Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Моя страна – моя Болгария". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Bulgaria (слайд 1)

Bulgaria, officially the Republic of Bulgaria  is a country in Southern Europe. Bulgaria borders five other countries: Romania to the north, the Republic of Macedonia to the west, and Greece and Turkey to the south. The Black Sea washes  the country in the east. (слайды 2-3)

With a territory of 111 square kilometers Bulgaria ranks as the 16th-largest country in Europe. (слайд 4) The 378-kilometer Black Sea coastline covers the eastern bound of the country.

Bulgaria is a country of contrasts. About 30% of the land is made up of plains, while hills account for 41%.The mountainous southwest of the country has two alpine ranges — Rila and Pirin. Bulgaria in fact has a temperate climate, with cold winters and hot summers. Bulgaria's capital city and largest settlement is Sofia, with a population of 1,378,000 people. .(слайды 5-8)

Bulgaria's capital city and largest settlement is Sofia, with a population of 1,378,000 people. (слайды 9-10)

In 2008 Bulgaria was visited by a total of 9000000 people, among them a great  numbers of British, Russian, Dutch, Serbian, Polish and Danish tourists. In 2010, the magazine Lonely Planet placed it under 5th place on its top 10 list of travel destinations for 2011. Bulgaria's capital city and largest settlement is Sofia, with a population of 1,378,000 people. (слайды 11-13)

The country has a long-standing history and of course musical traditions that came  back to the early Middle Ages. Everyone knows its merry, brisk and cheerful rhythm. (слайд 14-16)

Dance  “dunavsco horo”

National folk music has a distinctive sound and uses a wide range of traditional instruments, such as gudulka (гъдулка), .  gaida (гайда) – bagpipe, kaval (кавал) and tupan (тъпан). People like to dance and sing songs. Even little children have this tradition too. (слайды 17-21)

Children*s Song. «Край Елхата» на болгарском языке. (слайды 22-23)

Вижте как греят елхите сега,
радват се, радват се всички.
От планината лети през снега,
сребърна, малка шейничка
Тра-лала, Тра-лала,
сребърна, малка шейничка. 2
Ех как се радваме, идвай при нас,
мил и добър дядо Мраз
Носиш подаръци в пълния кош
в светлата празнична нощ.
Тра-лала, Тра-лала,
в светлата празнична нощ. 2

The country has a great history. In 40th it took part in the Second World War. It was among those countries which fought heroically against Nazi. Lots of Russian soldiers were killed and buried in this land.

In one of the oldest town Plovdiv on the Liberators hill there is a great monument to the Russian soldier Alyosha. It is the monument after Russian warriors who made the whole country free and independent. It was set up in 1954.

Later in 1966 a soviet composer Эдуард Колмановский,  and a poet Константин Ваншенкин made up  a song of the save name. In 1967 the Moscow holding the order of the red banner ensemble performed it at the bottom of the monument. The song became very popular in the country and it was the official hymn of Plovdiv up to 1989. (слайды 24-25)

Robert Rozhdestvensky
Отсюда видно далеко-далеко. Горизонт — почти невесом.
Как Ангел-хранитель солдат Алеша. Над Пловдивом вознесен...
The view from here is as wide as the ocean; the horizon is almost dissolved in haze.
Like a guardian angel Soldier Alyosha Over Plovdiv-city is raised.

Alyosha. (Слайды 26-32)

Снежец ли се сипе от коша,
Небесен, от коша,
Снежец ли се сипе от коша,
Шуми ли в листата дъждец...
Стои на тепето Альоша, Альоша. Альоша,
Стои на тепето Альоша –
Незнаен съветски боец.

From that time Alyosha has become the musical symbol soviet- Bulgarian friendship and brotherhood of our nations.

One of the most famous patriotic songs is the song “my Bulgaria by Emil Dimitrov and Vasil Andreev .It appeared in 1970 and is known as the song of the 20th century and the second Bulgaria hymn.

Bulgaria is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It is famous for its great history, wonderful places, mild climate and hospitable people. (слайд 33-43)

Song  “Моя страна, моя България”. (слайд 45)

Даже нейде по света
неизвестен да умра ще се върна.
В мойта хубава странаи тревата и пръстта да прегърна.
Нека стана стръкче цвят нека вятъра познат ме прегърне.
Нека родните поля да ме срещнат с песента щом се върна.
Моя страна, моя БългарияМоя любов, моя България
Моя тъга, моя България
При теб ме връща вечно любовта.
Моя страна, моя България, моя прекрасна страна, ще се върна.
