Открытый урок по теме "Окружающая среда" с использованием ИКТ

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку


  • Практические:
    • формировать навык употребления грамматической конструкции if/when structures;
    • совершенствовать умение говорения  по теме “Environment”.
  • Развивающие:
    • развитие иноязычной, коммуникативной, социокультурной и учебно-познавательной компетенций;
    • развитие психических функций внимания, логического мышления, воображения;
    • развитие умения в общении: выразить свое эмоциональное отношение к проблеме;
    • развитие речевых способностей: оценить прочитанное и услышанное.
  • Воспитательные:
    • воспитание чувства ответственности и бережного отношения к окружающей среде;
    • воспитание чувства сопричастности к экологическим проблемам нашей планеты.


Время Деятельность учителя Деятельность учащихся Режим работы
3’ 1) Оргмомент. Создание ситуации успеха

Good morning, dear pupils. I am glad to see you!
Look through the window, please. The weather is so beautiful, isn’t it?

Can you imagine that one day you’ll wake up and see nothing but dirty streets, bare trees and frightened animals? What should we do to protect our planet?
Right you are and today we are going to discuss environmental problems and try to find the way out of the dangerous situation on our planet.



Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too!

Yes, that’s right. The sun is shining brightly, the trees are in blossom.
The birds are singing songs.
We should take care of our environment.



2’ 2) Учебный разговор
I  hope, you know the meaning of the word “environment”. Give me, the definition of the word, please.
What is ecology?

Environment-air, water and land in which people live.

Ecology is the natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment.




5’ 3) That’s correct, thank you. The problem of ecology is very important nowadays. Tell me, please, what environmental problems you know.

Look at the screen and let’s discuss these problems.

There are many environmental problems: polluting the air, water, destruction of the ozone layer, disappearing of animals, birds and plants.

<Слайд 1>

People leave litter everywhere.
They pull out flowers.
Animals are frightened, because people destroy their habitats.
People cut down trees, and we are lack of oxygen.
Factories are built and a lot of waste from them goes into the rivers and air.
The countryside is spoilt.



P1, P2…

5’ 4) We have mentioned a lot of problems that endanger our life. How can we help our planet to survive? Let’s complete the scheme all together; you can see what harmful things man does with the environment. Give advice to save the Earth. <Слайд 2>

We can stop polluting the air, people can build filters for factories, and we can stop testing nuclear weapons.
We must keep our towns, cities and countryside clean.



7’ 5) Thanks a lot. I want you to do a very interesting task. Let’s compose a poem about our fragile planet. In this poem we will ask people not to do harm to our environment. If we pollute the air we will die, if we cut the trees we will die… What grammar rule do we have in the sentences?

Now let’s compose poems. We will write Rondelle, it consists of 8 lines. The 2, 4,7th lines are repeated, the 5-6th lines introduce a new thought, the8th is emotionally colored. Look at the example.

If/when structures

<Слайд 3>

Вспоминают правило

<Слайд 4>

Сочиняют и читают свои стихи.




4’ 6) Our planet is very beautiful, many poets and writers described and depicted it. Do you know any of them?
You can see two pictures at the screen; do you know the title of the 1st one?

What century does this picture belong to?
Look at the 2nd picture. What century do you think it is and why?

The 2nd picture proves that the environment has greatly changed since the 19th century, what changes can you mention?

Называют великих художников и поэтов, которые восхищались природой.

<Слайд 5>

It’s “Morning in the pine forest” depicted by I.I.Shishkin.

To the 19th century.

<Слайд 6>

It’s our time, the 21st century. The litter is left everywhere and the countryside is spoilt.
In the 19th century nature was pure and no one destroyed it, but today we face a lot of environmental problems: people cut down forests and kill the animals. Our planet is in great danger.








8’ 7) We must protect our planet. Do you know any organizations that take care of the natural world? Look at the screen, there are some of them.

Now divide into 2 groups and read the text about famous organizations. The 1st group should find the information about international organization, and the2nd group about Russian and British organizations. Answer the following questions:
When the organization was set up?
What are the main purposes of the organization?

<Слайд 7>

Работают в группах, ищут информацию по заданным вопросам.
Обсуждение результатов поиска.

(Приложение 1)


P1, P2

5’ 8) Рефлексия

Thank you. Nowadays many people try to protect nature, and I hope this lesson gave you food for thought. Let’s make a conclusion. Look at the screen and finish the sentences, express your opinion towards the lesson and the problem we’ve discussed.

<Рисунок 8>

This lesson made me think about very important problems, we are part of nature and we should not forget about it.

1’ 9) Домашнее задание

Thank you for your work. It was great. At home I would like you to become the designers and draw the emblem of your organization. Speak about the purposes of your movement. You may do your work in pairs. 
The lesson is over. Thanks a lot. Bye.



Good bye.