Урок английского языка "The political system of Russia, the USA, the UK"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока:

  • Развитие навыков устной речи.
  • Развитие умения понимать схемы.
  • Осознание реалий родной культуры.

Тип урока: ролевая игра

Оснащение урока: "English10" В.П.Кузовлев, проектор, компьютер, доска, магнитофон

Форма урока: Телемост (встреча студентов из разных стран)

План урока:

1. Орг.момент

2. Проверка дом.зад.

3. Сообщение нов.темы

4. Закрепление

5. Дом.задание

6. Итог

Ход урока

1. Орг.момент


- Good day dear students. I'm glad to see you!


- How are you? How were you arriving to our country?


- The theme of our lesson is the political system. Today we'll speak about the policy.

First of all let's introduce with myself. My name is Aliya Shamilevna. I'am a teacher. Now let's introduce with you. These are students from Russia. Roman could you introduce with your friends.


- These are students from Great Britain. Oleg could you introduce with your friends.


- And these are students from the USA. Alice will you introduce to you friends.


- Thank you very much. And now let's begin our conversation.

2. Проверка дом.задания

- At the last of our meeting I have given you task. Try to tell us some words about your country. Are you ready? About your historical places, traditions, holidays and so on.


3. Сообщение новой темы

- First of all let's speak about "democracy".

What do you think "democracy" means?(Прослушивается мнение каждого ).


- What can you say about the political system of Great Britain?

This question for students from Gr.Britain.


- What can you say about the political system of the USA?


- What can you say about the political system of Russia?


(ученики задают вопросы друг другу. Ожидаемые вопросы для Великобритании)

- Who rules the country in fact? The Monarch or Parliament?


- What functions do the representatives of power perform?


- Do the people elect the Prime Minister directly?


- What is special about the political system of the Russian Federation?


- Now open your books on page 49, ex.1. What political institutions represent power in the Russian Federation? (understanding a scheme)


- Can you explain how the branches of power interact? Complete the scheme above.



1. a

2. b

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. a

7. b

8. a

- Who is the head of state in the Russian Federation?

- The president

- What institutions exercise the legislative, executive, judicial power responsible for?



- Listen to the information about political system of Russia to check your answer. (listening for detail)

What can you say about the political system of the R.F.


Ex.3, p.49

- What do you know about these buildings?


- What do each branch of power and each institution do?


Which institution exercises the power of the people in Britain?


(ожидаемые вопросы для группы из США)

- Do you think that the role of the head of state in the USA is ceremonial like in Great Britain?


- Which institutions represent the legislative and executive branches of power in the USA?


- Who is the head of the executive branch in the USA?


- Which officials in the USA are elected and which are appointed?


- Is the head of state elected directly by the people in the USA?


Can the people of the USA exercise their power through their representatives?


- What activities are the 2 branches of power involved in?


Which institution represents the judicial branch of government?


- Why do we say that the USA judicial branch is more powerful than in some other countries?


4. Закрепление

(работа с учебником)

We live in the Russian Federation which adopted its Constitution in 1993. What political system does the Russian Federation represent according to the Constitution?



1. The former senate in the Kremlin is building where the president works.

2. The building on Krasnopresnevskaya Embankment belongs to the Federal Government.

Работа с карточками.


5. Дом.задание

Try to answer to the question:

What must be a politician?

6. Итог:

Выставляю оценки наиболее активным студентам (ученикам), давшие наиболее точные ответы.