Защита окружающей среды (Environmental protection)

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

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План урока

  1. Сообщение темы и целей урока учащимся.
  2. Введение учащихся в тему урока (работа с пословицами).
  3. Работа по тексту “The disappearing sea” (чтение, выполнение упражнений).
  4. Аудирование (прослушивание текста и выполнение упражнений)
  5. Расшифровка символики международных организаций по защите природы “Green Peace” и “WWF”. Высказывание своего мнения представителями этих организаций.
  6. Заключительное слово учителя.

Ход урока

 1. Вступительное слово учителя:

Today we’re having our last lessons on the topic “Environmental protection” to be ready for the conclusion lesson – the defense of your projects. – 1 мин.

 2. Let’s start with warming up. Look at the screen. There are three proverbs:

 - Men are blind in their own cause.

- Prevention is better the cure.

- Every man is the architect of his own fortune.

 Can you comment on them? – 4 мин.

Примерные высказывания учащихся:

- Polluted water kills many people every year. We have to stop getting waste into rivers, seas, lakes.

- It’s important to think not only about our conveniences but first of all about nature.

- It’s necessary to protect nature not to destroy it.

- We shouldn’t cut down trees if we want to breathe.

- We should use electrical cars not to pollute the air.

- We must use unleaded petrol. It helps to control air pollution.

 T: Well-done. Can we say that “Every man is the architect of his own future”?

Ps: Yes.

 3. Now open your text books. Page 88. You’ve mentioned the water is very important for a man. You’re going to read the text “The disappearing sea”. But before it look at the photos in the article and on the screen. Say what you know about the Aral Sea (ex. 1 p. 88) – 3 мин.

Предполагаемые ответы:

- It’s situated near….

- It’s disappearing…

- There’s less water flowing into the sea from rivers…

4. Well, you are going to match headings to paragraphs (ex. 3 p. 88). What kind of reading are you doing: skimming or scanning? – 5 мин.

Ps: skimming.

T: Yes, read the text quickly in order to get the main idea, without paying attention to the details and without reading every word. Underline key words.

A – 4 D - 5

B – 2 E - 1

C – 3

5. Now scan the text and find if the statements are true or false. – 2 мин. (ex. 4 p. 88)

1 – T 3 - F

2 – F 4 – T

6. In Ex. 5 p. 88 match the words with their meanings.

1 – c 4 – a

2 – e 5 – f

3 – b 6 – d

Find the sentences with these words, read them and try to understand their meanings.

7. You see, there are a lot of ecological problems on the earth. And, of course, we have to solve them. There are different ways how to do it. – 7 мин.

You are going to hear four different people talking about pictures a-f (раздаточный материал). Write the letter of the picture they refer to and say what they are talking about.

But first look at the screen:

- landfill site – T: what’s this? (Place where rubbish is buried under layers of earth)

- deforestation – removal of trees/forests often so that the wood can be used for commercial proposes such as the manufacture of paper

- reforestation – the planting of young trees to make new forests)

T: Are you ready to listen to the text?

Ps: Yes.


Speaker 1

I went somewhere the other day and they had a huge area of the town just dedicated to different types of recycling bins for rubbish. I thought it was a great idea. I’m all for it!

Speaker 2

The thing about wind power is that it’s cheap and clean – and it’s just there for the taking, if we choose to use it. I think it’s quite astonishing when you look around and see how much nature still has to offer us!

Speaker 3

The thing is, I can understand why people need wood, but often they don’t realize that cutting down forests can have a negative effect on the environment.

Speaker 4

Well, I think you’d be surprised just how many trees are actually being planted in the world every day. It’s not all bad news, you know! I’m certainly not that pessimistic about it.

1 – b – recycling bins for rubbish

2 – f – wind power

3 – c – deforestation

4 – d - reforestation

8. Подготовленная часть урока – 10 мин.

T: Well, we’ve learnt about ecological problems and different ways how to solve them.

And now let’s listen to the representatives of to international organizations:

- Greenpeace

Your motto: students: “We want to live not to survive!”

- and World Wildlife Fond

Your motto: students: “We have to save our planet for future generations!”

(Высказывают свои точки зрения)

9. Заключительное слово учителя – 1 мин.

Our discussion is over. I see, you’re real friends of our planet. I’m proud of you and your knowledge. I’m sure, our future is in the right hands. Good luck!

10. Your home task – write a project. Choose one of the themes on p. 89 in your student’s books. – 1 мин.

11. Your marks are: 1 мин.