История и цивилизации. 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 9

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока: способствовать формированию социокультурного самоопределения учащихся, целостного представления о мире и влиянии прошлого на явления современности; систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по данной теме.

Задачи урока:  


  • актуализация лексико-грамматических навыков в устной речи (мини-монологи и диалоги) по теме;
  • совершенствование навыков понимания информации на слух.


  • развивать способности к сравнению и умозаключению;
  • развивать навыки коммуникабельности и работы в команде;
  • развивать умение выражать свое отношение к теме и ораторские навыки;
  • способствовать развитию аналитического, критического и образного мышления через использование проблемных ситуаций и творческих заданий;
  • развивать познавательный интерес и стремление к самообразованию.


  • формирование уважительного отношения к культурному наследию;
  • воспитание понимания сопричастности к истории и активной жизненной позиции;
  • формирование доброжелательных партнерских отношений в группе и между группами учащихся.

Социокультурные задачи:

  • развитие интереса к культуре народов мира для гармоничного развития личности учащихся;
  • формирование стремления к культурному самоопределению.

Тип урока: закрепление знаний по теме.

Форма урока: соревнование двух команд.

Оснащение урока: Мультимедийный проектор

Наглядный материал:

  • учительская презентация по теме «История и цивилизации» выполненная в Power Point;
  • распечатки материалов проектов учащихся по теме «Древние цивилизации, выполненные в Power Point и в традиционной форме;
  • фрагмент обучающего фильма «Семь чудес древней Греции» (текст видеосюжета приведен в Приложении 8);
  • фрагмент художественного фильма «Флинтстоуны» (комедия о жизни в доисторическую эпоху).

Раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями по презентации (Приложение 1). 

Материалы учебных пособий:

  • УМК Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. учебник для 9 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка Москва «Просвещение» 2009;
  • Luke Prodromou,“Rising Star” An Intermediate Course – проектное задание на стр. 68-69;
  • журнал “Speak Out” № 4, 2005 г., стр. 47.

Ход урока

T: Good morning! I am glad to greet our highly respected guests and pupils. We have gathered to hold a team competition so there are two teams in the classroom. The presentation will help us today. The theme is represented in slide 1 – “History and Civilizations”. You have gained a lot of knowledge on this theme.

First of all, you have been speaking about history, about ancient civilizations and their influence on our present life a lot. Secondly, you have written compositions on the themes: “Why is history taught in schools?”, “The most important invention of the humankind”, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. Moreover, you have made projects about different ancient civilizations and compared their achievements. That is why we are going to summarize the knowledge you’ve gained.

Now we are going to organize our competition according to the plan given in slide2. You have answer sheets and your results will be scored. So let’s start.

Reading and matching (group work)

T: To warm up at the beginning match some useful words with their definitions – the task is given in slide 3. Work in teams, think, discuss and give your variants.

SS: read, match and representatives from the groups give the definitions.

Key: 1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – b; 4 – e; 5 – a.

Speaking (monologue)

T: Well done! Now think why history is taught in schools. You will find some useful ideas in slide 4.

SS: Representatives from each team speak in turns. (Приложение 2)

Speaking (dialogue)

T: Thank you for your reasonable ideas concerning importance of the school subject. While studying history we shouldn’t forget about the role of museums. They can help you greatly, that is why the next task in slide 5 offers you to act the dialogue about the choice of museums.

SS: Pairs from each team role play the dialogue. (Приложение 3)

T: Thank you. It was a pleasure to listen to your dialogues. The choice of the museums you have made is reasonable.

Watching and speaking.

T: Now let’s have some fun. It is known that history has started since the prehistoric times. We are going to look back into the Stone Age and watch an episode from the comedy “The Flintstones” (slide 7). This time your task is to say what modern gadgets are represented in the film in a humorous way by design. Put ticks opposite the correct answers in your answer sheets. The task is also represented in Slide 6.

Group work

SS: Watch, do the task and speak about gadgets they’ve seen.

a car a bicycle a train
theatre circus drive-in-movie
a motorbike a two-wheeled bicycle a three-wheeled bicycle
a helicopter a plane a spaceship

Keys: a car, drive-in-movie, a three-wheeled bicycle, a plane.

Group work

T: OK, having some fun let’s turn from prehistoric times to civilized world. I suggest that you should think about the definition of a civilization that you see in slide 8. There are some gaps in it, so discuss with your team and fill the gaps in your answer sheets with the words given.

Keys: 1 – advanced, 2 – art, 3 – religion, 3 – political.

SS: Fill the gaps and read the definition.

T: Thank you for your work. As far as the past is in the centre of our attention, look at the maps in slide 9 and match the ancient civilizations with the places of their location.

Group work: matching, speaking and checking. (Some clues are in slide 22)

SS: representatives of each team give answers.

Keys: 1 – the Egyptians; 2 – the Greeks; 3 – the Babylonians; 4 – the Romans, 5 – the Incas

T: Good work! You know the geographical location of these civilizations very well.

Now you will have another task. Representatives from each team, tell us, please, about achievements of some civilizations without giving their names. Geographical clues may be also given. The opposite team must guess the name of the civilization being described. You are given some ideas in slide 10.

Speaking (mini-monologues) – Приложение 4.

SS: Representatives of the teams describe achievements of some civilizations. Meanwhile their competitors guess the names of the civilizations.

T: You have coped with the task successfully.

Now the next task for the teams: think and distribute the items you see in Slides 11-13 according to their civilizations – Egyptian, Greek or Roman. Work and write the numbers in your answer sheets. It is interesting to see who will be the first.

SS: decide what civilizations the items belong to.

Keys: Egyptian – 5, 7, 11, 14; Greek – 1, 9 10 12, 13; Roman – 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 15.

T: Well done! Now watch the episode from the educational film “Seven Greek Wonders” (slide 15) and define the ones. In slide 14 you see the same table as in your answer sheets. Choose and tick the correct items. Discuss with your team, come to a conclusion and make a decision.

Watching, listening and speaking:

The first city of Maya The lost city of Atlantis (1)
Minotaur (2) Dinosaur
The Highland Games (3) The Olympic Games
Delphic Oracle (4) Speaker in the Senate
The first movie The first theatre (5)
The Nelson’s Column The Colossus of Rhodes (6)
The Parthenon (7) The Coliseum

 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

SS: Watch, listen, do the task and tell what seven wonders they have heard about. 

T: I am glad that you are able to understand English so well and have done the task.

Then let’s go further and compare ancient civilizations you know. Which of them are illustrated in slide 16? Share your ideas, please. I would like the teams to speak in turns.

Speaking (dialogues) – Приложение 5.

SS: compare civilizations and express their opinion about the most admired.

Group work:

T: Thank you for your opinions and now you are going to read in Ancient Egyptian in Slide 17. In your answer sheets you have the famous proverb written in hieroglyphics. You have also the key, use it and decode the proverb. (Key: MAN FEARS TIME, YET TIME FEARS PYRAMIDS).The first team to fulfill this task gets a point.

(Egyptian music is playing while the students are decoding the proverb)

Speaking (mini-talks)

T: Well done! You have read the proverb correctly. Indeed since the times of Great Pyramids our world has changed. People created a lot of inventions and many of them don’t fear time. On slide 18 you can see some of them. Now express your opinion about the most important invention of humankind.

SS: give descriptions of different inventions. (Приложение 6)

T: It is interesting information. However what do you think about necessity of inventions? Express your point of view on the question, please.

SS: Representatives of the teams express their opinions. (Приложение 7)

T: Thank you for sharing opinions, for active work and competing. We will know the score and the winner very soon. Meanwhile, our lesson is going to the end and you are offered to take into consideration the conclusion of the lesson – slide 19.

T: Congratulations to the winners! (Team results are in slide 20)

Let me announce the marks for the lesson and give comment on them.

As for the homework, I would like you to prepare a two-minute talk on one of the quotations in slide 21: “The History Repeats Itself” or “Without the Past There Is No Future”.

Цели урока: способствовать формированию социокультурного самоопределения учащихся, целостного представления о мире и влиянии прошлого на явления современности; систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по данной теме.