Famous people of Tatarstan

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Цели урока:

  1. Ознакомление обучающихся с краткими биографическими данными известных людей.
  2. Совершенствование речемыслительной деятельности обучающихся через беседу с учителем, монологи диалоги по теме.
  3. Воспитать интерес к родной стране, уважение к культуре
  4. Воспитание желания мыслить и совершенствовать английскую речь

Ход урока

Урок проводится в форме диалога/дискуссии.

I. Организационный момент

Приветствие учащихся, проверка состава, мобилизация внимания. Сообщение темы урока, цели и план занятия.

II. Основная часть


There are lots of famous people all over the world. All people know them well. They love and respect those heroes, who did a lot for their nation. And today we will speak about them. The theme of our lesson is “Famous people of Tatarstan”.



«Oh, Kazan! Spirited Kazan!
Melodious Kazan! Radiant Kazan!
Here are all the solemn places
and deeds of our ancestors,
Here are all the beauties and
the paradise of the yearning soul!»
Gabdullah Tukay

О Казань! Мечта и гордость! Лучезарная Казань!
Вот они, где наших дедов, наших прадедов дела,
Где не раз душа поэтов свет надежды обрела.
Здесь науки, здесь искусства, просвещенья вольный мир,
Здесь живёт моя голубка, моя гурия, кумир!

Из сборника: Избранное/Габдулла Тукай; Перевод с татарского В.С.Думаевой-Валиевой. - Казань: Магариф, 2006. - 239 с.) "Пара лошадей"


But first of all you should remember the names of different professions. But you should make them up yourself.


What professions do you know else? Let’s read them in chorus. Please, read after me.


Finding the name of the leading person. Choose from the words on the right the name of the person who is in charge of or leading person in the group, place on the left.


Let’s now see how you should have done it. The correct order is:


Look at this slide. There are many outstanding people of Tatarstan. We are proud of them. Can you name them?

Alexander Arbuzov, Gabdulla Tukay, Musa Jalil, Salikh Saidashev, Sirtlanova, M. Shaimiev, R. Gainanov, F. Shalyapin, I. Shishkin, Y. Zavoisky, K. Gali, K. Fuks, A. Butlerov, T. Minnulin


Why do people respect them?

People admire/respect them for their ideas


What spheres were these people famous in?

They were well-known poets.

The name of Gabdulla Tukay is known not in Tatarstan only but also far beyond its borders. He is known by everyone who appreciates Art and who loves Poetry. Creative work of Tukay is multifaceted: he is a poet and a publicist, a literary critic and a public figure. He did as much for the development of the Tatar poetry and culture as a whole, as Pushkin did for the Russian poetry and culture. The name of Tukay has been awarded to the State Philharmonic Hall, to the Prize awarded for the best literary works and works of art. A street in Kazan has also been named after Tukay.

Musa Jalil is a Tatar poet. When the Great Patriotic War began, Musa was drafted to the military service. He got into an ambush of fascists. He wrote 115 works of poetry in prison. His notebooks with verses were kept by his friend, the imprisoned anti-fascist Andre Timmermans from Belgium. After the war Timmermans gave them to the Consul of the Soviet Union and the poems were returned to Motherland.. Musa Jalil was awarded Lenin Prize posthumously for the "Moabit Notebook" poetic cycle in 1957.


Galiaskar Kamal was a Tatar playwright and actor. The Galiaskar Kamal Tatar Academic Theatre is the leading Tatar theater in Kazan, Russia. Named after the playwright Galiaskar Kamal

Tinchurin Karim Galievich was a Tatar playwright and actor. He had founded the Tatar Academic Theatre in Kazan. Here he worked with a number of prominent actors. Tinchurin wrote more than 30 plays during his short creative life.


The list of the Kazan theatres below is not complete. Can you complete it?

  1. Kazan State Theatre of a Young Spectator.
  2. Tatar State Puppet Theatre “Akiat”.
  3. Kazan State Academic Russian Big Drama Theatre named after V.Kachalov.
  4. Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet House named after M. Jalil.
  5. Kazan Tatar State Theatre of a Young Spectator.
  6. Tatar State Academic Theatre named after G. Kamal.
  7. Tatar State Drama and Comedy Theatre named after K. Tinchurin.


There are some famous writers. Can you name them?

F. Yarullin, N. Fattax, K. Nasyri, Sh. Kamal, G. Ibrahimov, G. Ishaki, T. Minnulin, R. Mustafin

What novels did you read (know)?


Do you know these names? What spheres were these people famous in?

Let’s speak about them

Salikh Zamaletdinovich Saidashev (1900-1954) is a forefather of the Tatar professional musical creativity. He was the first Tatar composer, who used the forms of orchestra and choir as well as instrumental ensemble in his music specifically enriching the pentatonic scale with individual features and bringing forms of the Russian and the West-European music to the Tatar folklore.

Farid Zagidullovich Yarullin is a talented Tatar composer. The young musician created many sonatas for the piano, violin and cello in those years.

Farid Yarullin composed the ballet "Shurale" in 1939 on the grounds of Gabdulla Tukay's tale, which was staged at the Tatar State Opera and Ballet Theater and immediately gained acknowledgement of people.

F. Shalyapin was the most popular opera singer and a drama artist. There is a monument and a hotel in Bauman Street in Kazan.


Can you tell me one of the names of the most outstanding landscape painters and one of the founders of the association?

One of them was Ivan Shishkin.

Mikhail Valeryevich Shishkin was a landscape painter. Shishkin was born in Yelabuga of Vyatka Governorate (today Republic of Tatarstan), and graduated from the Kazan gymnasium. Then he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. People opened the memorial complex, built a monument in honour of him in Yelabuga. He saw the beauty of Russian nature in a way close to common people’s understanding of it. I’d like to draw your attention to his canvas “Rye” (“Morning in a pine forest”). It’s one of his best works. The painter remained faithful to reality and accurately depicted the details of the landscape.

Baky Idrisovich Urmanche is an artist, a sculptor and a graphic artist, who has created hundreds of works in various genres. B. Urmanche left a legacy of an entire sculptural portrait gallery of the Tatar culture personalities: medieval poet Kul-Gali, the scientists-educators S. Mardzhani, K. Nasyri, the poet Derdmenda, the writer F. Amirkhan etc. He created a unique magnificent portrait gallery of historical heroes, intellectual and artistic personalities. His paintings and sculptures are represented in many museums in our country, while the monuments, he has created, are adorning the streets and squares of cities and villages.


People mentioned in this slide played an important role in the cultural development of Tatarstan, Russia and even the world.

Look at your cards. Complete the information with the names from this slide.

СЛАЙДЫ 16, 17,18.

What spheres were these people famous in? Look at the photos and tell what they are. They are scientists (chemists, mathematician, naturalist and doctor, physicist, doctor-psychiatrist)

Alexander Arbuzov (Alexander Yrminingeldovich Arbuzov (1877-1969) is an academician and founder of the Kazan phosphor-organic chemistry school: one of the leading scientific centers of the world in this field. In 1900 Arbuzov graduated from the Kazan University and started acting as a professor of the same in 1911. In his research works A. Ye. Arbuzov was evolving the Butlerov’s theory of chemical structure mainly on the basis of phosphorous organic compounds.)

Aleksandr Butlerov (Aleksandr Michailovich Butlerov (1828-1886), a Russian chemist, the founder of the theory of organic chemical compounds structure, who also founded the famous Kazan (Butlerov) school of organic chemists.)

Nikolay Lobachevsky (Nikolay I. Lobachevsky was born in 1792 in Nizhniy Novgorod. When the boy was nine years old his family moved to Kazan. Lobachevsky became an ordinary professor of Kazan University, famous mathematician. As the rector he energetically and competently devoted himself to different activities: lecturing and scientific work, finances and construction.)

Karl Fuks (Karl Fuks (1776-1846) is known as a founder of the Kazan Naturalists’ School and the author of the guidebook on practical medicine and hygiene written in the Tatar language. He was the one who suggested the idea of establishing the first botanical garden in Kazan)

Yevgeny Zavoisky (Yevgeny Konstantinovich Zavoisky was a physicist and a founder of Kazan scientific school of the magnetic radiospectroscopy. The name of Yevgeny Konstantinovitch Zavoisky came into the world history of science as a result of opening the Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR),that was the beginning of a new section of Physics, "Magnetic radiospectroscopy". Kazan Institute of Physics and Technology (KFTI) today basically represents the evolution of the physics department started by E.K. Zavoisky.

KFTI of the Kazan Research Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences was named after E.K. Zavoisky in 1984.

The bronze Bust of E. K. Zavoisky was erected at the square in front of the physical faculty building in the framework of celebrating the 200-year anniversary of Kazan State University in 2004

Vladimir Behterev (He was a Russian Neurologist and the Father of Objective Psychology. He is best known for noting the role of the hippocampus in memory, his study of reflexes, and Bekhterev’s Disease.

Museum of the county of Medicine VM Bekhterev, which is part of Yelabuga State Museum(Tatarstan), was opened on June 29, 2007. In 1857 in the village Saralee Elabuzhsky county in the family of an the police officer was born the great scientist, a famous psychiatrist, neurologist, a psychologist, an organizer Psychoneurological Institute and the Institute of Human Brain Vladimir Bekhterev. In 1885, VM Bekhterev started work at the Kazan University, where he created the first in Russia (second in the world) Laboratory of Experimental Psychology. During this period he enriched science discoveries in anatomy and physiology of the brain and spinal cord. His work was highly appreciated by scientists: "Know well the anatomy of the brain are only two: God and Bekhterev" - said the German professor F. Cauchy. In 1893, after returning to St. Petersburg, Bekhterev led clinic Mental and Nervous Diseases, Military Medical Academy. Actively engaged in social and scientific activities. Awarded the title of Honored Scientist.

June 29 Yelabuzhsky land met the descendants of VM Bekhterev. First arrived in Yelabuga great-grandchildren of the great scientist: Svyatoslav Medvedev - Director of the Institute of Human Brain RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor Marina A. spondylitis - an engineer by profession, great-grandson of Alexander Andreev - practical psychologist, head of the department of psychology RVUZ Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University.

(From Wikipedia)

All their activities were connected with the Kazan State University.


How many different sports are there in the world? Of course, many of them are international – football, tennis, car racing. Others are national sports like “kuresh” (in Tatarstan) or sumo wrestling (in Japan). Today Tatarstan is the land of well-developed sportsmen, famous athletes, the Olympic champions known all over the world

Belt Wrestling(“kuresh”) is one of the most ancient sports known to man. The most famous trainer of this sport was Rif Gainanov.

The Kazan “Ak Bars” is the most popular ice-hockey team in Tatarstan. The main trainer is Zinatulla Bilaletdinov. The Kazaners are always happy to go to their matches. The “Ak Bars” fans wear T-shirts and caps with the colours of the “team”: green, white and red. These colours are symbolic for Tatarstan as they are the colours of our state flag.

Kurban Birdiev is the main trainer of the most popular football team. So, you see sport is well-developed in our republic.


What did these people do to be famous?


How do people honour them?

Establish a medal, build monuments, establish a stamp, name some places Who are they?


What places are these names connected with: Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet House named after M. Jalil, Concert Hall, Park “Kirlayi” and Tukay Square, Kazan State University.


Do you know the names of the museums in other cities of our republic? What are they? Have you ever been there?

So, you ‘ll complete the dialogue (tourist information) using the words and word combinations

Now I want you to read the dialogue.

I think you’ve learned many interesting things at the lesson.

Thank you for your working today. Your marks are… your home task is… the lesson is over. Good bye.
