Easter. 7-й класс школ с углубленным изучением иностранного языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Задачи урока:


  • Воспитание чувства самосознания ученика как носителя мировой культуры, владеющего понятием и пониманием конфессиональной толерантности путем расширения представлений о русской национальной традиции празднования Пасхи;
  • воспитание чувства уважения и причастности к традициям своей семьи;


  • формирование целостного представления о культуре страны через интеграцию в предметные области история, МХК, религиоведение, английский язык;
  • понимание взаимосвязи событий страстной недели, их отражении в художественных образах и традициях празднования Пасхи и роли, которую они играют в жизни современного человека;


  • развитие умений строить умозаключения, выражать собственное мнение на основе прочитанного; построение логической цепочки “событие страстной недели – художественный образ – символ Пасхальной открытки”;
  • развитие умений систематизации полученных знаний в виде заполнения таблицы;


  • обучение чтению с полным пониманием содержания и с извлечением специфической информации;
  • обучение монологическому высказыванию, развитие умений описания сюжета икон и шедевров мировой живописи на основе предложенных иллюстраций и ключевых выражений;

Ход урока

Этап урока Приемы Деятельность учителя Режим Результат деятельности ученика (предполагаемые ответы)
Создание мотивации (развитие монологических умений , интерпрета-ция иконописных и живописных образов) Медиа-презентация T: Today is the 15th of April, Wednesday, the middle of Holy Week. What is Holy Week?

T: What does it lead to?

T: It will be quite natural to speak about the last days of Christ’s life and his miraculous Resurrection. But let’s begin with the main events of his life.

Фронтальный P: It is the last week of the life of Jesus Christ.


P: It leads to his Resurrection.

Slide 1. Annunciation

Task: Look at the picture and say what you know about this event.   P: The event is called Annunciation. Archangel Gabriel came to Virgin Mary and told her that she would bear a child, who would be the son of God.
Slide 2. Nativity

  P: This is Nativity. Emperor Augustus wanted to count people in his country and asked everybody to go to the land where their predecessors had lived. Mary was pregnant at that time. Joseph and his wife Mary lived in Nazareth and had to go to Bethlehem, where Joseph’s ancestors had lived. When they came to Bethlehem, there was no place to stay, all hotels were full. It was time for the baby to be born. The only place they found was a stable. And there among the friendly animals Jesus was born.
Slide 3. Adoration of the Shepherds

Сопоставление информации текста и слайда

  P: Shepherds were looking after their sheep in the field, when they saw an angel. They were frightened. The angel brought good news. He said that a new king was born. The shepherds came to Bethlehem, found the stable with Mary and Jesus and bowed to the newly born king.
Slide 4. Adoration of the Magi

  P: A bright star appeared in the sky, when Jesus was born. Three wise men saw it. The star showed them the way to Bethlehem. They came to Mary and Jesus, brought them gold, myrrh and frankincense.
Slide 5. Baptism

  P: Jesus Christ was baptized in the river Jordan by John the Baptist.
Slide 6. Miracles

  P: Once he fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.

P: He heeled the blind, he resurrected the dead.

P: He could walk on the surface of water.

P: Once he calmed the storm and saved his disciples.

Систематизация знаний, составление таблицы   T: Now the events of Holy Week

Task: Take the materials from the file. Look at page 1. You see the pictures. These are the events of Holy Week. They are given in chronological order. Match the picture with the event, then match the event and the day (Приложение 1)

Индивидуальная работа Answers:


Развитие умений чтения с полным пониманием Slide 7. Entry to Jerusalem

T: What event begins Holy Week?

Task: Read text 1 (Приложение 2), then look at the picture and answer my questions.

T: Look at the Picture. Who is entering Jerusalem? How?

T: Who is coming with him?

T: Who is meeting them?

T: What are they throwing to his feet? Why?

  P: Entry to Jerusalem.





P: Jesus Christ on a donkey.

P: His disciples.

P: People of Jerusalem

P: They are throwing palm leaves – a kind of welcome to a king.

Развитие монологических умений с опорой на ключевые выражения Slide 8. The Last Supper

Активизация речемыслительной деятельности на основе ассоциаций

T: What event is depicted?

T: Read text 2 (Приложение 2). Retell the text one by one, using key words and expressions.

To have their meal
To bless the bread
To bless the wine
To look at each man in turn
To betray
To be horrified
“Which one do you mean?”
To take a piece from the loaf
To get up
To walk out

T: Look at the picture. Do you know the author?
T: Whom do you see? What moment is depicted? Are they having supper?

T: The picture is divided into 2 parts. One is darker than the other. Where do you think Judas is?
T: Why?

T: The Bible is a very wise book. It teaches us a lot. What does the story The Last Supper teach us?

  P: This is the Last Supper.

Ps: retell the text one by one










P: Leonardo da Vinci.

P: We see Jesus Christ and his disciples. Jesus said: ”One of you will betray me”.

P: Judas is in the darker part.


P: Judas betrayed Jesus. Betrayal is a sin.

P: It teaches us not to betray, to love each other.

  Slide 9. Crucifixion

Task: In your copies you see key expressions (text 3, приложение 2). Use them to speak about crucifixion.   P: Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday on Mount Golgotha. His feet and hands were nailed to the cross.
  Slide 10. Resurre-ction

Беседа по тексту

Task: Read text 4 (Приложение 2) and answer my questions.

T: Who came to the tomb on Sunday morning?

T: What did she see?

T: What did she do then?

T: Did they come?

T: Whom did she see?

T: How did Mary know the man was Jesus Christ?

T: What did Mary do?

T: When people meet each other on Easter Day they greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen”. They reply: “He is risen Indeed”. Why?
T: These were the main events of Holy Week.

  P: Mary Magdalene.

P: The tomb was empty. There was no body there.

P: She called Peter and John.

P: They came, saw that there was no body in the tomb and returned home. Mary stayed by the tomb.

P: She saw 2 angels and a man.

P: He said: “It’s me, Mary. Go and tell everybody you saw me alive”.

P: She ran and told everyone she had seen Jesus.

P: His resurrection is a miracle.

Развитие монологических умений Построение логической цепочки III. Easter Symbols.

T: Every day of Holy Week reminds us of one event in the life of Jesus Christ. Every day has its symbols. Today I’ve brought you a real treasure of my family. I inherited the collection of Easter postcards, the postcards are nearly one hundred years old.

Task: Open the envelope, lying on the desk. Have a look at the postcards (Приложение 4). What Easter symbols do you see in them?

T: Think and say what is the symbol of what day. Fill in the table (Приложение 3).

Групповая работа  






P-s: Eggs, hens, empty eggs, Easter cake, pussy-willow branches


P: Eggs – Symbolize Easter, resurrection of Jesus Christ. An egg is a symbol of new life.
P: Hens – Easter Day. Hens lay eggs.
P: Pussy-willow branches – Palm Sunday, Entry to Jerusalem. There are no palms in Russia. The first tree which blossoms in spring is pussy-willow.
P: Easter cake – Maundy Thursday. The Last Supper. Jesus ate bread with his disciples.
P: Empty eggs – Easter Day .The Empty egg symbolizez the empty tomb of Jesus Christ.

Чтение текста с извлечением специфичес-кой информации Выбор информации IV. Easter traditions.

T: What Easter traditions do you know? (карточки вывешиваю на доску)

Task: Scan text 5 (Приложение 2) and make additions.

  P: Decorate eggs, bake Easter cake, go to the church.

P: Make curd paskha, play Easter games, sing Easter hymns, go to the church for the night service

Рефлексия Синквейн T: Make a poem about the lesson

T: Of course we are not passionate believers. But we must understand the sense of events, festivals, it’s our history and culture.

Индивидуальная работа P1: Easter lesson read analysed discussed
I enjoyed Easter cards Great!

Слайды представлены в презентации “The Story of Jesus”.