Тип урока: Урок - формирования умений и навыков.
Используемые методы: метод закрепления, повторения, самостоятельной работы учащихся, контроля , наглядно - визуальный метод, репродуктивно - продуктивный метод.
Цель урока: Формирование лексических навыков, развитие умений монологического высказывания по предложенной теме.
Задачи урока:
- Активизировать изученный лексический материал по теме.
- Учить понимать на слух речь одноклассников, понимать и анализировать графики, таблицы и карты.
- Учить высказывать собственное мнение по прочитанному, услышанному.
Образовательный компонент цели урока:
- Углубление знаний обучающихся по теме при помощи компьютерной презентации.
- Развитие навыков аудирования, устной монологической речи.
Развивающий компонент цели урока: Развитие языковых, познавательных способностей учащихся, развитие эмоций и готовности к коммуникации; развитие языковой догадки, логического мышления, навыков понимания и интерпретации таблиц, карт и графиков.
Воспитательный компонент цели урока: Воспитывать чувство ответственности за своё здоровье, сопереживания проблемам здоровья нации
Оснащение: Мультимидийное оборудование для презентации проекта, тексты, аудиодиск "Exam excellence", картинки по теме.
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент.
2. Мотивация.
Do you know that according to the health index Russia ranks 134-th in the world? Why do Russian people live less than people in some other countries? What are the causes?
3. Активизация изученной лексики (слайд Приложение 1).
Чтение и перевод лексики по теме.
Advantages and disadvantages
Public health care system
Compulsory health insurance
be available
in advance
make an appointment
examine properly
be overworked
Shortage of money
Life expectancy
Infant mortality
Heart diseases
Respiratory diseases
Infectious diseases
AIDS cases
Healthy lifestyle
To rank (highly, low)
Public health programmes
To get better (worse)
Drinking, smoking, drug usage
Презентация проекта обучающимися (проект прилагается Приложение 1).
Вопросы перед презентацией (слайд).
-What is an average life expectancy in our country?
- How does Russia rank in the world according to life expectancy?
-What are health indicators?
-What are the healthiest countries in the world?
- What is an average life expectancy in African countries?
-What is the longest life expectancy in the world?
- Has life expectancy been growing since 1958?
Примерный текст для описания слайдов:
The name of our project is " The place of Russia in the world according to the health index." We want to find out if Russians are healthy people.
What indicators is the health of the nation determined by? (slide)
So, health of the nation is determined by14 different indicators:
1. Life expectancy
2. Infant mortality
3. Immunization coverage
4. Number of AIDS cases
5. Death rates from cancer
6. Death rates from heart diseases
7. Death rates from respiratory and infectious diseases
8. Tobacco and alcohol use and some others
Life expectancy is the expected number of years of life remaining at a given age.
Do you know that Russia ranks 134th in the world? In the USA men live 75 years and women-81. In Sweden men live 78 and women -83 year in average! In Japan women live 85 years!
Why do the Russians live less than people in other countries? What' s the cause of it? Let's try to answer these questions.
In fact, an average lifespan in our country is 67 years. Men live 61 years and women -73 years in average. Look at the map! Countries with lifespan over 80 years are shown in deep green. They are Canada, Australia Sweden, Japan, France, New Zealand. Countries with life expectancy over 77 years are shown in green color. They are the USA, Finland, Norway, Spain, Italy, Great Britain. In Mexico, China, Brazil, Iceland the lifespan is 72 years.
The shortest life expectancy is in the countries of Africa, where people live less than 60 years. In some African countries such as Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe people live less than 40 years in average. You see, in our country people live 67 years. Are your satisfied with this statistics?
But is the situation getting better? (slide).
You see, in 1896 people in Russia lived only 31 years: men- 29 , women- 31years. After the Revolution people lived 43 years in average.
In 1958 life expectancy was almost 68 years. In 1990- 69 years. Now it is 67. It is clear, that lifespan in our country has not been growing since 1958. (3-4 min).
One of the health indicators is infant mortality. Infant mortality is defined as the number of infant deaths (one year of age or younger) per 1000 live births. The most common cause worldwide has traditionally been due to dehydration from diarrhea.
On this map you can see the situation in the world. Countries with Infant mortality over 100 per 1000 infants are shown in red color. They are mostly African countries. In Canada, Australia, Sweden, Finland, Japan, France, New Zealand, Infant mortality rate is the lowest in the world.
Russia and the USA with infant mortality about 10 babies per 1000 live births are shown in light blue color. (Slide)
Russia ranks 81-st in the world in Infant mortality , between Belize and Mexico.
About 16 children per each 1000 children die .In Afganistan infant mortality is 157 per 1000 live births. The reasons of this situation are negative influence of environment, drug and alcohol addiction of parents, poor diets, etc.
The next problem is child mortality. In Russia every year 14 children per each 1000 die.
In the XIX century child mortality was 123 children, in the XV- 342 children per 1000 .
According to UNICEF, most child deaths (70% in developing countries) is the result of one the following five causes or a combination of:
Acute respiratory infections -(острые респираторные заболевания)
- Diarrhea - диарея
- Measles - корь
- Malaria - малярия
- Malnutrition - плохое питание
About 20 million children die every year, very often from preventable causes (причины, которые можно было предотвратить)
In Russia number of children deaths is less than 25 per 1000 children.
You see, infant mortality cases in Russia are getting less. But in the world this indicator is also getting less. In Russia it is still high compared with other developed countries.
Cancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood).
In Russia number of cancer cases is 2.5% from all the population. It is more than in the world in average and much more than in such countries as the USA and Japan
The main reasons of cancer are surplus (избыток) of salt, poor food, shortage of vitamins etc
The number of AIDS cases in Russia is also high. About 2 % of the population of our country is ill cancer. It is more than in the developed countries. For example, in Great Britain, Australia, Canada AIDS cases are less than one tenth %.
Tuberculosis is another very common deadly infectious disease. In Russia about 50-100 people per 100,000 suffer it. It is also more than in other developed counties, where the number of cases is less than 50 people per 100,000.
5. Выполнение теста по послушанному проекту (слайд).
6. Отработка лексики для чтения и перевода текстов, содержащих мнения различных людей по проблеме продолжительности жизни.
Лексика к текстам: (Приложение 2)
- To introduce- вводить в действие
- To encourage- вдохновлять
- Understand clearly- чётко представлять
- Meet the expectations- отвечать ожиданиям
- Deserve- заслуживать
- Considerable -значительный
- improvements- улучшения
- Dramatic- существенный
- Be of great importance- быть очень важным
- Depend on- зависеть от
- Be determined by- определяться чем-либо
- Purifying systems-очистные сооружения
7. Чтение, перевод текстов. Реагирование на прочитанный материал с помощью фраз согласия- несогласия + собственное высказывание по прочитанному (1-2 предложения).
Opinions: What should be done people to be healthier and to live longer?
- I think that the problem of life expectancy depends on many factors. First of all government must take care of the population. New public health programs should be introduced. Schools and teachers should advertise healthy lifestyle. It's also very important to go in for sports. Children should be encouraged to go in for sports. Different sport centers, sports grounds should be available. People should understand clearly that their health is in their hands.
- I completely agree with this opinion, but I personally think that life expectancy is in straight proportion with population welfare. I'm sure that the richest countries have the longest life expectancy. The richer the country- the longer life expectancy of the country's population. The country which population has poor diets can not be healthy.
- As for me, I was shocked by the statistics. I think that life expectancy in my country doesn't meet the expectations of the citizens of one of the richest in mineral recourses countries in the world. I am sure we deserve better.
- I think that environment protection is also very important. It is very important government to take care of it. People can't be healthy when water, air are polluted. Environment protection must become a political problem. Numerous anti-pollution acts passed in different developed countries led to considerable improvements in environment. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and sees from oil waters. To protect nature people should change their attitude to it.
I think medical care is of great importance. Last centuries great number of people died from such diseases as plague (чума) and smallpox(оспа). That's why immunization is very important. For example, Italy has achieved high ranks in life expectancy thanks to dramatic improvements in immunization rates. Nowadays humanity face such dangerous diseases as cancer, AIDS. Men fly into space but can't find cure for these diseases. Great number of people dies from heart attacks. I think our health depends on medical care service greatly.
I personally think that health of the nation is determined by the health of the young generation. Everything should be done to reduce infant mortality. The best medical care should be available to children.
As for me, I think medical care is of great importance. It's not a secret that our GPs are overworked. That's why they sometimes can not examine their patients well. People have to wait to be operated on for many years. The best techniques and technologies are not available free.
I agree that our health care has many disadvantages, but I think that there are many advantages too. I think that in spite of being overworked doctors examine their patients well. The situation is getting better. The immunization coverage and life expectancy are growing. Some new public health programs are introduced. New techniques and technologies are becoming available to the greater number of people. But I think that there is one serious problem which should be solved. It is alcohol drinking. Alcoholization of the nation is a political problem and it should be solved immediately. I think serious measures should be taken.
Примерные фразы для реагирования:
- Я согласен с этим мнением. Людям следует заботиться о своём здоровье.
- Не могу не согласиться. Имея деньги, люди могут позволить себе (afford) лучшие лекарства (medicines) и обращаться к частному врачу.
- Я согласен, мы заслуживаем лучшего.
- Я уверен, что люди не могут жить долго в загрязнённой окружающей среде.
- Я полностью согласен. Чтобы жить долго и быть здоровыми людям требуется хорошее медицинское обслуживание.
- Согласен. Дети- будущее нации и они должны быть здоровыми.
Согласен. Многое было сделано. (Much has been done). Но ещё есть много проблем, которые нужно решать.
8. Аудирование текста[2].. Выполнение заданий к нему.
Слова к аудированию (Приложение 2 [2]).
- To make fuss- создавать суматоху
- Be in perfect shape-быть в прекрасной форме
- Keep fit-быть в форме
- To be crazy about- сходить с ума по..
- To have no idea- не иметь представления
- There was no need- не было нужды
- Survive- выжить
- To live onto old years- дожить до глубокой старости
- Guarantee- гарантировать
- Avoid hardship- избегать трудностей
- Pipe- трубка
- To stand- выносить
- On behalf of- от лица кого-либо
Тест по тексту: (Приложение 2)
1. Mr. Alistair
- has already celebrated his 100th birthday
- is going to celebrated his 100th birthday
- cannot remember when his birthday is
2, He was married
- once
- twice
- three times
3. When he was young
- everybody thought about healthy lifestyle
- nobody thought about healthy lifestyle
4. When he was young
- He took much exercise
- He didn't take any exercise
- There was no need for him to take any exercise
5. When he was young
- had healthy diet
- had no idea what healthy diet was
6. Mr. Alistair believes that it is important to
- avoid problems
- to work hard
- to be optimistic
What is Mr. Alistair's recipe of long life? What do you think about it?
9. Выводы ((Приложение 2)). Составление предложений по опоре.
What should be done?
- Hospitals-reorganized.
- Immunization coverage - increased.
- Infant mortality cases-reduced.
- The best medical care -available to children.
- The best techniques and technologies - available free.
- Public health programs- introduced.
- Drug and alcohol addiction problems-be solved.
- Healthy lifestyle-be advertised.
10. Заключительный этап (подведение итогов; выставление отметок; инструктаж к домашнему заданию; рефлексия).
Be healthy! Live a long life!
- Кузовлева В.П., Лапа Н.М., Учебник английского языка для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений "English 10-11",М., "Просвещение", 2000г.
- Danuta Gryca and others , "Exam excellence", "Oxford University Press", 2006 г,.
- Интернет- ресурсы.