Методическая разработка упражнений и тестовых заданий для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ в разделе "Лексика"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ex . A  Link the first part of the sentence on the left with the second part on the right.

although               if                   since             so that
because                in case          so                  unless

  1. Take a map with you                                     a. ______________  he left.
  2. The play was very boring                              b. ______________  he hated heights.
  3. I couldn’t unlock it                                        c. ______________  you pay her more.
  4. He agreed to go climbing                              d. ______________  it’s raining heavily.
  5. He got a new alarm-clock                             e. ______________   they walked out.
  6. He hasn’t written to us                                  f. ______________   I had the wrong key.
  7. She ‘ll only do the job                                   g.______________   you lose your way.
  8. I never take an umbrella                                h.______________   he’d get up on time.

Write your answers here:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Write your own sentences using these linking words.

Ex. B Match the sentences on the left with the sentences on the right which follows it. Underline the linking words.

1.  He has to take photos of                                                     a. Meanwhile, they were still
the places he visits.                                                                   sleeping peacefully.

2. Not everybody thinks the                                                     b. On the other hand, we could
building is ugly.                                                                         wait until tomorrow.

3. He thought the talk was interesting.                                       c. On the contrary, some people
interesting.                                                                                say it looks marvellous.

4. The smoke started coming                                                    d. As a result, we have had to
up the stairs.                                                                             close one of our factories.

5. Business has been very                                                         e. In addition, he’s writing a
bad this year.                                                                            report of his journey.

6. We could ask him now.                                                         f. His friend, however, fell
asleep halfway through it.

Write your answers here:

2 3 4 5 6

Word formation and partnerships

Some verbs can be formed by adding -en, -ify or -ise (sometimes spelled -ize) to an adjective or noun.
Sometimes changes in spelling are necessary, for example:

 fat                                         fatten (a lamb)
mystery                                  mystify (an audience)
authority                                 authorise (entry)

Form a verb from the noun or adjective on the left and write it in the space provided. Next match the verb you have formed with an appropriate noun on the right. Use each word once only. Write your answers in the boxes.

Set 1

Set 2

Confusing words

Set 1 Choose the correct variant from each pair.

My boss 1. said/told that unless I 2. raised/rose the  standard of my work, I was likely  to 3.loose/lose my job. with  the cost of 4. life/living rising all  time, the consequences would be  disastrous. As it is, I find it 5.almost/hardly  impossible to make  end meet on my monthly 6.salary/wage. This morning I 7.lost/ missed the bus to the office and I turned up late again. My boss  8.told/said me if the same situation  9. arouse/aroused   again,  he would have no choice but to give me the sack. I couldn’t bear being out of work as I am used to having a 10. stable/steady job. The problem is that I’m not in the 11. custom/habit of getting up early as I used to start work 12. later/lately. It’s not easy to find a 13. job /work in the 14. actual/ present 15. economic/ economical  16. climate/condition. And, of course things are getting more difficult  for me; the 17. elder/ older  you get the more difficult it is to find any job.