Литературно-музыкальная композиция "С чего начинается Родина?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

P1: You know we often speak and hear about our Motherland. English word “Motherland” has two meanings. First, it is the place where you were born in. Then it means the house or district in which one was born.

Затем ученик рассказывает стихотворение:

My native land and people living here
We help each other feeling hearts with pride
Your helping hand we’d like to feel and hear
The streams of hope running deep and wide.
My land, my nearest Motherland
I’d like to tell you «I love you»,
Your fields of crops, your sunny meadows
Your all year round flowers too!

P2: Love of Motherland comes to people in different ways. For some people their Motherland begins in a city. For others it is their own village or a house in which they have grown up. Usually this place is “the best place in the world”. As the English people say, “East or West, home is best” or “There’s no place like home.

P3: You think about this little place as your Motherland and only later you will see the whole country behind the word Motherland. Love of your Motherland does not come to you of its own accord. You can only love what you know well. And we know a lot about the history, traditions and the way of life of our country. We have some knowledge of our great ancient culture. As you know, it is rich in beautiful songs, music, arts and monuments of the past. And how beautiful the Russian language is! They say it is one of the most melodical languages in the whole world.

Сценка. Звучит романс «Я помню чудное мгновение». Ученик читает стих на английском языке. Рядом сидит «барышня» в одежде той эпохи.

A magic moment I remember:
I raised my eyes and you were there,
A fleeting vision, the quintessence
Of all that's beautiful and rare.
I pray to mute despair and anguish,
To vain the pursuits world esteems,
Long did I hear your soothing accents,
Long did your features haunt my dreams.
Time passed. A rebel storm-blast scattered
The reveries that once were mine
And I forgot your soothing accents,
Your features gracefully divine.
In dark days of enforced retirement
I gazed upon grey sky above
With no ideals to inspire me,
No one to cry for, live for, love.
Then came a moment of renaissance,
I looked up – you again were there –
A fleeting vision, the quintessence
Of all that's beautiful and rare.
My heart is feeling celebration,
I did remember it again –
The aim to strive, the inspiration,
And love, and life, and sweet heart pain.

P1: I think everybody has known A.Pushkin’s poems.

P2: Of course, we have.   It would be a platitude to say that A. S. Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet. But I hope noone is challenging the view that he occupies an outstanding place in Russian literature and culture.

Далее идет рассказ о Пушкине.

Every summer in June, thousands of people visit the Pskov land. They come here to the village of Mikhailovskoye to the wonderful festival of poetry, to see the places where A. S. Pushkin lived and worked. Pushkin is always alive for us, he is the man we all know and love, the greatest of poets. Generations come and go, but Pushkin still remains. We are all greatful to Pushkin for each line of his works. Pushkin is not only a great poet for us. He is the perfect man combining brilliant talent with civil courage and moral integrity. Whatever Pushkin's work we see portrayal of Russian life, the Russian intellect, the Russian soul, the life of the Russian land in all epochs, the Russian people. His name is associated with our love for the Motherland, and the best in our life.

P3: But the most important thing is when our love for the Motherland comes together with a great respect for the history of Russia and its people.

Сценка. Звучит вальс. На школьном выпускном танцуют три пары. Внезапно начинает звучать песня «Священная война». «Закадром» раздаетсяголос:

Citizens of the Soviet Union! Today, at four o’clock in the morning, without presenting any claims, without declaring war, the German troops launched an aggression against our country, attacked our borders and bombed our cities. All responsibility for this predatory attack on the Soviet Union falls utterly and completely on German fascist rulers.

Ребята уходят на фронт, девушки их провожают.

P1: То remember this war we have to know everything about its main events. And we have this knowledge. Today we have invited representatives of mass media from different countries who are eager to know the truth about this war.

Сценка. Пресс конференция. За столом сидят три человека. Журналисты задают им вопросы.

1: Let’s begin our conference! And now you are welcome to go ahead with your questions.

J1: Alex Flint 'The New-York Times". I've read in some book, it was Russia that attacked Germany and began the war. I wonder who attacked who. Thank you.

2: Where could you have read such nonsense? Of course it was Germany that attacked the Soviet Union at the dawn of June 22, 1941.

J2: Jane Price 'The Guardian". I've heard that there were a number of great battles during the Great Patriotic War. Can you name some of them? Thank you

3:  There were severe fightings in the course of the Great Patriotic War. Some major battles took place near Moscow (December, 1941), in Stalingrad (July, 1942 – February, 1943), at the Arc of Kursk (July-August, 1943), and for Berlin (April-May, 1945).The battle for Moscow was the most severe and heroic.

J3: James Perkins "ВВС". According to the "Barbarossa Fall" plan of Hitler the war against the Soviet Union was to be over in two or three months. The nazi troops were to reach the line Arkhangelsk-Volga-Astrakhan. Fifty percent of the Soviet people were to be exterminated and the rest enslaved. Hitler also ordered to inundate Moscow and its suburbs. His plan of capturing Moscow was called "Typhoon". There were of course some heroic deeds performed by the Russian soldiers and officers. Why didn't Hitler manage to fulfill his plan? Thank you.

1:  By the end of November, 1941 the nazi troops had almost reached Moscow. The Soviet Army and all the people offered a strong resistance, fighting to the last drop of blood. On December 5, 1941 the Soviet troops, commanded by Generals Gueorgui Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovski and the others, launched a counter-offensive and in April, 1942 threw the enemy 150-200 kilometres away from Moscow. So, the battle for Moscow dissipated the myth about the invincibility of nazi Germany.

P2: The Great Patriotic War was an unprecedented tragedy for our entire people, sweeping its fiery way across our country and leaving scars in our families and hearts that have still not healed to this day. But the war did not break our people’s spirit and it gave birth to numerous examples of mass heroism. Even as they faced all manner of torment and hardship, even as they saw their comrades fall, our soldiers nonetheless retained their faith in Victory.

P3: Millions of people defended the independence and dignity of their country on the fronts and in the rear, under occupation and in underground resistance, and they proved that a people fighting for its freedom and its very right to live is invincible.  We are deeply grateful to the generation of people whose difficult fate it was to face this war.

P1: We express our gratitude to all who fought for and deserved this Victory. We cherish the eternal memory of all who gave their lives, all who fought to bring us peace. Russia will always remember this great Victory and the great deeds of our fathers and grandfathers. Like them, we will selflessly defend the interests of our Motherland. We will work together to build a prosperous and peaceful future for Russia.

P2: Without doubt Russia is the most wonderful country in the world. But it has always been a country of mystery and attraction for foreigners. Winston Churchill once said that Russia “is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”.

P3: We, people living in Russia, love our country and are proud of it, and we would like other nations to understand and love our homeland.

P1: Did you know that

…Moscow, the capital of Russia was named after the River Moskva on which it stands?

P2: Did you know that

…the State Museum of Revolution in Moscow used to be the famous English Club which rich people visited?

P3: Did you know that

…the Bolshoi Theatre is the oldest theatre in Moscow? It was founded on 28 March, 1776. But the theatre got its beautiful building so familiar to any Muscovite only in 1915.

P1: Did you know that

…St Isaak’s Cathedral in St Peterburg is decorated with 112 granite columns? About half a million people from different parts of Russia took part in its building.

P2: Did you know that

…there are 93 rivers and streams, 20 canals, and more than 100 lakes in St Peterburg?

P3: Did you know that

…It was the Russians who invented the method of preserving fish, meat and poultry which was completely unknown in Europe – freezing.

Затем ученик рассказывает стихотворение:

My native land, my dearest Motherland!
Wherever I’d be, whatever I’d do
Your spirit of love, your all best traditions
I’ll keep in my heart and carry them through.

Далее исполняется русский танец.

P1: Our country is really great, and I'm very proud of it. Russia is famous for its outstanding people scientists, writers, poets and explorers. Russia has for centuries encouraged research and innovation and it has a lot of achievements throughout the twentieth century.

P2: Forages mankind was dreaming of travelling in space. The science itself came later. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the great Russian scientist, is the father of the theory of interplanetary travels. His words that "mankind will not remain on the Earth forever" came true. On 4 October 1957 the Soviet Union launched the world's first satellite "Sputnik".

P3: The first cosmonaut on the Earth to fly into space, Yuri Gagarin, was from Russia, and he made his flight around the Earth on 12 April 1961 that lasted 1 hour 48 minutes.

Далее идет рассказ Ю.Гагарине.  (Yuri Gagarin – a Modern Columbus).

April 12, 1961 will never be forgotten. On that day Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was launched into space. He circled the globe in the spaceship "Vostok" for 108 minutes. Gagarin was taking an enormous risk, because at that time nobody knew how a human being would stand up to space flight. Yuri Gagarin's flight opened the door into the Universe Those 108 minutes were a turning-point in history. The dreams of generations, the ideas of science-fiction writers and thinkers were brilliantly realized by our contemporaries. Yuri Gagarin's name has become a legend, a symbol of heroism in the name of science and progress.   Yuri Gagarin visited 30 countries. Everywhere he was given a fantastic welcome as the dearest person. He was the same modest man with workers or generals, with employees or with kings and prime ministers.   His life was simple like thousands of others: schoolboy, vocational school student, fighter pilot, husband, father of two children. He was a part of our whole life. But the words "Gagarin character" have become a symbol of will-power, fearlessness, purity.

P1: Russia is also famous for its ancient towns, churches, cathedrals, museums and galleries. Let’s admire picturesque images of mansion-houses and palatial estates which are situated in the outskirts of Moscow.

Далее идет рассказ о некоторых достопримечательностях.

1: The first place worth visiting is the Kuskovo Palace Museum, situated in the south of Moscow. It was built in the 18th century as a summer residence by Prince Pyotr Sheremetyev. The palace is the centre of the estate, standing on the banks of the lake. It has been a museum since 1918. Its interior decorations, fine parquet floors, silk wall coverings have been recently restored. The museum  contains  paintings  by  Russian, French,  Italian   and Flemish artists, Chinese porcelain, furniture and  articles of everyday life from the  18th and   19th centuries.

2: Kolomenskoye was once the favourite summer residence of the Grand Dukes of Moscow and later of the Tsars. It stands on the Moskva River. The most striking part of the large complex is the beautiful Church of the Ascension of Christ (1532), built in the old Russian "tent" style. There is a partly rebuilt 16th-century iconostasis. The bell tower dates from the beginning of the same century. You can also admire the 16th-century Dyachkovskaya Church.

3: Arkhangelskoye Estate Museum is in the village of Arkhangelskoye, 26 km from Moscow. The estate was the former palace of Prince Yusupov. It is a striking 18th and 19th-century group of buildings. Their architecture artfully blends into the landscape. The main complex contains paintings by Boucher, Hubert Robert, Tiepolo, Van Dyck and many others. You can also see the antique statues, furni­ture, mirrors, chandeliers, glassware and china. There is the French Park on the estate. The avenues are lined with many statues and monuments to commemorate royal visits; there is also a monument to Pushkin, whose favourite retreat was Arkhangelskoye.

P2: If you love the culture of your Motherland and can see the beauty of the Russian landscape, you certainly love your country.  And if you enjoy the beauty of its architecture you know what your Motherland begins with.

P3: There is a very beautiful song “Where Does Your Homeland Begin for You?” This song was translated into English and other languages. Let’s listen to the melody and try to sing the song!

Далее исполняется песня «С чего начинается Родина» на двух языках.

(Для присутствующих на экране демонстрируются слова песни для пения в режиме КАРАОКЕ).

Say where does your Homeland begin for you?
With pictures on ABC cards.
With old and reliable friends of yours,
Who live in the neighbouring yards.
But maybe it starts with the cradlesong
Your mother once hummed low and sweet,
The memories which no one can take from you
Whatever ordeals you may meet.

С чего начинается Pодина?
С картинки в твоём букваре.
С хороших и верных товарищей,
Живущих в соседнем дворе.
А может, она начинается
С той песни, что пела нам мать,
С того, что в любых испытаниях
У нас никому не отнять.