19.

VI. В зоопарке.

And now we are going to the Zoo! Are you ready? –Let’s sing the song “ We’re Going to the Zoo”.


We’re going to the zoo
To see a kangaroo.
We’re going to the zoo
To see a kangaroo.
And a lion too.
We’re going to the zoo.

The monkeys swing and climb.
They know it’s feeding time.
The polar bear and seals,
Enjoy their fishy meals.


We’re going to the zoo
To see a kangaroo.
We’re going to the zoo
To see a kangaroo.
And a lion too.
We’re going to the zoo.

The snakes all slide along.
The skunk just makes a pong.
The tiger gives a roar.
He wants to eat some more.
Rf.: We’re going to the zoo
To see a kangaroo.
We’re going to the zoo

To see a kangaroo.
And a lion too.
We’re going to the zoo.
The penguin needs to hide
It’s much too hot outside.
But the lizard’s having fun,
Lying in the sun!


Now we are at the London Zoo. Cлайд 20/

Выходит смотритель зоопарка.

У входа в зоопарк происходит беседа со смотрителем зоопарка.

Zookeeper: Good morning! . I’m glad to see you. My name is Ben. I am a zookeeper. Our zoo is big. You can see many animals and birds: tigers, lions, monkeys, bears, crocodiles, parrots and even an elephant. You can speak to parrot Jack. You can eat ice-cream.

Welcome to our zoo!” Слайды 21–22/

Children: Thank you.

Смотритель говорит детям, что в зоопарке нужно хорошо себя вести.

Zookeeper: Every Zoo has some rules. Here they are.
Please, do not feed the animals!
Don’t open the door of cage!
Don’t drop litter on the floor!
Don’t shout at the bear (hare, crocodile ….)!
Don’t touch the lion’s (fox’s, tiger’s ….) hair.

Слайд 23/

VIII. Монологическая речь. Аудирование с полным пониманием.

Дети рассказывают о своих любимых животных в зоопарке, используя свои творческие проекты.

Now let’ s listen to your stories about your favourite animals at the Zoo.

Let’s go ! Look !

Tigers. A tiger is a wild animal. It lives in the forest. Tigers are orange with black stripes. Tigers are ruthless and cruel. They can hunt and run, but cannot fly and jump. Grown-up tiger can reach mass over 390km. Tigers like to eat meat.

Dolphins. A dolphin is a wild animal . It lives in oceans and seas. Dolphins have long tails and long noses. They are grey. Dolphins are intelligent, shy, friendly and pretty. They can swim, hunt and cannot fly. Dolphins like to eat fish.

Parrots. I’ve got a parrot. He is blue with grey isthmus. His name is Kesha. He is one year old. He can fly and jump. Kesha likes corn and drinks water. My pet is funny, kind, active and curious. I like to talk to my pet. I feed him with special food. I like my pet very much.

Snakes. A shake is a wild animal. It lives in the forest. It is rude and ruthless. It can hunt and creep. It cannot fly and run. Snakes like eating frogs.

Giraffes. A giraffe is a wild animal who is the beast of grass. They have small ears and horns. Giraffes live in Africa. Giraffes are high and spotty. They cannot jump, climb, skip. They have the longest neck. Слайды

IX. Тренировка навыков диалогической речи.

(Children ask the zookeepers different questions:)

Where do they live?
Where does it live?
How long do they sleep?
How do they eat?
How many babies can they have?
Are they reptiles?
It’s dangerous, isn’t it?
B.G.: No, in fact it’s peaceful.
R3: What does it eat?
B.G.: It eats grass, leaves and fruit.
R3: How long does it live?
B.G.: Usually it lives for 14-15 years, but usually for 10 years.
R4: How long does it sleep?
B.G.: For 5 hours.
R5: Can it fly?
B.G.: Yes, sure. It can fly very fast.

While listening to the zookeepers children express their feelings:
It’s a real fun!
How very interesting!
Really? I have never heard about it. etc.

Speaking about animals. (Поговорим о животных.)

– Wow! It has a big head.
– And a very long trunk!
– What does it like to eat?
– It likes to eat fruit, vegetables.
– Let’s give it an apple.
– We mustn’t feed animals at the zoo!

– Look at the dolphin! He is getting a fish.
– Dolphins are very clever animals. Give me a camera. I want to take a picture.
– Here you are.
– Thank you.

– I think it is ugly.
– No, it’s nice.
– I’m sure it’s dangerous.
– No, it’s peaceful. It eats grass and leaves.

PP: – Thanks a lot!
– Thank you very much.

H.: – Good-bye! Best wishes!

The boy with camera takes photos.

X. "It's interesting to know". Aудирование с пониманием основного содержания.

The World of animals is very rich. Do you know what is the biggest, the fastest, the tallest, animal in the world? What animal is a best eater? What animal can sing and what animal can smile?
It's interesting to know that the fastest animal is Gerard. Its record is 110 kilometers an hour.
It is hard to believe that the largest and the most impressive animals are Blue Whales. They are 30 meters long and weigh about 125 tons. They are three times heavier than the biggest dinosaur.
They live from 60 to 80 years. The baby whale is 7 meters long and weighs 2 tons. It drinks 166 liters a day.
The tallest animal is Giraffe. It is about 7 meters high. The baby Giraffe is 2 meters high.
The best eaters are elephants. They eat 100 kilos of food a day and drink 189 liters a day.
They spend 16 hours a day eating.
The hardiest animal is the Arabian camel. It can walk 60 kilometers a day carrying about 300 kilos.
It’s interesting that the mice can sing.
White tigers live in India and they have blue eyes.

XI. TEST (computer).

  1. Penguins live in _____ .
    Africa b) Antarctica c) India
  2. The tallest animal is _____ . It is about 7 meters high.
    a) a monkey b) a koala c) a giraffe
  3. Dolphins live in the _____ .
    a) trees b) seas c) mountains
  4. Snake is a ______ animal.
    a) domestic b) wild
  5. This animal lives at home or in the street. It’s a man’s friend.
    a) It’s a dog. b) It’s a mouse. c) It’s an elephant.
  6. This animal can be black, grey, white and red. It lives in the house. It can catch a grey mouse. It likes fish, meat and milk. It can run, jump and walk.
    a) It’s a snake. b) It’s a lion. c) It’s a cat.
  7. _____ can walk 60 km a day carrying about 300 kilos.
    a) Camels b) Cats c) Penguins
  8. Monkeys can’t ____ .
    a) climb b) run c) fly
  9. The largest animal is ____ .
    a) a parrot b) a whale c) a bear
  10. Elephant has got a ____ .
    a) trunk b) wings c) two heads

XII. Номинации. Nominations. Giving the medals to children for their animals.

T: To Dima for an animal with long tail. Congratulations!
To Vika for a Funny Animal. Congratulations! Etc.

Сюрпризный момент: Children, I have something interesting for you. look at this! It's alive tortoise! Wow! Cool! Do you like her? Can you feed her? What does she like to eat?

Релаксация. Карточки со смайликами. Do you like the lesson? If you like, show please, merry smile, if you don't like, show sad smile, if you don't know – show so-so smile. Если вам понравился урок, покажите весёлый смайлик, если нет– грустный смайлик, если не очень – серьёзный смайлик. OK. Well done! Молодцы, ребята. Сегодня вы очень хорошо поработали. The lesson is over. Goodbye! See you.

XIII. Подведение итогов.
