Тема урока: "Школа". 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Предварительная работа:

Обучение проектной технологии.

  • определение темы и целей по данной тематике (плакаты о школе);
  • распределение обязанностей между участниками (создание плакатов по 3 темам):

а) моя школа;
б) мои любимые учителя;
в) кроссворды, шутки, загадки и стихи о школе;

  • подбор необходимого материала о школе, фотографии, выполнение красочных рисунков к плакатам.


1. Активизация грамматических навыков и лексического материала по теме “Школа”.

2. Отработка монологической и диалогической речи.

3. Совершенствование техники чтения и письма.

4. Развитие у учащихся культуры общения навыков парной работы, работы в коллективе, творческих способностей.

5. Воспитание доброты, внимания к учителям, бережного отношения к школе.

Оснащение урока: УМК “New Millennium English-10” (авторы: О. Л. Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая и др.), ТСО - магнитофон с аудиозаписью, красочные плакаты, кроссворды, стихи, загадки учащихся о школе, об учителях.


I. Warming up.

Good morning boys and girls. How are you?

I'm glad to see you. Today we'll work with your school posters.

We'll revise everything we know about school.

II. Phonetic exercises.

1. Read and translate these proverbs:

a) Live and learn. (Век живи - век учись.)

b) It is never too late to learn. (Учиться никогда не поздно.)

c) Knowledge is power. (Знание - сила.)

d) Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. (Деньги, истраченные на мозг, никогда не бывают истрачены понапрасну.)

e) No pains - no gains. (Нет боли - нет успеха, то есть не потрудишься - ничего не добьешься.)

(Pupils read these proverbs and pronounce all the words correctly.)

2. Listen to the tape recorder and read the poem written by A. Linberg. You'll give the title.

Red apples Blue sky Yellow buses It's September

Falling leaves

Rainbow crayons

Many questions

It's September

Opening door
Opening books
Opening hearts
It's September.

Time of wonder
Time of growing
Timeless treasures
It's September
Welcome, children! (A. Lindberg)

III. Lexical trainings.

Answer the questions:

1. What is September?

2. Do you like this poem?

3. Give it a title.

4. Everyone in our country has the right to education. It is said in our Constitution, isn't it?

5. But it is not only a right, it is a duty, too. Do you agree with it?

6. Why is it necessary to have an education?

7. Do you like your class (classmates)?

IV. Presentation of school posters.

1) School poster. Crossword.

2) Complete the crossword.

School subjects.


1. The study of numbers, measurements and shapes (Mathematics)

2. Making food ready to eat. (Cooking)

3. Making beautiful things, like paintings and drawings. (Art)


1. Books, plays and poetry. (Literature)

2. The study of the earth and its countries, mountains, rivers, weather.(Geography)

3. The study of things that happened in the past. (History)

4. The sounds that you make by singing, or by playing instruments. (Music)

5. The study of the life of animals and plants. (Biology)

6. Foreign Language that you learn. (English)


- Do you like English? What is your favorite subject?

2. School poster

Riddles and poems about school.

PI: What word is always pronounced wrong? (Wrong)

P2: What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean? (A blackboard)

P3: What always keeps both hands in front of its face? (A clock)

P4: In my house there is a smaller house with windows and doors and only one person living in it knowledge. (A bookcase)

P5: What can fly without wings? (Time)

Time for School

When the summer's over,
It's time to come to school
I will sit right down
And listen to the rules.

I am happy being in my brand new class.
With my teacher and my friends,
It's time for school at last!


The bell is ringing
For school to begin;
The doors are open
And the children rush in. (By Allan Ahlberg)

My School Promise

Each day I'll do my best
And I won't do any less.
My work will always please me,

I'll color very carefully,
My writing will be neat.
And I will not be happy
always do my homework,

And I won't accept a mess.
And try my best on every test.
I won't forget my promise,
To Till my papers are complete.

I'll do my very best!

(All the riddles and the poems about school are written in one of school posters.)


1. When is it time to come to school?

2. What is your school promise?

3. Are you happy at school?

3. School poster “School jokes”.

“A joke is a very serious thing”. Winston Churchill.

The Best Time

A teacher was telling to his pupils about the different seasons of the year. He asked, “Children, who knows what is the best time to gather fruit?”

Little Jim answered, “When there is no dog in the garden”.

Learning History

Jack: I spent ten hours over my history book last night.

Mai: Ten hours!

Jack: Yes, I left it under my pillow when. I went to sleep last night. What is your own way of spending time over school - books?

The Longest Word

Dick: Which is the longest English word?

Harry: I don't know. Do you?

Dick: Yes, I do.

Harry: What is it?

Dick: Smiles.

Harry: That isn't very long. Only six letters.

Dick: Ah, but there's a mile between the first and the last letter.

And what about you? Do you know the longest English word?

4. School poster “Our favorite teachers”.

“The job of a teacher is to excite in the young a boundless sense of curiosity about life” John Garrett

The teachers of our school are professionals.

They are always ready to help if you have difficulties with lessons. Our teachers are different. And each of them are very especial. We have many favorite teachers. But most of all we like Pop-ova L. Yu., Sonina E. О and Smirnov K. A.

These teachers are very pleasant and nice to us. We like how they teach their lessons. (Pupils describe their favorite teachers separately.)

For example:

Popova L. Yu. is our class teacher. And also she is a teacher of Russian and Literature. She became our teacher when we studied at the fifth form. Lyubov' Yur'yevna has sense of humor. Everyone loves our teacher, because she is very clever and learned. It seems she knows every piece of literature and the biographies of all Russian writers, so her lessons are always interesting. We are happy that we have studied with such good teacher.


Your questions:

PI: Why do you like your teachers?

P2: Can you name the other favorite teachers?

P3: What are your favorite subjects at school? Why?

P4: Are you happy at school?

5. School poster. “My school”.

PI: Our school is in the centre of Tarko-Sale. It is very beautiful and large. It has four floors.

If you enter the school and go to the left you see a dining-room. There pupils have lunch .ON the other hand you will see a library.

There are a lot of interesting new and old books in it. Our school museum is also on the first floor. The teachers' room is on the second floor. It is a comfortable and cosy room and the teachers like to spend their free time in it. Our sport and concert halls are on the third floor.

Classrooms are on the second, third and fourth floors. There are also Computer, Literature, English, Mathematics, History, Social Science and other study rooms and laboratories of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Natural Science.

P2: Ail the classrooms in our school are spacious and light. In every classrooms there are bookcases for keeping books, study materials. There are also many flowers.

We help keep our school clean and tidy by washing walls and desks every term.

Our school is old and has some traditions which it has kept since the day of its foundation. The most interesting of them is. The School Leavers Reunion Day which is spent early in February. School-Leavers of different years come to our school and speak about their school years. Then the schoolchildren give a concert. It is usually a very interesting and useful event.

P3: Interesting facts.

The school is based in 1979. About one thousand pupils are taken a training. About ninety teachers work at school.

In a coin box of school there are five gold and seventy silver medals of graduates.

School teams are winners in different kinds of competitions, festivals. Since 2004, 18 pupils of our school have received grants of “Новатек”. We try to do our best to achieve success in everything.

Teacher. Thank you for your story. Please, your questions. (Pupils ask some questions.)

P4: 1 Where is school situated?

P5: 2 What kind of school is it?

P6: 3 What is there on the first floor?

P7: 4 Where do you have your English classes?

P8: 5 What is there on the second floor?

P9: 6 What traditions does your school have?

The conclusion of the lesson

Teacher. Did you like our lesson?

PI. I think it was great!

P2. In my opinion it was interesting!

Teacher. We have spoken about many interesting things about school. Today I hope that you've enjoyed our lesson. You all work hard! Thank you.


1) Write down composition about school.