Игра "The weakest point"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • выявить самое сильное звено из участников;
  • повторить все пройденные темы.

Для игры необходимо: иллюстрационный материал (картинки с задания или при необходимости можно создать презентацию и ее использовать в качестве наглядного материала), слова, даты, карточки для участников.

Ход игры

Участие принимают 10–11 человек; после каждого раунда выбывает один участник. К финалу должно остаться 2 человека. Среди них проводится финальный игра, игрок, набравший большее количество баллов, становиться победителем игры или самым сильным звеном.

The 1st round
Picture “Food”: look at this picture for two minutes. Write down all the things you can remember.
Picture “Opposites quiz”: find the opposite to these words. (The teacher names, for example, “good”, pupils find the opposite “bad”)

The 2nd round
Picture “Mime game: What are these people doing?”

The 3rd round
Words “Animal quiz”

The 4th round
“Can you spell these words?”

The 5th round
Picture “Whose are these?”
Listen to the text

Teresa is 28.
She is a nurse. Teresa lives in a flat in Brighton. She works in a hospital outside Brighton. She drives to work every day. Teresa’s hobby is painting. She is also interested I jazz and has got a big collection of records. She likes sport very much, especially tennis and squash.

The 6th round
Picture “Comparative quiz”

The 7th round
Picture “Languages quiz”

The 8th round
Picture “When? When did all these events happen?”
(words with dates)

The 9th round
Picture “Picnic”

The final

1. Which is the largest ocean?

a) Pacific
b) Atlantic
c) Indian

2. Which is the fastest animal?

a) Antelope
b) horse
c) cheetah

3. Which is the smallest country?

а) Vatican City
b) Monaco
c) Andorra

4. Which is the longest river?

а) Mississippi
b) Nile
c) Amazon

5. Which is the tallest building?

а) Eiffel Tower
b) Sears Tower (Chicago)
c) Empire State Building (New York)

6. Which is the most spoken language?

а) Spanish
b) English
c) Chinese

7. Where does the President of the USA live and work?

а) In Congress
b) in the White House
c) in the Pentagon

8. Which is the biggest state in the USA?

а) Texas
b) California
c) Alaska

9. How many states are there in the USA?

а) 48
b) 52
c) 52

10. Who was the first president of the USA?

а) George Washington
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) Ulysses Grant

11. IN which city is Hollywood?

а) New York
b) San Francisco
c) Los Angeles

12. Which is the most important sport in the USA?

а) baseball
b) American football
c) tennis

13. You can see Brandenburg gate in

а) London
b) Agra
c) Berlin

14. You can see St Sofia in

а) San Francisco
b) New York
c) Istanbul

15. You can see Statue of Liberty in

а) Berlin
b) Paris
c) New York

16. You can see the Coliseum in

а) Agra
b) Rome
c) Paris

17. You can see Tower Bridge in

а) London
b) San Francisco
c) Agra

18. You can see Golden Gate Bridge in

а) San Francisco
b) Paris
c) Rome

19. You can see Taj Mahal in

а) Agra
b) Rome
c) Istanbul

20. You can see Arc de Triomphe in

а) London
b) New York
c) Paris


Приложение 1