Урок английского языка в 11-м классе "What to be? Where to study?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: урок обобщения и закрепления знаний.

Цели урока:

  1. Активизация новой лексики.
  2. Развитие навыков аудирования.
  3. Развитие навыков и умений диалоговой и монологовой речи.

Задачи урока:

1. Практические:

  • формировать у учащихся речемыслительную деятельность в рамках урока по практике речи.

2. Развивающие:

  • расширить лексический запас учащихся;
  • развивать произносительные навыки;
  • развивать монологические и диалогические навыки высказываний учащихся на основе материала урока.

3. Воспитательные:

  • воспитывать культуру общения и культуру речевого этикета.

Методы и приемы обучения: словесные (беседа), наглядные (видеофильм).

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, магнитофон.

Структура урока: занятие рассчитано на два урока по 45 минут (одна пара при модульной системе обучения).

План урока.

  1. Организационный момент, целеполагание.
  2. Основной этап урока.
    • Активизация лексики.
    • Лингвистическая зарядка.
    • Репортаж из лицея.
    • Ролевая игра.
    • Аудирование.
    • Тест на понимание текста.
    • Ситуативные диалоги.
    • Презентация профессии гида.
  3. Заключительный этап.
    • Объяснение домашнего задания.
    • Подведение итогов урока.


Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Постановка целей урока. Актуализация знаний и постановка проблемы.

Teacher: Good morning! Glad to see you. Your task is to learn to speak on the topic; to take an active part in the dialogues; to learn to listen and understand English texts on the tape recorder.

2. Основной этап урока.

Now let's discuss some problems.

  • Factors which are important when choosing a future career.

Job satisfaction.


Friendly atmosphere.

Good conditions.



  • Which are the worst and the best paid jobs?

A nurse in a hospital

A miner in a coalmine

A shop assistant

A worker in a factory

A bank manager

A dentist

A schoolteacher

A professional footballer

A nuclear scientist

A highly paid job

Get a good salary

Get a lot of money

Paid a lot

Paid reasonably well

A low-paid job

The worst paid

Get even less

The same paid

  • Our guests are reporters from Cabel TV «Integral». Anastasiya Kvartalova and Olga Bylinina from «Shatura plus». They want to ask you some questions about your future plans.
  • Now I'et's, act out a Role-play «Applying for a job».
    Now situational dialogues about future plans.
    а) At Home, б) At the cafe, в) In the park, г) On the phone, д) At the office.

At the office.

Mr. Broun: Good morning. Have a seat, please. How can I help you?

Kate: Good morning! Thank you. My name is Kate Simpson. I'd like to get a job.

Mr. Broun: Well, what are you doing at the moment?

Kate: I am studying Business at college.

Mr. Broun: O'key. Do you have any experience as a secretary?

Kate: I've worked for some companies in my summer holidays.

Mr. Broun: That's fine. Do you know that you will have to travel a lot in this job?

Kate: Yes, but it's not a problem. I don't mind working hours.

Mr. Broun: All right, I suppose that's all I need to know.

Kate: Have I got a job?

Mr. Broun: Yes, welcome to Green's any time you can.

Kate: Oh, thank you. I'm very happy!

Teacher: It is not the question that everybody dreams to find a really good and j interesting job with a high salary plus many valuable extras in benefits, incentives and expenses. But how to find such job? And even if you were so lucky to find it how to behave at the first interview to get this job. Maybe some advice will help you. Who is ready to begin?

Pupils speak:

- Arrive on time and wear clean smart clothes.

- Relax, be yourself but be friendly and polite.

- Don't smoke or chew gum.

- Avoid saying only «yes» or «no». Give truthful information about yourself.

- Look straight in the interviewer face, they don' t trust people averting their eyes.

- Smile occasionally, it may help.

- Show that you have a clear picture of the scope of the work.

- Ask if there is something you want to know about the job.

- When speaking, avoid being wordy and vague. Sound logical and reasonable.

- Ask the interviewer when you may expect to hear the decision.

In addition to that I want you to listen to a short wise but funny story. I hope that it also will be very useful for you.

Аудирование (Listening).

A funny story:

Applying for a job.

Once a lawyer needed an office-boy. After the advertisement had been published more than forty boys turned up to apply for the job. The lawyer was very quick in choosing only one boy and that surprised his partner who happened to witness the interview. «Why did you prefer this boy? He even didn't have any credentials with him», - said he. «I'm afraid you are wrong», - answered the lawyer. «The boy has recommended himself wonderfully. When coming in he wiped his feet properly and closed the door after him, which recommends him as a tidy and careful person. When waiting for his turn he gave his seat to the elderly lady, which proves him to be kind-hearted and polite. And he didn't push others aside but stood patiently waiting. When speaking to me he showed himself respectful, thoughtful and modest. And besides it was nice to look at him – his clothes were neat, his hair was brushed and his fingernails were clean. Don't you believe all these things to be the best credentials?»

  • Answer the questions in writing.

На доске: Questions.

  1. Where did it happen?
  2. When did so many boys turn up at the office?
  3. Why was the lawyer so quick in choosing only one boy?
  4. In what way did he do it?
  5. Was the lawyer a wise man?
  6. Can you say the same about the boy?

Teacher: Now look at the screen. You will see the Library of Congress in the USA, America's Treasure House. We shall make an excursion to this Library. We want to represent the profession of a director and a guide of this Library.

First the director will give some information about the museum.

A group of tourists is ready to listen to an interesting information.

The Director of the Museum speaks:

America's treasure house.

The first Library of Congress Building, now named for the Library's principal founder, Thomas Jefferson, opened is doors to an admiring public in 1897. It was immediately recognized as both an artistic achievement and a vibrant expression of the nation's intellectual aspirations.

In hi 1897 annual message, President William McKinley congratulated Congress for its «foresight and munificence» in funding a new building to house this «noble treasure-house of knowledge» and expressed his hope that the legislators would "continue to develop the Library in every phase of research" so that it might be «among the richest and most useful libraries n the world.»

Today the Jefferson Building is a graceful architectural monument to the importance of knowledge and the arts in American life. It is a powerful symbol, as well, of the many essential operations the Library carries out о Congress, the nation, and the world.

Guide: The Main Reading room of the Library of Congress is octagonal in design, with marble wall screens and massive brick columns sheathed in marble. The first stop for researchers seeking data from the Library's vast collections, the Main Reading Room is not only a center of library services, but an artistic achievement celebrating civilized life and thought.

Tourists: The design is wonderful! It is so interesting!

Guide: The Library's most elaborately ornamented space is the Members' Room, reserved for Members of Congress. Over the sienna and marble fireplace is a mosaic symbolizing History, made by German born Frederick Dielman of Baltimore. History holds a pen and book. Mythology sits at her right hand, and Tradition, a mature woman and boy, at her left. Painted by Carl Gutherz, the ceiling panel above is one of seven which represent the light spectrum.

Tourist: I am sorry. I have a question. Who painted the ceiling panel?

Guide: It was painted by C. Guthers, a famous painter.

The Commemorative Arch near the west entrance of the Jefferson Building is inscribed with the words Library of Congress in tall gold letters. In the spandrels on either side, life-size figures by Olin Levi Warner represent young and old versions of «The Students.» Above the arch, flanked by eagles, is a tablet with names of the engineers and architects responsible for the design and construction of the building, which opened in 1897 everything in the library is fantastic!

Tourists: The work is perfect. We can call it a masterpiece.

Guide: The ornate South Corridor, off the Great Hall leading toward the Asian reading room, has a succession of small domes overhead with hexagonal coffers filled with gilded rosettes. The corridor is paneled in Italian marble to the height of 11 feet. In each broad arch on the right are panels depicting the life of heroes from Greek mythology. The Member's Room, reserved for Members of Congress, opens into the stately South Corridor.

Let's continue our excursion. We'll to the Visitors' Gallery.

On the landing leading to the Visitor's Gallery, Elihu Vedder's mosaic mural, the Minerva of Peace, depicts the Goddess of Wisdom. She holds a scroll listing departments of learning: Science, Art, Law, Philosophy, Statistics, and many more. Above the Corinthian columns and entablatures in the foreground of the large picture above, the murals Tragedy and Comedy by George Randolph Barse, Jr., remind viewers of the contributions of drama and art to civilized life.

After the excursion tourists change their opinions.

Tourists: Thank you very much for the excursion. We are delighted. We're learned many interesting things.

Now think, who is going to become a director, a guide or a manager?

3. Заключительный этап.

Your home-task is prepare information about your friend’s future plans. Your results are ...

Thank you very much. Bye.
