"Я и мой мир". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 7

Цель: Обобщить материал по теме “Я и мой мир”.


  • учить работать с текстом “Какие специальные правила для празднования китайского нового года?”, систематизировать знания по подтеме “Праздники”, отрабатывать в письменной и устной речи употребление фразового глагола “to turn”, учить работать индивидуально, в парах и группах;
  • обсудить предпочтения детей и прослушать текст о путешествиях, на примере текста о знаках зодиака обсудить значимость биографии в жизни человека;
  • развивать критическое мышление на примерах: метод “карта памяти” для запоминания подтем урока, “5 вопосов” для систематизации праздников Великобритании, метод “Синквейна” для осознания значимости семьи и воспитания толерантных отношений, аналитическое мышление, умение анализировать, синтезировать и обобщать, развивать экзистенциональную компетентность (самооценку учащихся), развивать устойчивую мотивацию к учебной деятельности, воспитывать дружеские отношения в классе, уважениек мнению окружающих.

Оборудование: проектор, магнитофон, запись текста “Путешествие по побережью Австралии”, раздаточный материал для учащихся, презентация в формате Open Office 3.0, компьютер, наглядный материал для оформления доски.


  1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. “English 7” - М.: Просвещение, 2008.
  2. Веселова Ю.С. Сборник тренировочных и проверочных заданий. Английский язык. 7 класс (в формате ЕГЭ) — М.: Интеллект-Центр, 2010.
  3. Brian Abbs. Pre-Intermediate. Snapshort. - England: Longman, 2008.

Ход урока

1. Today we discuss and summarise all information about the theme “Me and my world”.

2. a) Look at the pictures and try to remide the subtitles of the theme (family, friends, hobbies and pastimes, traditions, likes and dislikes, biography);

b) I think you remember all the words that refer to these subtitles. Match them with the right subtitles.

- Travelling

- to look like somebody

- spend time together

- collecting ancient bowls

- to make a firm decision in ones life

- to smile cheerfully

- to watch cartoons

- to decorate a Christmas table with a beautiful tablecloth and candles

- a person getting on in years.

3. a) Our family is an important part of our life. Before reading the text about The Greens family match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

To turn around to make a mess
to turn over to be discovered
to turn up to appear
to turn off to change the position of your body in a different direction
to turn smth upside down to change the side

b) Read the first part of the text, underline the phrasal verbs and predict what will happen in the end of the story.

Suddenly Mr Green turned up in the kitchen, where his wife was cooking meat. “I smell it burning; Turn meat over, please” - he said. “But I have finished cooking and I turned of the cooker 15 minutes ago.” Mr Green thought a little, turned around and rushed to the living room. When he entered the room he saw that somebody had turned the room upside down.

c) Check your predictions and look at the screen.

Mr Green found his son under the table with two buckets of water. At the end it turned out that he was playing the game “A fireman”.

d) Answer the question how old the son of Mr Green was.

4. Look at the seasons and match them with holidays. You can advise your textbook.

Summer: The Trooping of the Colour, Swan Upping, Highland games

Spring: St David's Day, May Day

Autumn: The State Opening of Parliament, Guy Fawkes day

Winter: Up-Helly-Aa, Carol singing

b) Name British traditions that you have learnt and complete the table.

Who What Where When Why

c) Listen about another one festival in England that is discussed between two friends and tick if the statement is TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.

1. Eisteddfod is the best known festival in England.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. The festival is held twise a year.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. The festival has a great medival history.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. The festival takes place in the town.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5. The Chief Druid is the main character of the festival.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. The bard of the year is not awarded.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7. Only folk art is presented at the festival.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5. a) Star sign is a biographical fact. Do you believe that star sign can influence your life?

b) Read the text about Aries and Gemini and point the statement A-if it goes to Aries, G-if it goes to Gemini.

Aries (March 21- April 19)

Aries is the first sign. People bоrn under this sign are good leaders. Their planet is Mars. They are ambitious and hard-working and often archive a lot of in their lives. They are very honest and loyal friends but they want their friends to be loyal, too. They are sometimes in a bad mood.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

People born under Gemini are intelligent. They are often interested in philosophy and literature but they are outgoing, very liverly and active. They have a great sense of humour, love parties and a social life. They fall in love often and easily and can love more than one person at a time.

1 __ like talking to people

2 __ are good bosses and managers

3 __ like reading

4 __ work a lot

5 __ are great friends

6 __ are funny

7 __ have many boyfriends/girlfriends in their life

8 __ aren't always very nice

Key: 1G, 2A, 3G, 5A, 6G, 7G, 8A

6. Try to predict what your partner likes or dislikes looking at the table.

Name Weather Clothes Food Sports Films TV
Books School

7. There are different hobbies. Your task to choose the card and prove that this hobby is the best. The next pupil agrees or disagrees with you.

Use the phrases:

To start the speech: To agree:

I think (that)... Just so

The point is that I quite agree here

In my opinion Certainly.

I feel (that)... Exactly.

As I see it....

My view is that...

To contrast idea: To disagree:
Yes, but.... On the contrary!
On the other hand.... Certainly not
I'm afraid ...I don't agree Don't be silly!

I don't think you are right Just the other way round.

8. Make groups and plan your next holiday with friends.

9. Develop the ideas and write about your imaginary or real holiday.(hometask).

10. Look at the table. How do you rate your progress. Tick the chart.

I know how Badly Good Excellent
To use phrasal verb to turn      
To use active vocabulary      
To write about me and my friends      
To summarise texts      
To organise my work