Personalities. 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9


  1. Expand vocabulary on the topic “Personalities”
  2. Practise exchanging opinions.

Skills development:

  1. Speaking about themselves.
  2. Listening for specific information.
  3. Word-building skills.


1. Warming up.

I think there is no need to say that all people are different. If you want to be successful in all spheres of life, e.g. school, future career, communication with friends, you are to be able to estimate your personal qualities. So, the question is: “What personality are you?”

Exercise 1. Match the words from the box with the statements.

  1. They say I have a lot of energy. I’m always active.
  2. I enjoy meeting new people at parties.
  3. I like to draw, paint, play music or dance.
  4. I often lose things or don’t remember information.
  5. I get angry or upset with people easily.
  6. I want to become rich and famous.
  7. I would like to be the first in all competitions.
  8. I love to travel and have new experiences.
  9. My friends can always rely on me.
  10. I’m usually relaxed. I don’t worry about things.

Exercise 2. Choose three words that describe your personality. Tell your partner.

e. g. I think I’m creative as I am always ready to invent something new for my friends not to feel bored.

Use the following: in my opinion, to my mind, I believe, firstly, secondly, etc.

2. Working in groups.

Exercise 1. Look at the pictures. <Рисунок 1> Who are these people? Where are they? What are they doing?

What personal traits differ them from other people and help them to achieve success?

tennis players
marathon runners
a shop girl

e. g. Tennis players must be … .

Exercise 2. Think of two friends or family members. Write two personality traits that describe the people. Work with a partner. Take turns sharing information about the people you have chosen. Is your personality similar to or different from the people’s?

e. g. My cousin Tom is very forgetful…

3. Word-building. These adjectives are formed from different stems and have a number of related

words. Приложение 1.

  1. Depend – dependable, dependent, dependence, independence, independent.
  2. Compete – competitive, competition, competitor.
  3. Create – creative, creativity, creation, creator.
  4. Adventure – adventurous, adventurer.
  5. Ambition – ambitious.
  6. Energy – energetic.
  7. Forget – forgetful, unforgettable.

Now we can summarize the main rules of word-building in English:

suffix -tion is used to form nouns from verbs;
suffix -er (-or) forms nouns from verbs and means the doer of the action;
suffix –ive is used to form adjectives;
suffix –ous is used to form adjectives from nouns, etc.

Exercise 1. Make the correct choice.

  1. Clara is so energetic/energy – she keeps winning all the school competitions.
  2. My ambition/ambitious is to become a pilot.
  3. He came up with a really creation/creative solution to the problem.
  4. The most important quality for a friend is a sense of adventure/adventurous.
  5. He is an extrovert. Everybody knows he doesn’t miss the opportunity to sociable/socialize with public persons.
  6. Young people often depend/dependent on their parents financially.
  7. Laura is very compete/competitive. She takes part in so many sports.
  8. It is not possible/possibility to be on good terms with everybody.

4. Listening. Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answers. What adjectives are used in the conversation?

  1. The people are

    a. business owners;
    b. office workers;
    c. university students.
  2. The girl is going to

    a. teach a class;
    b. take a class;
    c. read some books.
  3. The girl is

    a. adventures;
    b. competitive;
    c. ambitious.
  4. The boy is

    a. sociable;
    b. easygoing;
    c. dependable.
  5. The boy is also

    a. adventurous;
    b. competitive;
    c. forgetful.

Tapescript of the conversation.

– It’s almost summer vacation time. I can’t wait to take a break from studying. How about you?
– Well, Iam not really going to take a break.
– You are not? What are you going to do?
– I am going to take a business class over the summer. And I am going to work part time at my uncle’s company to get some experience.
– More classes and work? Why not just relax and take it easy this summer?
– I guess I am not as easygoing as you are. I really want to be successful in the future.
– Oh, I am sure you’ll be rich and famous.
– How about you? Don’t you ever think about your future?
– Sure, I do. I think about all the great places I am going to travel to when I graduate. I am going to buy a backpack and travel around the world. When I’m done with all my adventures, then I’ll start thinking about getting a serious job.
– I think we are just opposites. I’m serious about my career.
– I’m serious about relaxing. This summer I’m going to take it easy.1

5. Doing a Personality Test. Are you a morning flower or a morning monster?

And to finish our lesson we’ll do the test which is aimed to analyse your behavior when you get up and prepare for the coming day.

  1. You hear the alarm-clock. What do you do?

    a. I get up.
    b. I wake up before the alarm-clock.
    c. I press “snooze” five times.
  2. You get up. What do you do first?

    a. I sit on the bed and think.
    b. I have a shower and then get dressed.
    c. I get dressed and then have a shower.
  3. You go to the bathroom. Somebody is there before you. What do you do?

    a. I go back to bed.
    b. I say “Good morning” and go to the kitchen to have a cup of coffee.
    c. I walk into the door.
  4. What do you have for breakfast?

    a. I have a healthy breakfast, for example, fruit and yogurt.
    b. I have tea or coffee first, then I have a big breakfast.
    c. No time for breakfast: I am always late for school.
  5. What do you do first, brush your teeth, get dressed or have breakfast?

    a. I get dressed.
    b. I have breakfast.
    c. I do all three together.
  6. You leave the house. What do you do next?

    a. I go to school.
    b. I go for a run.
    c. I run to the bus and then phone to say that I am late.
  7. You wake up. It is a holiday. What do you do?

    a. I sleep another hour.
    b. I get up, check my e-mail and go for a run.
    c. I get up at lunchtime.

Key. Count a, b, c answers.
More a answers – You are normal. Mornings are OK… if you don’t live with a morning flower or a morning monster.
More b answers – You are a morning flower. Morning is your favourite time. But don’t say “Good morning” to a morning monster. They hate you.
More c answers – You are a morning monster. Morning is not a good time for you. Don’t go near other people before ten o’clock.

So, let’s speak out and make a conclusion about yourself as a personality. You can do it in either serious or humourous form.

6. Ending of the lesson.

1. Текст для аудирования взят из “Active Listening 2” by Steven Brown, Dorolyn Smith, Cambridge University Press 2007.