Сценарий заключительного урока в 4-х классах

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ход праздника

Программу урока ведут двое: мальчик и девочка.

Ведущие обращаются к присутствующим в зале с такими словами: «Dear boys and girls! We are beginning our last English lesson for this year. We are pupils from the fourth form. We can play English games, too».

1. Под звуки мелодии песенки «The ABC» все буквы выходят из зала на сцену.

По команде «Standin line!» буквы выстраиваются в алфавитном порядке, называя себя по очереди: «I amthe letter A» и т.д.

2. На сцене несколько мальчиков и девочек. Одна из девочек, обращаясь к зрителям, представляет членов своей семьи.

Here is my father,
Here is my mother,
Here is my sister,
Here is my brother,

My father is a worker,
My mother is a teacher,
My sister is a farmer,
My brother is a turner.

Good-bye, father,
Good-bye, mother
Good-bye, sister
Good-bye, brother
Good-bye, everyone.

3. Группа учащихся исполняет песню «My Dear Mummy».

My dear, dear Mummy
I love you very much.
I want you to be happy
On the Eighth of March.
Be happy, be happy
On the Eighth of March!
Be happy, be happy
On the eighth of March!

4. На сцену выходит мальчик с игрушечной собачкой.

Мальчик: «I have a dog. His name is Zhulya. He is small and nice. He has a black nose and big brown eyes. My dog lives in my room. He is my friend. The likes to play with me. My friends like Zhulya, too. Do you like my dog?

5. Мальчик декламирует стихотворение «Jack».

I have a dog
His name is Jack.
His coatis white
With spots of black.
I take him out
Most every day
Such fun we have
We run and play.

6. Девочка с игрушечной кошкой в руках.

Девочка рассказывает: This is my cat Murka. She is a very good cat. I go out into the yard and play with Murka. My cat likes to sit on the sofa and to look at me. Murka lives in our flat. She likes milk very much. Which of you has a cat?

Учащиеся, сидящие взале, по очереди отвечают: «I have a cat», «My friend has a cat», «My grand mother has a cat».

7. На доске большой рисунок, накотором изображены котята. двое четвероклассников инсценируют стихотворение.

«Where are you going
My little kittens?»
«We are doing to town
To get some mittens».
«What? Mittens for kittens!
Do kittens wear mittens?
Who ever saw little kittens with mittens?»

8. У девочки в руках кукла.

Девочка рассказывает: This is my doll. Her name is Nadyusha. Her hair is fair and long. Her face is round and her lips are red. She has a skirt and a blouse on. Her shoes are red. I like my doll, and what about you?

9. На сцене четверо учеников.

В руках у одного из них сделанный из картона циферблат часов со стрелками.

По очереди они декламируют стихотворение: «Our Day», переводя соответственно стрелки часов.

Breakfast in the morning,
Dinner in the day;
Tea comes after dinner,
Then comes time to play.
Supper in the evening.
When the sky is red,
Then the day is over
And we go to bed.

10. Группа учащихся исполняет песню «Do Everything Together».

Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feettogether.

11. Два мальчика инсценируют стихотворение «WhyDo You Cry, Willie?»

Why do you cry, Willie?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willie? Why, Willie?
Why, Willie? Why?
Whenever we meet you,
There is a tear in your eye.
Why, Willie? Why, Willie?
Willie: I have no ball.
Nick: Take this one please, and don`t cry.

12. На доске большая картинка, а которой изображена улица.

Встретились два мальчика. Они ведут такой диалог:

Sasha: Hello, Vanya! Were are you doing?

Vanya: Hello! I am going to see my grandmother. I have a cake and flowers for her.

Sasha: Aren`t you late?

Vanya: Whate time is it?

Sasha: It`s a quarter to six.

Vanya: Oh, is it? I must go. Good- buy!

Sasha: Good- buy!

13. Две девочки инсценируют в масках кошки и мышки стихотворение «The Catand the Mouse».

«Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is you house?»
Little cat, little cat,
I have no flat.
I am a poor mouse
I have no house.
«Little mouse, little mouse,
Come to my house».
«Little cat, little cat,
I cannot do that,
You want to eat me.

14. На сцену выходят четверо учащихся.

Каждый из них рассказывает об одном из времен года. Например: «I am summer. June, July, August are my months» и т.д.

15. Ведущий объявляет ситуацию: «Vovais sleeping. Dad is coming into his room».

Двое учащихся ведут такой диалог:

Dad: Get up, Vova. It`s late!

Vova: All right, Dad. What time is it?

Dad: It`s half past eight.

Vova: But today is Sunday and I want to sleep. I don`t want to get up.

Dad: Oh, there are cakes, apples and sweets on the table.

Vova: All right, Dad I am getting up.

16. Инсценируется сказка «A Turnip».

Ведущий: Grandfather does into the garden and sees a big yellow turnip.

Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip. I can see in your garden! I want to pull it up. One, two, three. One, two, three. No result. Granny, hey, Granny, come and help me please.

Grandfather: What do you want? Why are you calling me?

Grandfather: Look! What a big turnip we have in our garden! Help me to pull it up, please! One, two three. One, two, three. No result. Dog help us.

Dog: Bow-bow! What a nice big turnip! I`ll help you. One, two, three. No result.

Cat: Miau! What`s the matter, my dear friends? Oh, what do I see! Sush a big turnip! I`ll help you. Let us pull it up. One, two, three. One, two, three. No result. Mouse, mouse, come here and help us.

Mouse: What`s the matter, my dear friends? Such a big turnip? I`ll help you. Let us pull in up. One, two, three. One, two, three. Oh, such a big, nice turnip!

Turnip: Here I am. Thank you!